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wikipedia: fixed top and sidebars by eccenux

Screenshot of wikipedia: fixed top and sidebars




Categorywikipedia, wikimedia



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Tweaks and fixes for new vector layout (Vector 2022). See also my lang on top script. You can find some screenshots there.


Things changed:

  • Top bar always accessible (fixed header). So if you have any modifications like extra links – they will always be available to you (no matter how far down you scroll).
  • Sidebar on the left and also fixed (always accessible).
  • Table of contents on the right. Which was just a wasted space before.
  • Gray background which I find to work better for my eyes.

For some Toc tweaks (numbers), see also:

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         wikipedia: fixed top and sidebars
@version      3.4.2
@description  Tweaks and fixes for new vector layout (Vector 2022). See also my [lang on top script]( You can find some screenshots there.
@author       eccenux
@license      CC-BY
@preprocessor less
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain(""), regexp(".*//[a-z]+\\.wikipedia\\.org.*"), regexp(".*//[a-z]{1,5}\\.(wikimedia|wiktionary|wikisource|wikiquote|wikivoyage)\\.org.*"), regexp(".*//*"), domain("") {
		Fixed top bar and sidebars.

		Tweaks and fixes for new vector layout.
		Left sidebar = hamburger menu = mainMenu.

		Wiki copy and history:
		Docs / more info:
/* Element | */

	Testing various layouts (ask me for more).

	View page for code (no toc):
	View page, short (no toc):
	View page with toc and wide table:

	Edit with ToC (column for toc):

	Special page & history (1 column, wide):

	Compare with large table:


		Base settings
	:root {
		--top-bar-height: 63px;
		--bg-color-start: #fff;
		--bg-color-final: hsl(0, 0%, 96%);
		--bg-color-sidebars: hsl(0, 0%, 98%);
		--bg-color-sidebars: hsla(0, 0%, 90%, 0.2);
		--gradient-sidebars: linear-gradient(hsla(0, 0%, 97%, 0),hsla(0, 0%, 97%, 1));
		--bg-color-content:  #fff;
		--nux-max-size-article: 65em;
		--nux-left-sidebar-width: 220px;
		--nux-right-sidebar-width: 284px;
		--nux-main-container-width: ~"calc(var(--nux-left-sidebar-width) + var(--nux-max-size-article) + var(--nux-right-sidebar-width))";
	/* with page tools (as right sidebar) */
	.vector-feature-page-tools-pinned-enabled {
		--nux-max-size-article: 77em;
	/* wide-wikitable overwrite */
	.wide-wikitable.sticky-top tbody > tr:first-child {
		top: var(--top-bar-height, calc(3.125rem + 1px)) !important;
	/* For anchor navi */
	html.vector-sticky-header-enabled body,
	html.vector-sticky-header-enabled {
		scroll-padding-top: calc(var(--top-bar-height) + .5em) !important;
	/* Fullscreen Width toggle */
	.vector-limited-width-toggle {
		.vector-below-page-title.vector-sticky-header-visible & {
			// above ~3rem sticky action-bar
			bottom: 4rem;
	.vector-limited-width-popup {
	// large search box
	.client-js .vector-search-box-vue.vector-search-box-show-thumbnail > div {
		max-width: 50em;
	// Fix gap between hamburger and logo
	.vector-feature-main-menu-pinned-disabled .skin-vector-2022 .mw-logo {
		margin-left: 10px;
	/* only when vector'22 is on (this must be a class on a html tag) */
	html[class*=vector-] {

		/* view-it patch */
		#view-it-container {
			max-width: var(--nux-max-size-article);
			margin-inline: auto;

		// VE
		.oo-ui-windowManager-modal > .oo-ui-dialog.oo-ui-window-active {
			top: var(--top-bar-height);
		/* VE edit toolbar */
		.ve-ui-toolbar-floating > .oo-ui-toolbar-bar {
			top: var(--top-bar-height);

