At the moment, it makes Brick Hill's dark mode better and actually dark... There are different dark tones you can choose from in Stylus' settings.
Previews/thumbnail coming soon.
Todo/planned updates:
LicenseNo License
Size6.2 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
Failed to fetch stats.
At the moment, it makes Brick Hill's dark mode better and actually dark... There are different dark tones you can choose from in Stylus' settings.
Previews/thumbnail coming soon.
Todo/planned updates:
Stylus addon/extension is required, click "Get Stylus" next to install theme. Uninstall "Stylish" if you have that addon.
Settings are on the Stylus addon, click on it, then click on the cog wheel next to the theme.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Brick Hill: Optimum
@version 1.0.0
@preprocessor stylus
@namespace Kaiokeno
@var select DMTone "Dark Mode Tone:" ["15%", "35%*", "50%", "Amoled"]
==/UserStyle== */
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