makes reddit image captions scrollable because for some reason they don't let you see the whole text by default so this kind of fixes it
it looks ugly because i made this in 5 minutes so deal with it or improve it if you want i dont care
Size545 B
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makes reddit image captions scrollable because for some reason they don't let you see the whole text by default so this kind of fixes it
it looks ugly because i made this in 5 minutes so deal with it or improve it if you want i dont care
/* ==UserStyle==
@name scrollable reddit image captions
@version 1.0.0
@description makes reddit image captions scrollable because theyre stupid and made it so you cant see the whole thing
@author lexd0g
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
/* Insert code here... */
._15nNdGlBIgryHV04IfAfpA {
overflow: auto;
._26daP6nhhW7BT-CMzL0ijs {
line-height: 24px;