Some small details on the page that makes it look like mid 2019 - circa 2021
Mid 2019-Circa 2021 page by cooldude124
LicenseNo License
Size7.1 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
Failed to fetch stats.
NOTE: the code for this was taken from roblox 2019 old theme and old roblox games page, credit to tersiswilvin and someone else
Version 1.0.0 (July 25, 2022): Release
Version 1.0.1 (July 25, 2022): Renamed Active to Playing
Version 1.0.2 (July 25, 2022): Brought back old discover page (Literaly just took the code from Old Roblox Games Page then put it here)
Version 1.0.3 (July 26, 2022): Renamed Experiences to Games, and renamed Creator Marketplace to Library
Version 1.0.4 (July 26, 2022): Title has less space inbetween words like 2019-early 2020
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Mid 2019-Circa 2021 page
@version 20220725.05.18
@description Some small details on the page that makes it look like mid 2019 - circa 2021
@author cooldude124
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
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