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PatouZ - osu color changer by patouzz

Screenshot of PatouZ - osu color changer



LicenseNo License




Size40 kB


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based on black one with some changes :D


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name          	osu color changer - PatouZ
@author         cyperdark
@version        1.2
@license        MIT
@preprocessor   stylus

@var checkbox enable_colors "Enable custom color" 1

@var select   main_color     'Main color scheme' {
    'Dark						': '4000deg',
    'Red						*': '0deg',
    'Scarlet					': '10deg',
    'International Orange		': '20deg',
    'Dark Orange				': '30deg',
    'Orange						': '40deg',
    'Gold						': '50deg',
    'Yellow						': '60deg',
    'Electric Lime				': '70deg',
    'Spring Bud					': '80deg',
    'Chartreuse					': '90deg',
    'Bright Green				': '100deg',
    'Harlequin					': '110deg',
    'Lime						': '120deg',
    'Free Speech Green			': '130deg',
    'Malachite					': '140deg',
    'Spring Green				': '150deg',
    'Medium Spring Green		': '160deg',
    'Bright Turquoise			': '170deg',
    'Aqua						': '180deg',
    'Deep Sky Blue				': '190deg',
    'Dodger Blue				': '210deg',
    'Navy Blue					': '220deg',
    'Light Blue					': '230deg',
    'Blue						': '240deg',
    'Dark Blue					': '250deg',
    'Grey purple				': '255deg',
    'Electric Indigo			': '260deg',
    'Indigo						': '270deg',
    'Electric Purple			': '280deg',
    'Psychedelic Purple			': '290deg',
    'Fuchsia					': '300deg',
    'Hot Magenta				': '310deg',
    'Hollywood Cerise			': '320deg',
    'Deep Pink					': '330deg',
    'Razzmatazz					': '340deg',
    'Torch Red					': '350deg',

@var checkbox friends_compact "Compacted friends list; *works only in compact mode" 0
@var checkbox friends_color "Use theme color on borders for friends list" 0
@var checkbox chat_row "Right side chat " 0
@var checkbox dis_resolve_shadow "Enable dissusion highlights" 0
@var checkbox forum_thing "Enable forum topic starter highlights" 0
@var checkbox show_button "Always show beatmap buttons" 0
@var checkbox bg_top_enable "Enable header background" 0
@var checkbox new_profile_fix "Fix smth on profile" 0

@var checkbox custom_nickname_enable "Enable custom nickname color" 0
@var text custom_nickname "Profile nickname color" "linear-gradient(90deg, rgba(140,102,255,1) 0%, rgba(150,156,255,1) 25%, rgba(178,240,255,1) 67%, rgba(0,212,255,1) 100%)"

@var checkbox mode_icon_colors "Enable mode icon colors" 0
@var checkbox badges_inline "Show badges in one line" 0

@var checkbox custom_bg "Enable background" 0
@var checkbox bg_bg_remove "Remove Background block" 0

@var text bg_max "Background max Height (px, %, em or rem)" "730px"
@var text bg_padding "Background padding (px, %, em or rem)" "20px"
@var text bg_opacity "Background opacity" "1"
@var text bg_round "Background round (px, %, em or rem)" "20px"

@var select bg_left_image "BG left image" {
 "Default image":  `""`,
 "Remove": "rem",
 "Custom": "none",
@var text bg_left_image_custom "BG Left url; Example: 'image link' (qoutes important) " `""`

@var select bg_left_position "BG Left Position" {
 "Custom": "none",
 "Center": "center",
 "Top": "top",
 "Left": "left",
 "Right": "right",
 "Bottom": "bottom",
@var text bg_left_position_custom "BG Left Position Custom; Example: 10px 10px or 50% 0%" "98% 50%"

@var select bg_left_size "BG Left Size" {
 "Cover": "cover",
 "Contain": "contain",
 "Custom": "none",
@var text bg_left_size_custom "BG Left Size Custom" "Cover"

@var select bg_left_repeat "BG Left Repeat" {
 "No repeat": "no-repeat",
 "Repeat": "repeat",
 "Repeat horizontally": "repeat-x",
 "Repeat vertically": "repeat-y",
 "Round": "round",
 "Space": "space",

@var select bg_left_blend "BG Left Blend Mode" {
 "Normal": "normal",
 "Multiply": "multiply",
 "Screen": "screen",
 "Overlay": "overlay",
 "Darken": "darken",
 "Lighten": "lighten",
 "Color dodge": "color-dodge",
 "Color burn": "color-burn",
 "Hard light": "hard-light",
 "Soft light": "soft-light",
 "Difference": "difference",
 "Exclusion": "exclusion",
 "Hue": "hue",
 "Saturation": "saturation",
 "Color": "color",
 "Luminosity": "luminosity",

@var select bg_right_image "BG Right image" {
 "Default image":  `""`,
 "Remove": "rem",
 "Custom": "none",
@var text bg_right_image_custom "BG Right url; Example: 'image link' (qoutes important) " `""`

@var select bg_right_position "BG Right Position" {
 "Custom": "none",
 "Center": "center",
 "Top": "top",
 "Left": "left",
 "Right": "right",
 "Bottom": "bottom",
@var text bg_right_position_custom "BG Right Position Custom; Example: 10px 10px or 50% 0%" "0% 50%"

@var select bg_right_size "BG Right Size" {
 "Cover": "cover",
 "Contain": "contain",
 "Custom": "none",
@var text bg_right_size_custom "BG Right Size Custom" "Cover"

@var select bg_right_repeat "BG Right Repeat" {
 "No repeat": "no-repeat",
 "Repeat": "repeat",
 "Repeat horizontally": "repeat-x",
 "Repeat vertically": "repeat-y",
 "Round": "round",
 "Space": "space",