		// /* avoid static width for the menu */
		// .vector-feature-page-tools-disabled .vector-main-menu, .vector-main-menu-container .vector-main-menu {
		// 	width: auto;
		// }
			Adjust tabs bar order.
		    (tabs above title as on Vector 2015)
		// #content {
		//   display: grid;
		//   padding-top: .5em;
		// }
		// .vector-page-toolbar {
		//   grid-row: 1;
		// }
		// .mw-body-header {
		//   margin-top: 1em;
		// }
		// .vector-menu-tabs {
		//   border-bottom: 2px solid;
		// }
		/* oversized body
			e.g articles with very wide tables
			e.g category with custom index like [[Kategoria:Niezweryfikowane martwe linki]]
		// // basic view, probably wide (like a category)
		// .mw-parser-output{
		// 	--nux-parser-width: ~"calc(var(--nux-main-container-width) - 3em)";
		// 	max-width: var(--nux-parser-width);
		// }
		// .ns-0.vector-feature-limited-width-content-disabled .mw-parser-output,
		// :not(.ns-subject.ns-100):not(.vector-feature-limited-width-content-disabled).action-view :is(.vector-body, .mw-body) {
		// 	max-width: var(--nux-max-size-article);
		// }
		// /* center preview */
		// .ns-0.vector-feature-limited-width-content-disabled .mw-parser-output {
		// 	margin: auto;
		// }
		#wikiPreview {
			margin: auto;

		/* hide go-back to old view link */
		@media screen {
		  .vector-main-menu-action {
			display: none;

			Override default, sticky, top bar (reduce to article actionbar).

			Reduces original sticky header to ariticle links (talk, history, etc).

			Put on bottom so that it doesn't overlap toc nor user menu.
		//#vector-sticky-header {
		.vector-sticky-header-container {
			position: fixed;
			max-width: max-content;
			min-width: 0;
			top: auto;
			bottom: 0;
			left: auto;
			padding: 0;
		.vector-sticky-header-container .vector-sticky-header {
			max-width: max-content;
			padding: 0 1em;
		body:not(.vector-sticky-header-visible) #vector-sticky-header {
			top: auto;
			bottom: -200px;
		#vector-sticky-header .vector-sticky-header-start {
		.mw-header {
			z-index: 400;

			Fixed top bar.
		/* fixed head */
		.mw-header {
			margin: 0;
			padding: 0 .8em;
			width: 100%;
			max-width: none;
			box-sizing: border-box;
			position: fixed;
			top: 0;
			left: 0;
			background-color: var(--bg-color-start);
			height: var(--top-bar-height);
		/* content correction */
		body {
			padding-top: ~"calc(var(--top-bar-height) + 1em)";
		/* language menu */
		.uls-menu.uls-wide {
			top: var(--top-bar-height) !important;
			position: fixed !important;

			Page tools tweaks.
		#vector-page-tools-pinned-container {
			.vector-page-tools {
				width: 12em;
			.mw-list-item a {
				font-size: 0.775rem;

		/* pinned layout (toc & main menu) */
		.vector-column-start {
			.vector-pinned-container {
				padding: 0;
  			.vector-sticky-pinned-container {
    			/* margin-left: -12px; */
				margin-left: 0;
			.vector-pinnable-element {
				padding: 10px 8px 10px 16px;
			.vector-toc-pinnable-header {
				margin-left: 0px
			.vector-main-menu {
				padding-inline: 16px;
				padding-bottom: 5px;
				margin-bottom: 1rem;
			Colors (sidebars, body)
		@media screen {
			body {
				background-color: var(--bg-color-final);
			body :is(#mw-panel,.mw-page-container,.mw-content-container) {
				background-color: transparent !important;
			&.vector-feature-zebra-design-disabled .vector-toc {
				--bg-color-sidebars: #f2f2f2;
			body :is(.vector-main-menu,.vector-toc,#vector-page-tools-pinned-container) {
				background-color: var(--bg-color-sidebars);
			// this should only be on the body (not around page tools)
			// but page tools are within body 😕
			body .mw-body > *:not(.vector-column-end) {
				background-color: var(--bg-color-content);
			body {
				--content-top: 1.0em;
			body .mw-body#content {
				padding: var(--content-top) 1.5em 1.5em;
				background-color: var(--bg-color-content);
			.vector-column-start {
				margin-top: calc(1.8em + 8px + var(--content-top));
		/* toc gradient tweak */
		@media screen and (min-width: 1000px) {
			#vector-toc-pinned-container .vector-toc::after {
				background: var(--gradient-sidebars);
		.vector-sticky-pinned-container::after {
			background: transparent;

		// Zebra
		&.vector-feature-zebra-design-enabled {
			.vector-column-start {
				--bg-color-sidebars: transparent;
			.vector-header-container .mw-header {
				max-width: 100%;
			body .mw-body {
				background-color: transparent;
			.vector-pinned-container::after,.vector-sticky-pinned-container::after {
				background: var(--gradient-sidebars);
			.vector-pinned-container {
				background-color: transparent;

			Vector 2021 footer and e.g. main page clear
		.mw-content-container::after {
			content: "";
			display: table;
			clear: both;




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