Dark Java 9-18 Javadocs Userstyle
Dark Javadocs by phoenix616
Mirrored from https://gist.github.com/Phoenix616/cc725e0f417af2f987b92e711ad37a98/raw/27f6db9b5f0dd05930e0b9b8c853d2e35bfe99d0/DarkJavadocs.user.css

Categoryjavadocs, jd, java, docs, documentation
Size12 kB
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Dark style for Javadocs/Java references, based on saidfgn's dark design, fixed to work with Java 9-18 too.
- 0.1 - Release for Java 9
- 0.1.1 - Added docs.minebench.de domain
- 0.1.2 - Updated Paper Javadocs domain
- 0.1.3 - Updated Paper Javadocs domain again (now on papermc.io), also added google.github.io docs
- 0.1.4 - Added support for pre.codeblock elements (e.g. like on this page, thanks to Olo for noticing this)
- 0.1.5 - Darken some more elements in some cases (table rows and a[name] on docs.oracle.com) and add some more domains. (Javacord, Typesafe Config)
- 0.1.6 - Added Java 12 docs support
- 0.1.7 - Added JANITOR support
- 0.1.8 - Added Java 15 support
- 0.1.9 - Added Java 16 support
- 0.1.10 - Added jd.papermc.io
- 0.1.11 - Fix search bar colors (Java 17)
Sites supported out of the box:
- Oracle.com Java docs
- Google's docs on their google.github.io domain or guava.dev
- SpigotMC's Bukkit docs
- SpigotMC's Spigot-API docs
- Paper-API docs
- Javacord (Discord bot library) docs
- Typesafe Config (HOCON library) docs
- Phoenix616's docs
- Minebench.de docs
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* == UserStyle==
@name Dark Javadocs
@namespace phoenix616.dev
@description Dark Java 9-18 Javadocs Userstyle
@author Max Lee aka Phoenix616 (https://phoenix616.dev)
@version 0.1.11
@homepageURL https://gist.github.com/Phoenix616/cc725e0f417af2f987b92e711ad37a98/
@license CC0
==/UserStyle== */
* Dark Javadocs for Java 9-18 by Max Lee (https://github.com/Phoenix616)
* Based on style by saidfgn (https://userstyles.org/styles/136888/)
* Licensed under CC0
* Changelog:
* 0.1 - Release for Java 9
* 0.1.1 - Added docs.minebench.de domain
* 0.1.2 - Updated Paper Javadocs domain
* 0.1.3 - Updated Paper Javadocs domain again (now on papermc.io), also added google.github.io docs
* 0.1.4 - Added support for pre.codeblock elements (thanks to Olo for noticing this)
* 0.1.5 - Darken some more elements in some cases (table rows and a[name] on docs.oracle.com) and add some more domains. (Javacord, Typesafe Config)
* 0.1.6 - Added Java 12 support
* 0.1.7 - Added JANITOR support
* 0.1.8 - Added Java 15 support
* 0.1.9 - Added Java 16 support
* 0.1.10 - Added jd.papermc.io
* 0.1.11 - Fix search bar colors
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