@var select bg_right_blend "BG Right Blend Mode" {
 "Normal": "normal",
 "Multiply": "multiply",
 "Screen": "screen",
 "Overlay": "overlay",
 "Darken": "darken",
 "Lighten": "lighten",
 "Color dodge": "color-dodge",
 "Color burn": "color-burn",
 "Hard light": "hard-light",
 "Soft light": "soft-light",
 "Difference": "difference",
 "Exclusion": "exclusion",
 "Hue": "hue",
 "Saturation": "saturation",
 "Color": "color",
 "Luminosity": "luminosity",

==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix(""),
url-prefix("") {
    // @var checkbox friends_color_ascent "Colors accent for friends list" 0
    if enable_colors {
        :root {
            --base-hue: main_color;
            --base-hue-deg: main_color;

    html {
        scrollbar-color: #fff #000;

    .header-v4__bg-container {
        z-index: -1;

    .forum-item:hover .forum-item-stripe span,
    .forum-topic-entry:hover .forum-item-stripe span {
        display: block;

    .forum-item .forum-item-stripe span,
    .forum-topic-entry .forum-item-stripe span {
        display: none;

    if main_color=='4000deg' {
        :root {
            --hsl-p: 0, 0%, 50%;
            --hsl-h1: 0, 0%, 100%;
            --hsl-h2: 0, 0%, 30%;
            --hsl-c1: 0, 0%, 100%;
            --hsl-c2: 0, 0%, 90%;
            --hsl-l1: 0, 0%, 80%;
            --hsl-l2: 0, 0%, 75%;
            --hsl-l3: 0, 0%, 70%;
            --hsl-l4: 0, 0%, 50%;
            --hsl-d1: 0, 0%, 30%;
            --hsl-d2: 0, 0%, 25%;
            --hsl-d3: 0, 0%, 20%;
            --hsl-d4: 0, 0%, 15%;
            --hsl-d5: 0, 0%, 10%;
            --hsl-d6: 0, 0%, 5%;
            --hsl-f1: 0, 0%, 60%;
            --hsl-b1: 0, 0%, 30%;
            --hsl-b2: 0, 0%, 25%;
            --hsl-b3: 0, 0%, 20%;
            --hsl-b4: 0, 0%, 15%;
            --hsl-b5: 0, 0%, 10%;
            --hsl-b6: 0, 0%, 5%; // --hsl-pink-2: var(--colour-pink-hue),var(--c-saturation-2),var(--c-lightness-2);
            // --hsl-pink-3: var(--colour-pink-hue),var(--c-saturation-3),var(--c-lightness-3);
            // --colour-purple-hue: 255;
            // --hsl-purple-2: var(--colour-purple-hue),var(--c-saturation-2),var(--c-lightness-2);
            // --hsl-purple-3: var(--colour-purple-hue),var(--c-saturation-3),var(--c-lightness-3);
            // --colour-blue-hue: 200;
            // --hsl-green-2: var(--colour-green-hue),var(--c-saturation-2),var(--c-lightness-2);
            // --hsl-green-3: var(--colour-green-hue),var(--c-saturation-3),var(--c-lightness-3);
            // --colour-lime-hue: 90;
            // --hsl-lime-1: var(--colour-lime-hue),var(--c-saturation-1),var(--c-lightness-1);
            // --hsl-lime-2: var(--colour-lime-hue),var(--c-saturation-2),var(--c-lightness-2);
            // --hsl-lime-3: var(--colour-lime-hue),var(--c-saturation-3),var(--c-lightness-3);
            // --colour-orange-hue: 45;
            // --hsl-orange-2: var(--colour-orange-hue),var(--c-saturation-2),var(--c-lightness-2);
            // --hsl-orange-3: var(--colour-orange-hue),var(--c-saturation-3),var(--c-lightness-3);
            // --colour-red-hue: 360;
            --hsl-red-1: 0, 0%, 60%; // --hsl-red-2: var(--colour-red-hue),var(--c-saturation-2),var(--c-lightness-2);
            // --hsl-red-3: var(--colour-red-hue),var(--c-saturation-3),var(--c-lightness-3);
            // --colour-darkorange-hue: 20;
            --hsl-darkorange-1: 0, 0%, 60%; // --hsl-darkorange-2: var(--colour-darkorange-hue),var(--c-saturation-2),var(--c-lightness-2);
            // --hsl-darkorange-3: var(--colour-darkorange-hue),var(--c-saturation-3),var(--c-lightness-3);
            --beatmapset-graveyard-bg: #000;
            --beatmapset-graveyard-colour: #939393;
            --beatmapset-wip-bg: #FF9966;
            --beatmapset-pending-bg: #FFD966;
            --beatmapset-qualified-bg: #66CCFF;
            --beatmapset-approved-bg: #B3FF66;
            --beatmapset-ranked-bg: #B3FF66;
            --beatmapset-loved-bg: #FF66AB;

        .beatmap-basic-stats {
            color: #fc2;

        .beatmap-basic-stats__entry-icon {
            filter: grayscale(0);

        .stacked-bar-chart--beatmap-success-rate .stacked-bar-chart__bar--exit {
            fill: hsl(0, 0%, 100%);

        .stacked-bar-chart--beatmap-success-rate .stacked-bar-chart__bar--fail {
            fill: hsl(0, 0%, 30%);

        .beatmap-scoreboard-table__body-row.beatmap-scoreboard-table__body-row--friend {
            --row-background-color: hsl(0, 0%, 30%);
            --row-background-color-highlight: hsl(0, 0%, 0%);

        .nav2-header__triangles {
            filter: grayscale(1);

        .profile-info__icon--supporter {
            background-color: #C8598A;

        .supporter-icon--user-card {


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