High quality SVG icons for TF.TV. Country flags and TF2 Class icons
teamfortress.tv HQ icons by fakemanoan
Mirrored from https://github.com/fakemanoan/TFTV-Stylus-Theme/raw/dark/icons.user.css
![Screenshot of teamfortress.tv HQ icons](https://userstyles.world/preview/6125/0.jpeg)
LicenseNo License
Size1.6 MB
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Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name teamfortress.tv HQ icons
@version 20240402.19.29
@namespace userstyles.world/user/fakemanoan
@description High quality SVG icons for TF.TV. Country flags and TF2 Class icons
@author fakemanoan
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
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