Spotify theme that allows for custom backgrounds with custom clear UI
If you're interested in the wallpaper used in my preview picture I uploaded it here:
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Code size12 kB
Code checksum5b470313
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Spotify theme that allows for custom backgrounds with custom clear UI
If you're interested in the wallpaper used in my preview picture I uploaded it here:
September 27 2022
Minor fixes and updated objects
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Spotify Minimal X Clear Theme (Pick your own BG)
@namespace USO Archive
@author Nick Brealey
@description `Spotify Theme to allow custom backgrounds with clear UI`
@version 20220428.5.14
@preprocessor uso
@advanced dropdown ooh--pretty- "Pick You Background" {
ooh--pretty- "Windows*" <<<EOT EOT;
ooh--pretty--custom-dropdown "Custom" <<<EOT /*[[ooh--pretty--custom]]*\/ EOT;
@advanced text ooh--pretty--custom "Pick You Background (Custom)" ""
==/UserStyle== */
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.Em2LrSSfvrgXQoajs6cm {
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.os-theme-spotify > .os-scrollbar-horizontal >,
.os-theme-spotify > .os-scrollbar-horizontal > .os-scrollbar-track:hover,
.os-theme-spotify > .os-scrollbar-vertical > .os-scrollbar-track,
.os-theme-spotify > .os-scrollbar-vertical >,
.os-theme-spotify > .os-scrollbar-vertical > .os-scrollbar-track:hover {
background: #09090980;
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