A customisable style to select what to show and what to leave out in the new Facebook menu.
Facebook: choose your menu by nclm
Imported and mirrored from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/uso-archive/data/flomaster/data/usercss/188625.user.css
LicenseNo License
Size3.5 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
Failed to fetch stats.
Only keep what you need in Facebook’s left menu! Select “Customize Settings” and choose what you want to display or to hide :)
The style currently works as a white list, so if Facebook add new items, they will be hidden.
To do:
- Black list rather than white list
- Hide elements from the top navigation (customisable as well)
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Facebook: choose your menu
@namespace USO Archive
@author nclm
@description `A customisable style to select what to show and what to leave out in the new Facebook menu.`
@version 20200829.23.7
@preprocessor uso
@advanced dropdown friends "Friends" {
friends1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="friends"]) EOT;
friends0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown events "Events" {
events1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="events"]) EOT;
events0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown messages "Messenger" {
messages1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="messages"]) EOT;
messages0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown groups "Groups" {
groups1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="groups"]) EOT;
groups0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown crisis "Crisis Response" {
crisis1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="crisisresponse"]) EOT;
crisis0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown lists "Friend lists" {
lists1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="lists"]) EOT;
lists0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown fundraisers "Fundraisers" {
fundraisers1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="fundraisers"]) EOT;
fundraisers0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown games "Games and Gaming videos" {
games1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="games"]):not([href*="gaming"]) EOT;
games0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown jobs "Jobs" {
jobs1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="jobs"]) EOT;
jobs0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown watch "Videos and Live videos" {
watch1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="watch/live"]):not([href*="watch"]) EOT;
watch0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown marketplace "Marketplace" {
marketplace1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="marketplace"]) EOT;
marketplace0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown memories "Memories" {
memories1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="memories"]) EOT;
memories0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown recent "Most recent" {
recent1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="h_chr"]) EOT;
recent0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown oculus "Oculus" {
oculus1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="270208243080697"]) EOT;
oculus0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown offers "Offers" {
offers1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="offers"]) EOT;
offers0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown pages "Pages" {
pages1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="pages"]) EOT;
pages0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown ads "Recent ad activity" {
ads1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="ads"]) EOT;
ads0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown saved "Saved" {
saved1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="saved"]) EOT;
saved0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown weather "Weather" {
weather1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="weather"]) EOT;
weather0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced dropdown coronavirus "COVID-19 Information Centre" {
coronavirus1 "Show*" <<<EOT :not([href*="coronavirus"]) EOT;
coronavirus0 "Hide" <<<EOT EOT;
==/UserStyle== */
/* Updates and settings: https://userstyles.org/styles/188625 */
@-moz-document domain('facebook.com') {
#ssrb_left_rail_start + div a/*[[friends]]*//*[[events]]*//*[[messages]]*//*[[groups]]*//*[[crisis]]*//*[[lists]]*//*[[fundraisers]]*//*[[games]]*//*[[jobs]]*//*[[watch]]*//*[[marketplace]]*//*[[memories]]*//*[[recent]]*//*[[oculus]]*//*[[offers]]*//*[[pages]]*//*[[ads]]*//*[[saved]]*//*[[weather]]*//*[[coronavirus]]*/
display: none;