- Added Custom Font Variable
Alfon's Notion Tweak by alfonsusac
Size19 kB
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Userstyle doesn't have notes.Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Better Notion
@namespace alfonsusac
@version 0.0.1
@description A new userstyle for Notion
@author Alfonsus A (https://github.com/alfonsusac)
@license MIT
@homepageURL https://github.com/alfonsusac
@supportURL https://github.com/alfonsusac/Notion-Enhancements/issues
@preprocessor stylus
@var checkbox enabled "Enabled" 0
@var checkbox test "Test" 0
@var text fontFamilySans "Sans Serif Font" null
@var text fontFamilySerif "Serif Font" null
@var text fontFamilyMono "Mono Font" null
@var number roundedness "Roundiness" 1
@var checkbox fillCallout "Fill Default Callout Color" 0
@var checkbox rounderCallout "Rounded Callout" 0
@var checkbox calloutOffsetContent "Offset Callout Content" 0
@var checkbox biggerFileBlock "Bigger File Block" 0
@var checkbox roundedImgs "Rounded Images" 1
@var checkbox betterViewHeader "Beter Database View Header" 0
@var checkbox betterSingleColumnTables "Better Single Column View" 0
@var number buttononhovermode "Button On Hover Mode" 0
@var checkbox listAttributeAlign "Align Left List Attribute Except Last" 0
@var checkbox galleryRemoveNew "Remove New BUtton on Gallry" 0
@var checkbox pageControlAlwaysVisible "Page Control Always Visible" 0
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("notion.so")
card-box-shadow = rgba(15 15 15 10%) 0px 0px 0px 1px, rgba(15 15 15 10%) 0px 2px 4px
card-box-outline = rgba(15 15 15 10%) 0px 0px 0px 1px
card-border-radius = 3px
card-font-size = 14px
/* Custom mixins */
width w
height h
background-color rgba(255,0,0,0.2) !important
outline solid red 1px !important
/* Global Variables */
borderrad = (3px + 1 * roundedness)
padding1 = (16px + 1 * roundedness/3 - 4)
padding2 = (16px + 1 * roundedness/3)
// Scroll Bars
background: transparent !important
// Page Controls (Add Cover, Add Comment, Add Icon)
div[style*="max-width: 100%; padding-left: calc(96px + env(safe-area-inset-left)); width: 100%;"]
> div:first-child
display: flex
margin-bottom 24px
align-items: end
margin-right: 24px
if pageControlAlwaysVisible
height: 0 !important
> div
opacity: 1 !important
// Files
if biggerFileBlock
> div > div > div // focusable
padding: 0px 8px
border-radius: 8px !important
> div
> :nth-child(1)
// outline black 1px solid
padding-left: 0px
padding-right: 2px
> :nth-child(2) > div > div:first-child
// margin-left: 4px
font-weight: 500
border-bottom: rgba(55, 53, 47, 0.16) solid 1px
// Images
if roundedImgs
.notion-image-block > div > div:first-child
border-radius: borderrad
overflow: hidden
// Linksk, Mentions, and Subpages.
> div > a
> .notion-focusable // Focusable
padding: 2px 2px
> div > div// Wrapper
// Page Hyperlink
&:nth-of-type(1) > div
> div:nth-child(1) // The Icon
^[2] ^[3..-1]
flex 0 1 auto
width: auto !important
flex-direction row
align-items center
> div
width auto !important
^[2] ^[3..-1]:before
flex-shrink 0
content " "
dimension 0px 8px
margin-right 0px
if buttononhovermode is 1
transition all .1s ease-in-out
background-image url(https://api.iconify.design/ic:round-keyboard-arrow-right.svg)
background-position center
background-size auto
opacity 0.2
if buttononhovermode is 2
transition all .1s ease-in-out
background-color #0000001c
border-radius 16px
if buttononhovermode is 3
transition all .1s ease-in-out
background-color #0000001c
border-radius 2px
^[2]:hover ^[3..-1]:before
if buttononhovermode is 0
dimension 0 0
if buttononhovermode is 1
dimension 8px 8px
margin-right 4px
if buttononhovermode is 2 or buttononhovermode is 3
dimension 8px 8px
margin-right 6px
> div:nth-of-type(2) // The Text
flex 0 1 auto
font-weight: 500 !important
// Remove Triple Dot Button
display: none !important
// Views
// The Header
> :first-child[contenteditable="false"] > div
if betterViewHeader
border-radius: (borderrad - 4px) (borderrad - 4px) 0px 0px
background: rgba(100,100,100,0.05)
flex-direction: row
justify-content: space-between !important
overflow: clip
align-items: center !important
min-height: auto !important
padding: 4px 4px !important
> div
height: auto !important
box-shadow: none !important
// The Right Side Menu List
> :last-child
// Add Button
> .notion-collection-view-item-add
> div[style*="background: rgb(46\, 170, 220);"]
background: transparent !important
color: rgb(46, 170, 220) !important
font-weight: 500 !important
box-shadow:none !important
fill: rgb(46, 170, 220) !important
> div:last-child
box-shadow:none !important
// The View Content
> :nth-child(2)[contenteditable="false"]
if betterSingleColumnTables
^[0] > ^[1..-1]
background:hsla(60, 0%, 40%, .10) !important
> div > div
// Database Title
padding-top: 6px !important
// Datavase Content
&.notion-scroller > div
// All types of views
> div
// Database Group Header
> div
background-color transparent !important
// Select Single Column Table only
if betterSingleColumnTables
^[0] > ^[1..-1]
&[style*="background: white"], & > [style*="background: white"] // Light mode
background-color rgb(239,239,239) !important
&[style*="background: rgb(25\, 25, 25)"], & > [style*="background: rgb(25\, 25, 25)"] // Dark Mode
background-color rgb(32,32,32) !important
// Group Content
> div div[style*="width: 100%; position: relative"] > div
// Group header
&[style*="background: white"], & > [style*="background: white"] // Light mode
background-color rgb(239,239,239) !important
&[style*="background: rgb(25\, 25, 25)"], & > [style*="background: rgb(25\, 25, 25)"] // Dark Mode
background-color rgb(32,32,32) !important
// Board View
// Board Cards
a[style*="display: block; color: inherit; text-decoration: none; box-shadow: rgba(15\, 15, 15, ...