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FPL Dark Mode 🌚 #FPLDARKMODE by nathanza

Screenshot of FPL Dark Mode 🌚 #FPLDARKMODE



LicenseNo License

CategoryFPL, PL, Fantasy PL, Fantasy Premier League, Dark, Darkmode, Dark Mode, FPL Dark Mode, Dark mode for FPL



Size30 kB


Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.

Failed to fetch stats.



If there are visual bugs, come tell me (Nathanza) on the Telegram group @FootballFPL (

You may need to reinstall.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           FPL Dark Mode 23/24 #FPLDARKMODE
@version        1.2.41
@description    FPL Dark Mode 23/24 - Fantasy Premier League #FPLDARKMODE
@author (@Nathanza)
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {    
    /* CHANGELOG 1.2.4 JULY 2023✍️

    /* πŸ’¬ Found an issue? Join our Telegram group: and @Nathanza */
    /* πŸ“Œ Userstyle now works in mobile, if you're sideloading Stylus extension with Fennec F-Droid */

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        /*Gameweek title above deadline*/
    /*You can make unlimited transfers before blabla...*/
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     /* Report offensive name button (No snitches) - Leagues */
    /* Text colour - Leagues */
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    /* Transfers - Select a maximum of 3 blabla text... */
    /* Transfers - Selected player - Right sidebar */
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background-clip: text;-webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;margin-bottom:1rem; -webkit-background-clip: text;}
    /* Player Summary FEB2023 */
    [class^="ElementMatchGroup__MatchListTitle-"], [class*=" ElementMatchGroup__MatchListTitle-"]
                /* Player Summary FEB2023 TABLE HISTORY*/
    [class^="Table-"], [class*=" Table-"]
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            /* Player Summary FEB2023 */
    [class^="ElementMatchGroup__MatchBox-"], [class*=" ElementMatchGroup__MatchBox-"]
    {color:#d1d1d1;background:transparent;border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.1)}
                /* Player Summary FEB2023 */
    [class^="ElementMatchGroup__MatchEvent-"], [class*=" ElementMatchGroup__MatchEvent-"]
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    .dGhSYK{color: rgb(255,23,81)}
    .dGhSYK::before{content: "BLANK ";}
                    /* Player Summary FEB2023 */
    [class^="ElementMatchGroup__BadgeBlank-"], [class*=" ElementMatchGroup__BadgeBlank-"]
    {filter: brightness(0.3)}

    /* Player overlay - Vertical dividers */
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  border-left: 1px solid rgba(255, 255, 255, .1);}
    /* Player overlay - Previous season stats */
    /* Player overlay - 25% warning NOTICE */
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    /* Player overlay - 75% warning NOTICE */
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    /* Player overlay - 50% warning NOTICE */
    .ioZbdk{background: #1d1d1d;width: fit-content;padding: 1rem;margin: 0rem;        borde...


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