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Sankaku Channel Tweaks by galinoa

Screenshot of Sankaku Channel Tweaks




CategorySankaku Channel



Size45 kB


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A userstyle holding various tweaks made to Sankaku Channel.


v0.1.10 - 29-08-2022
Initial release.
v0.2.00 - 03-09-2022
New option: Added option to hide the header.
New option: Added option to choose your own accent color, instead of the default orange color.
New option: Added option to enable the dark theme, even when you're not logged in (make sure you have the default white theme enabled!)
v0.2.12 - 08-09-2022
New option: Added option to have circular user avatars.
New option: Added svg replacements for certain icons (rating, favorite & theme icons), more might follow.
Both light and dark theme stylus options should work and have priority over the default themes.
Added option to hide the native theme buttons to avoid confusion with the stylus config.
v0.2.14 - 09-09-2022
Minor cosmetic changes and fixes.
New option: Added option to transform the header bar into a fixed retractable top drawer.
v0.2.17 - 23-11-2022
Added webkit support for the svg theme buttons.
v0.2.20 - 09-01-2023
Made numerous small fixes to make up for the recent changes made to the channel.
v0.2.23 - 05-02-2023
New option: Added option for tags in the sidebar to be a bit more spacious for reading comfort.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Sankaku Channel Tweaks
@namespace      SankakuTweaks
@description    Minor and major tweaks made to Sankaku Channel
@author         Galinoa
@preprocessor   stylus
@version        0.2.32
@license        CC-BY-SA-4.0

@var select     theme               "[Website] Theme"                       ["light:Light", "dark:Dark"]
@var color      accent-color        "[Website] Accent color"                #FF761C
@var checkbox   hide-annoyance      "[Ads] Hide annoyances"                 1
@var checkbox   navbar-fix          "[Header] Fix the clunky navbar"        1
@var checkbox   hide-header         "[Header] Hide logo & news"             0
@var checkbox   hide-theme-buttons  "[Header] Hide native theme buttons"    0
@var checkbox   drawer-header       "[Header] Fixed drawer header"          0
@var checkbox   circular-avatars    "[Avatars] Circular profile pictures"   1
@var checkbox   svg-r-f-icons       "Alt. rating & favorites icons"         1
@var checkbox   edit-form           "Tag post edit form adjustments"        1
@var checkbox   autosuggest-edit    "Tag autosuggest adjustment"            1
@var checkbox   spacial-tags        "Spacial tags in the sidebar"           1
==/UserStyle== */

// Format: UserCSS
// This userstyle uses Stylus-lang preprocessor.
// Complete preprocessor documentation at:
// Writing UserCSS:

