Two colors and a background image.
→ Good performance.
Choose a default theme (Nyan Cat,Genshin[Zhongli,Keqing,Eula..],Xenoblade,ROG)
Or create your own!
Size8.9 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
Failed to fetch stats.
Two colors and a background image.
→ Good performance.
Choose a default theme (Nyan Cat,Genshin[Zhongli,Keqing,Eula..],Xenoblade,ROG)
Or create your own!
(😉 Check my other youtube music theme!)
✅The new simple Youtube theme.
Two color options and a background image.
✨Now with default themes and better code using directly the variables of the youtube page and the LESS preprocessor.
👨🏫You just have to choose whether you want one of the default themes (Nyan Cat, Genshin Characters, Keqing, Eula, Xenoblade Chronicles 3) or create your own by choosing two colors and a background image.
⚠️Particular instructions⚠️:
DO NOT forget to put single quotes around your URL if you use a custom image.
⚠️ The blur option is functionnal but VERY laggy, i do not recommend using it.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Customisable Youtube Theme V3
@version 3.3
@description A simple customizable YouTube style
@author Mixcraftio
@license CC0-1.0
@preprocessor less
@var select separator0 "----Global----" {" ":""}
@var checkbox coloriseYT "Personalised color for YT logo" 0
@var checkbox useFrosted "YT's 'Frosted' UI overhaul" 1
@var checkbox useBlur "Use Blurry Background (laggy)" 0
@var number blur "Blur amount (background)" [5, 0, 50, 1, 'px']
@var number pbo "Miniplayer progress bar opacity" [0.5, 0, 1, 0.05]
@var select separator1 "" {" ":""}
@var select separator2 "----Themes----" {" ":""}
@var checkbox useDefaultThemes "Use default themes" 1
@var select theme "Default Theme" ["nyan:Nyan Cat", "oled:Oled Gif (animated)", "genshin:Genshin Characters", "genshin2:Genshin Characters 2", "genshin3:Genshin Characters 3", "zhongli:Zhongli", "keqing:Keqing", "eula:Eula", "xenoblade:Xenoblade Chronicles Series (animated)", "xenoblade3:Xenoblade Chronicles 3", "xenobladegirls:Xenoblade Chronicles Girls", "rogtranslucid:ROG Translucid", "mixcraftio:Mixcraftio"]
@var select separator3 "----Custom----" {" ":""}
@var checkbox useDefaultBackgrounds "Use default backgrounds" 0
@var text bgImage "Background Image URL" "''"
@var color color-dark "Dark color" #212121
@var color color-light "Bright color" #303030
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
/*Stylus variables*/
--blur: @blur;
& when (@useDefaultThemes = 1) or (@useDefaultBackgrounds = 1){
& when (@theme = nyan){
--color-dark: #001132;
--color-light: #0A1B3C;
--bg-url: url("");
& when (@theme = oled){
--color-dark: #000;
--color-light: #0c0c0c;
--bg-url: url("");
& when (@theme = genshin){
--color-dark: #1e598c;
--color-light: #2a7abf;
--bg-url: url("");
& when (@theme = genshin2){
--color-dark: #f6dacc75;
--color-light: #1b72a675;
--bg-url: url("");
& when (@theme = genshin3){
--color-dark: #30426a75;
--color-light: #ab8e8f80;
--bg-url: url("");
& when (@theme = zhongli){
--color-dark: #8c5715;
--color-light: #b26e1a;
--bg-url: url("");
& when (@theme = keqing){
--color-dark: #0c0c18; //OLD: #7e7dcb
--color-light: #323264; //OLD: #b6abe3
--bg-url: url("");
& when (@theme = eula){
--color-dark: #0b0b18;
--color-light: #2e2e64;
--bg-url: url("");
& when (@theme = xenoblade){
--color-dark: #062c6175;
--color-light: #a3a3a375;
--bg-url: url("");
& when (@theme = xenoblade3){
--color-dark: #134469;
--color-light: #195c8f; //OLD: #7a7a7a
--bg-url: url("");
& when (@theme = xenobladegirls){
--color-dark: #0000;
