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Customisable Youtube Music Theme V3 by mixcraftio

Screenshot of Customisable Youtube Music Theme V3






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Two colors and a background image.
→ Good performance.

Choose a default theme (Nyan Cat,Genshin[Zhongli,Keqing,Eula..],Xenoblade,ROG)
Or create your own!


(😉 Check my other youtube theme!)

✅The new simple Youtube Music theme.
Two color options and a background image.

✨Now with default themes and better code using directly the variables of the youtube page and the LESS preprocessor.

👨‍🏫You just have to choose whether you want one of the default themes (Nyan Cat, Genshin Characters, Keqing, Eula, Xenoblade Chronicles 3) or create your own by choosing two colors and a background image.

⚠️Particular instructions⚠️:
DO NOT forget to put single quotes around your URL if you use a custom image.


⚠️ The blur option is functionnal but VERY laggy, i do not recommend using it.


  • Code cleanup
  • Cleanup of some elements and theme made simpler


  • Proper version bump
  • Update theme links


  • Disable blur option by default because it causes flickers with hardware acceleration
  • ✨ 6 new default themes 🥳!
    • Genshin characters (x2)
    • Xenoblade theme (x2) [1 animated]
    • ROG Translucid
    • Mixcraftio theme! (not narcissistic)



  • Fixed music type selection on home page


  • Fixed background (broken by YouTube Music UI update) 😎
  • Added option to use default background images when creating custom theme (To choose between them cycle through "Default themes" when having the "Use default themes" disabled and "Use default background­s" enabled)
  • Added Oled(animated) default style ✨


  • First release on 🎉
  • The V1 is available at and won't be updated in the future
  • Modified Keqing colors (OLD colors available in code)
  • Added Eula default style ✨

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Customisable Youtube Music Theme V3
@version        3.2
@description    A simple customizable YouTube Music style
@author         Mixcraftio
@license        CC0-1.0
@preprocessor less

@var select separator0 "----Global----" {" ":""}
@var checkbox coloriseYT "Personalised color for YT logo" 0
@var checkbox useBlur "Use Blurry Background (laggy)" 0
@var number blur "Blur amount (background)" [5, 0, 50, 1, 'px']
@var number pbo "Miniplayer progress bar opacity" [0.5, 0, 1, 0.05]

@var select separator1 "" {" ":""}

@var select separator2 "----Themes----" {" ":""}
@var checkbox useDefaultThemes "Use default themes" 1
@var select theme "Default Theme" ["nyan:Nyan Cat", "oled:Oled Gif (animated)", "genshin:Genshin Characters", "genshin2:Genshin Characters 2", "genshin3:Genshin Characters 3", "zhongli:Zhongli", "keqing:Keqing", "eula:Eula", "xenoblade:Xenoblade Chronicles Series (animated)", "xenoblade3:Xenoblade Chronicles 3", "xenobladegirls:Xenoblade Chronicles Girls", "rogtranslucid:ROG Translucid", "mixcraftio:Mixcraftio"]

@var select separator3 "----Custom----" {" ":""}
@var checkbox useDefaultBackgrounds "Use default backgrounds" 0
@var text bgImage "Background Image URL" "''"
@var color color-dark "Dark color" #212121
@var color color-light "Bright color" #303030

==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
   /*Stylus variables*/
        --blur: @blur;
        & when (@useDefaultThemes = 1) or (@useDefaultBackgrounds = 1){
            & when (@theme = nyan){
                --color-dark: #001132;
                --color-light: #0A1B3C;
                --bg-url: url("");
            & when (@theme = oled){
                --color-dark: #000;
                --color-light: #0c0c0c;
                --bg-url: url("");
            & when (@theme = genshin){
                --color-dark: #1e598c;
                --color-light: #2a7abf;
                --bg-url: url("");
            & when (@theme = genshin2){
                --color-dark: #f6dacc75;
                --color-light: #1b72a675;
                --bg-url: url("");
            & when (@theme = genshin3){
                --color-dark: #30426a75;
                --color-light: #ab8e8f80;
                --bg-url: url("");
            & when (@theme = zhongli){
                --color-dark: #8c5715;
                --color-light: #b26e1a;
                --bg-url: url("");
            & when (@theme = keqing){
                --color-dark: #0c0c18; //OLD: #7e7dcb
                --color-light: #323264; //OLD: #b6abe3
                --bg-url: url("");
            & when (@theme = eula){
                --color-dark: #0b0b18;
                --color-light: #2e2e64;
                --bg-url: url("");
            & when (@theme = xenoblade){
                --color-dark: #062c6175;
                --color-light: #a3a3a375;
                --bg-url: url("");
            & when (@theme = xenoblade3){
                --color-dark: #134469;
                --color-light: #195c8f; //OLD: #7a7a7a
                --bg-url: url("");
            & when (@theme = xenobladegirls){
                --color-dark: #0005;
                --color-light: #0000;
                --bg-url: url("");
            & when (@theme = rogtranslucid){
                --color-dark: #0005;
                --color-light: #000c;
                --bg-url: url("");
            & when (@theme = mixcraftio){
                --color-dark: #31471d;
                --color-light: #4f732e;
                --bg-url: url("");
        & when (@useDefaultThemes = 0){
            --color-dark: @color-dark;
            --color-light: @color-light;
            & when (@useDefaultBackgrounds = 0){
                --bg-url: url(@bgImage);
        &, &[dark], &[darker-dark-theme], &[darker-dark-theme][dark], [dark]{
            background: var(--color-dark) !important;
            /*Youtube vars:*/
            --ytmusic-player-bar-background: var(--color-dark) !important;
            --ytmusic-detail-header: var(--color-dark) !important;
            --paper-checkbox-checkmark-color: var(--color-dark) !important;
            yt-notification-action-renderer.ytmusic-popup-container{--paper-toast-background-color: var(--color-dark) !important;}
            --ytmusic-background: var(--color-light) !important;
            --ytmusic-brand-background-solid: var(--color-light) !important;
            --yt-spec-raised-background: var(--color-light) !important;
            --paper-dialog-background-color: var(--color-light) !important;
            --paper-listbox-background-color: var(--color-light) !important;
            --yt-spec-menu-background: var(--color-light) !important;
                /*searchbox + nav*/
            --ytmusic-nav-bar: var(--color-dark) !important;
                --ytmusic-search-background: var(--color-dark) !important;
        /*Background Image*/
            & when (@useBlur = 1){ filter: blur(var(--blur)) }
    	    content: '';
    	    width: 100%;
    	    height: 100%;
    	    position: fixed;
    	    background: var(--bg-url) no-repeat var(--color-light);
    	    background-size: cover;
    	    will-change: transform;
    	    z-index: -1;
        background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5) !important;
    /*Background fix*/
     ytmusic-browse-response[has-background]:not([disable-gradient]) .background-gradient.ytmusic-browse-response{
        background: transparent !important;
        position: relative;
    ytmusic-fullbleed-thumbnail-renderer[is-background] .image.ytmusic-fullbleed-thumbnail-renderer{
        mask-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(0,0,0,1), rgba(0,0,0,0));


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