@-moz-document domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain("")
    // Helpers.
    i = \!important
    ac = var(--accent-color-var) // Default #FF761C    
    // Hide annoyances.
    if hide-annoyance 
        // Prevents screen filling annoyences from making the page unscrollable.
            overflow: unset i
            height: unset i
            position: unset i
        #sank-prestitial                                    // Screen filling premium annoyences.
        #has-mail-notice                                    // Mail notice, also used to refer to the beta channel.
        #web-share                                          // Post view "share" button.
        #news-ticker                                        // Top bar new ticker.
        .scad                                               // General annoyences.
        .scad-i                                             // Post list annoyences.
        .sidebar iframe                                     // Sidebar annoyences.
        .reactions                                          // Reactions below posts
        div[id^="ad_"].ex-over-top                          // Screen filling annoyences.
        a[href=""]                 // Beta channel refferal.
        a[href=""]            // Beta channel refferal.
        a[href^="https://s.zlink"]                          // Ad
        a[href*="tags=sankaku_ai+"]                         // Ad
        ul#navbar li:first-child ul.subnav li:first-child
        #user-index .user-home-heading > h3
            display: none i
        // Anti-adblock overlay.
        body > div[style="z-index: 1000000;"]
        #content > div[style=""]
            display: none i
    // Navigation bar, submenu hover fix. Now you can actually reach the submenu buttons when hovering with the cursor.
    if navbar-fix 
                cursor: default
                height: 22px
                margin: 0
                cursor: default
                > li
                    border: 1px solid transparent
                    padding: 2px 0 3px
                        display: inline
                        padding: 4px 10px 5px
                        margin-top: 0 i
                        > ul.subnav 
                            height: 20px
                            padding-top: 6px
                            margin-top: 2px
                                border: 1px solid transparent
                                padding: 0
                                    border: 1px solid alpha(tint(accent-color, 50%), 0.1)
                                    background-color: alpha(tint(accent-color, 50%), 0.1)
                        padding-right: 30px
                            background: none
                            border: 0 0 0 1px i
                            border-style: solid i
                            border-color: transparent i
                        padding: 4px 0 3px i
                        border-bottom: 1px solid transparent i
                            font-size: 100% i
    // Edit form adjustments.
    if edit-form 
                margin: 0.3em 0.5em 0.3em 0.1em
                    width: 100px
                    padding: 0.4em 0.8em 0.5em
                    width: calc(863px - 1.6em)
                    padding: 0.4em 0.8em 0.5em
                height: 150px
                width: calc(863px - 1.6em)
                min-height: 100px
                padding: 0.4em 0.8em
                margin: 0.3em 0.5em 0.3em 0.1em
                line-height: 1.7em
                word-spacing: 0.6em i
                resize: vertical
        // User settings.
                width: calc(863px - 1.6em)
                min-height: 100px
                padding: 0.4em 0.8em
                margin: 0.3em 0.5em 0.3em 0.1em
                line-height: 1.7em
                resize: vertical
                width: 300px
                padding: 0.4em 0.8em 0.5em
                line-height: 1.5em
    // Hide logo + news ticker.
    if hide-header
                display: none
                padding-top: 2em
                padding-bottom: 22px
                margin-left: -302px
                height: 150px
                width: 600px
                left: 50%
                position: absolute
                // Styling.
                box-shadow: 0 8px 7px -8px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.6)
                background: #1B1B1B
                border-width: 0 2px 2px
                border-style: solid
                border-color: #222
                // Animation.
                transform: translateY(-188px)
                transition: transform 400ms, box-shadow 400ms
                transition-delay: 500ms
                z-index: 10001
                // Thumbnail container.
                    padding-left: 1.25em
                    margin: 0 auto
                    width: 560px
                        max-height: 164px
                        overflow-y: hidden
                // Mouse-over to pull down.
                    box-shadow: 0 10px 9px -10px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8)
                    transform: translateY(-2em)
                    transition: transform 400ms, box-shadow 400ms
                    z-index: 10001
    // Moon avatars.
    if circular-avatars
        :is(.avatar-small, .avatar-medium, .avatar-large) img
            border-radius: 50%
    // Use SVG rating and favorites icons on post view pages.
    if svg-r-f-icons
            background-position: left -43px
                background-position: left 1px
            background-position: left 1px
            background-repeat: no-repeat
            background-size: 42px 84px
            background-image: var(--favorites-hearts)
                background-position: left -43px
            background: var(--rating-stars) left -33px repeat-x
            background-size: 34px 102px
                background: var(--rating-stars) left 2px no-repeat
                background-size: 34px 102px
                    background: var(--rating-stars) left -68px
                    background-size: 34px 102px
    // Hide dark theme button in the navigation bar.
    if hide-theme-buttons
        div#header ul#navbar li.lang-select
            padding-right: 0
            display: none                 
    // Fixed drawer header
    if drawer-header
        body > div#header
            if theme == dark
                background: alpha(#1B1B1B, 0.7) i
            else if theme == light
                background: alpha(#FFF, 0.7) i
            backdrop-filter: blur(10px)
            position: fixed
            top: 0
            width: 100vw
            transform: translateY(calc(-100% + 20px))
            transition: 0.4s transform ease 0.5s
            z-index: 10001


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