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Booru Mascot by galinoa

Screenshot of Booru Mascot




CategoryBooru imageboards



Size3.5 kB


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Add a mascot to various booru imageboards such as Danbooru, Gelbooru, Sankaku Channel, Rule34, etc.


Note: make sure you place the link to your mascot image in between punctuation marks (' ') in the configuration. Just look how the placeholder is written.

Some modifications are available such as: custom mascot image, positioning, scaling, opacity, etc.

v0.1.0 - 29-08-2022
Initial release.
v0.1.11 - 30-08-2022
Rewritten to work with stylus configurations.
v0.1.15 - 03-09-2022
Added option to set the image rendering to pixelate (in case you're using pixel art or just like the aesthetic of the nearest-neighbor algorithm).

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Booru Mascot
@namespace      BooruMascot
@description    Add a mascot in the background of various booru imageboards
@author         Galinoa
@preprocessor   stylus
@version        0.1.18
@license        MIT

@var text       mascot-image            "Mascot image URL"              "''"
@var select     horizontal-position     "Mascot horizontal position"    ["right:Right", "left:Left"]
@var select     vertical-position       "Mascot vertical position"      ["bottom:Bottom", "top:Top"]
@var number     mascot-width            "Mascot image width (px)"       [300, 10, null, 1, "px"]
@var number     horizontal-offset       "Horizontal offset (px)"        [50, null, null, 1, "px"]
@var number     vertical-offset         "Vertical offset (px)"          [-1, null, null, 1, "px"]
@var range      mascot-opacity          "Mascot opacity"                [100, 1, 100, 1, "%"]
@var range      mascot-grayscale        "Mascot grayscale"              [0, 0, 100, 1, "%"]
@var checkbox   flip-mascot             "Flip mascot?"                  0
@var checkbox   pixelart                "Pixel mascot?"                 0
@var checkbox   mascot-to-front         "Place mascot in the front?"    1
==/UserStyle== */

// Format: UserCSS
// This userstyle uses Stylus-lang preprocessor.
// Complete preprocessor documentation at:
// Writing UserCSS:

@-moz-document domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain("") 
    // Add mascot
        content: ""
        background-image: url(mascot-image)
        background-repeat: no-repeat
        // Make your mascot scroll with the page
        position: fixed
        // Mascot image size
        background-size: mascot-width auto
        height: 100vh
        width: mascot-width
        //Mascot positioning
        background-position: horizontal-position vertical-position
        if vertical-position == bottom
            bottom: vertical-offset
        else if vertical-position == top
            top: vertical-offset
        if horizontal-position == left
            left: horizontal-offset
        else if horizontal-position == right
            right: horizontal-offset
        // Mascot image opacity
        opacity: mascot-opacity
        // Mascot image filters
        filter: grayscale(mascot-grayscale)

        // Flip mascot image (x)
        if flip-mascot
            transform: scaleX(-1)
        // Mascot transitions
        transition: opacity 0.3s ease-in-out 0s,
                    filter 0.3s ease-in-out 0s,
                    left 0.3s ease-out 0s,
                    right 0.3s ease-out 0s,
                    top 0.3s ease-out 0s,
                    bottom 0.3s ease-out 0s
        // Optimize mascot for pixelart using the nearest-neighbor algorithm.
        if pixelart
            image-rendering: pixelated;
            image-rendering: auto;
        // Place mascot in front of most other elements
        if mascot-to-front
            z-index: 10001
            pointer-events: none
            z-index: -1


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