--color-light: #0005;
--bg-url: url("");
& when (@theme = rogtranslucid){
--color-dark: #0005;
--color-light: #000c;
--bg-url: url("");
& when (@theme = mixcraftio){
--color-dark: #31471d;
--color-light: #4f732e;
--bg-url: url("");
& when (@useDefaultThemes = 0){
--color-dark: @color-dark;
--color-light: @color-light;
& when (@useDefaultBackgrounds = 0){
--bg-url: url(@bgImage);
& when (@coloriseYT = 1){
[d="M27.9727 3.12324C27.6435 1.89323 26.6768 0.926623 25.4468 0.597366C23.2197 2.24288e-07 14.285 0 14.285 0C14.285 0 5.35042 2.24288e-07 3.12323 0.597366C1.89323 0.926623 0.926623 1.89323 0.597366 3.12324C2.24288e-07 5.35042 0 10 0 10C0 10 2.24288e-07 14.6496 0.597366 16.8768C0.926623 18.1068 1.89323 19.0734 3.12323 19.4026C5.35042 20 14.285 20 14.285 20C14.285 20 23.2197 20 25.4468 19.4026C26.6768 19.0734 27.6435 18.1068 27.9727 16.8768C28.5701 14.6496 28.5701 10 28.5701 10C28.5701 10 28.5677 5.35042 27.9727 3.12324Z"]{
fill: var(--color-light);
&, &[dark], &[darker-dark-theme], &[darker-dark-theme][dark], [dark]{
/*Youtube vars:*/
--ytd-searchbox-background: var(--color-light) !important;
--ytd-searchbox-legacy-border-color: var(--yt-spec-10-percent-layer);
--ytd-searchbox-legacy-button-border-color: var(--yt-spec-10-percent-layer);
--ytd-searchbox-legacy-button-hover-border-color: var(--yt-spec-10-percent-layer);
--yt-spec-brand-background-solid: var(--color-dark) !important;
--yt-spec-brand-background-primary: var(--color-dark) !important;
--yt-spec-general-background-b: var(--color-dark) !important;
--yt-spec-base-background: var(--color-dark) !important;
& when (@useFrosted = 1){
--color-dark-frosted: rgba(--color-dark,0.8);
& ytd-app[frosted-glass] tp-yt-app-drawer.ytd-app[persistent] #guide-content.ytd-app{
background: var(--color-dark-frosted) !important;
backdrop-filter: blur(48px);
& ytd-app[frosted-glass] ytd-mini-guide-renderer[frosted-glass]{
background: var(--color-dark-frosted) !important;
backdrop-filter: blur(48px);
--yt-frosted-glass-desktop: var(--color-dark-frosted) !important;
--yt-spec-menu-background: var(--color-light) !important;
--yt-spec-general-background-a: var(--color-light) !important;
--yt-spec-general-background-c: var(--color-light) !important;
--yt-spec-raised-background: var(--color-light) !important;
.tp-yt-paper-tooltip{ background-color: var(--color-light) !important;}
/*Live Chat*/
--yt-live-chat-header-background-color: var(--color-dark) !important;
--yt-live-chat-action-panel-background-color: var(--color-dark) !important;
--yt-live-chat-background-color: var(--color-light) !important;
--yt-live-chat-banner-gradient-scrim: linear-gradient( var(--color-dark), transparent );
--yt-live-chat-vem-background-color: var(--color-dark) !important;
/*Background Image*/
& when (@useBlur = 1){ filter: blur(var(--blur)) }
content: '';
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
position: fixed;
background: var(--bg-url) no-repeat var(--color-light);
background-size: cover;
will-change: transform;
z-index: -1;
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5) !important;
scrollbar-color: var(--yt-spec-text-secondary) var(--color-dark);
/*Miniplayer Progress Bar*/
ytd-miniplayer .ytp-progress-bar{
opacity: @pbo;
&:hover{ opacity: 1 }
/*Skeleton (page-load)*/, #guide-skeleton, #home-chips, .skeleton-bg-color{
background: var(--color-dark) !important;
#home-container-skeleton, .masthead-skeleton-icon{
background: var(--color-light) !important;
/*Player "Cinematic lighting"*/
#cinematics canvas{
mask-image: radial-gradient(black 50%, transparent 60%);