a style which shifts the new base color of pillowfort's interface just a little towards purple instead of blue
pillowfort.social - what if it was purple? by sunotawa
LicenseNo License
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2022-08-06... 2!: added community infobox. the one page i didn't check
as of 2022-08-06 (the day the UI update soft launched), the only things this doesn't change is:
- the SSL encryption notice at the bottom of the donation page, because it has no class/id names it can be targeted with
- the transparent overlay that comes with the blacklist modal and post modals, because i have no clue what controls that
i make no guarantees that i will keep updating this if staff changes how the css works. i simply dashed this off in half an hour because i hate the color blue.
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name pillowfort.social - what if it was purple?
@namespace github.com/openstyles/stylus
@version 1.0.2
@description a style which shifts the new base color of pillowfort's interface towards a warm, dark purple
@author vagabondsun
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("pillowfort.social") {
/* colors */
body {
background-color: #342C54;
.post .header,
.post .post-nav,
.new-post .post-type-container .post-type,
.edit-post .post-type-container .post-type,
.inbox-container .inbox-bottom,
.nav-tabs li a,
#communitiesListCtrlId #joined_filter,
#communitiesListCtrlId #browse #browse-filter,
.user-sidebar .expanded-bar-show {
background-color: #2C233D;
.new-post .post-type-container,
.edit-post .post-type-container,
.community .comm-nav-buttons {
background-color: #1F1829;
/* borders */
.site-sidebar {
border: 2px solid #342C54;