Obsidian Publish is a service that serves document libraries created with Obsidian.md over the web. It publishes your notes for anyone to read easily.
In one of the pane-type views it supplies, there's a small bug in the CSS transition used to show and hide the close button and document title.
This simply adds the missing opacity value to the hover state of the relevant element to fix the CSS.
Userstyle doesn't have notes.
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Obsidian Publish Hover Opacity Fix
@version 20220723.07.47
@namespace userstyles.world/user/defmonk0
@description Obsidian Publish is a service that serves document libraries created with Obsidian.md over the web. It publishes your notes for anyone to read easily.
In one of the pane-type views it supplies, there's a small bug in the CSS transition used to show and hide the close button and document title.
This simply adds the missing opacity value to the hover state of the relevant element to fix the CSS.
@author defmonk0
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://publish.obsidian.md") {
.publish-renderer:hover .extra-title {
opacity: 1;