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Dark Ficwad by hooshu

Screenshot of Dark Ficwad







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A better ficwad theme with dark mode and some other improvements.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Dark Ficwad
@version      20220707.01.43
@description  A better ficwad theme with dark mode and some other improvements.
@author       hooshu
@license      MIT
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
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    --sky-500: #0ea5e9;
    --sky-600: #0284c7;
    --rose-500: #f43f5e;

* {
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body {
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#header {
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    padding: 6px;

#header .pure-menu,
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.pure-form select {
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/*     margin-bottom: 6px; */
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.pure-menu li>.pure-menu-children {
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p, #storytext {
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#header .pure-menu li:hover,
#header .pure-menu a:hover,
#header .pure-menu a:focus,
.pure-menu-active > .pure-menu-link,
.pure-menu-item:hover {
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#header #sitename {
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.pure-menu-link {
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a, form.action_link button {
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#success {
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ul.pure-menu-list li.pure-menu-item {
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#category li.pure-menu-item:nth-child(1) span:after,
#category li.pure-menu-item:nth-child(1) a:after{
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#category li.pure-menu-item:last-child span:before,
#category li.pure-menu-item:last-child a:before {
    content: "Next " !important;

.score1, .score2, .score3, .score4, .score5 {
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.storylist>div:hover {
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.storylist>div:hover * {
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.meta {
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.score .score_adjective,
.storylist .score5 blockquote,
.storylist .score5 .score_adjective {
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    border-color: var(--slate-500);

.score .score_adjective {
    border-top: 1px solid black !important;

.story-warnings a {
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.story-warnings {
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.story-characters {
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.meta span {
    color: var(--rose-500);

.cattext {
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.reviewslist > li {
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.review h4 {
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input[name="title"] {
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    background: var(--slate-800);
    box-shadow: none !important;
    border-color: var(--slate-600) !important;
    margin-bottom: 10px;


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