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ZohoNotebook Tiny Generals by 1280px

Screenshot of ZohoNotebook Tiny Generals



LicenseNo License

Categoryzoho notebook



Size2.1 kB


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A few small tweaks for Zoho Notebook to make the overall experience better and more productive.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
/* ==UserStyle==
@name			ZohoNotebook Tiny Generals
@version		1.0.2
@description	A few tweaks for Zoho Notebook to make the overall experience better and more productive.
@author			1280px
@preprocessor	stylus

@var select card-previews 'Note expando previews style:' {
	'List': 'list',
	'Cubic': 'cubic',
	'(off)': 'off'

@var checkbox fonts-inter "Use Inter as main UI font (better support for Cyrillic symbols; Inter should be installed on this device)" 1
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {

/* ### ### # NON-CONFIGURABLE TWEAKS # ### ### */
/* remove Notebook Pro ads */
.offer-modal-container {
	display: none !important;

/* darker modal background */
body.night-mode lyte-modal-freeze {
	background: #000;

/* remove Zoho Apps button, force full-width logo */
#zoho-apps-div {
	position: absolute !important;
	width: calc(138px + 1rem) !important;
	opacity: 0;
#zoho-apps-div #ztb-switch-menu {
	width: 100%;	height: 100%;
	padding: 0;
#zoho-notebook-icon {
	width: 138px !important;

/* ### ### ### CONFIGURABLE TWEAKS ### ### ### */
/* expand cards on hover */
if card-previews != 'off' {
	eachcard-grid:hover {
		z-index: 9999;
	.card-grid {
		width: 100%;	height: 100%;
		transition: 0.25s ease-in-out;
	if card-previews == 'list' {
		.card-grid:hover {
			width: 120%;	height: 170%;
			margin-top: -10%;	margin-left: -10%;
			box-shadow: 0px 2px 6px #0004;
	if card-previews == 'cubic' {
		.card-grid:hover {
			width: 150%;	height: 150%;
			margin-top: -10%;	margin-left: -25%;
			box-shadow: 0px 2px 6px #0004;
	/* fix for notes with files, links and images */
	.image-overlay {
		background-size: 240px 100%;
	.bookmark-grid-wrap.level0, .file-grid-wrap.level0 {
		width: 100%;

/* change font to Inter for better Cyrillic symbols support */
if fonts-inter == 1 {
	#outlet, .lyteModal, #more-options-ul, #calendar-wrapper, #share-options-ul {
		font-family: 'Inter' !important;



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