Simple color swap to Gruvbox Dark
CircleCI Gruvbox Dark by thekevjames
Imported and mirrored from
Size15 kB
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Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name CircleCI Gruvbox Dark
@version 1.1.1
@description Simple color swap to Gruvbox Dark
@author TheKevJames
@license MIT
@preprocessor less
@var color bg0h "Background 0h" #1d2021
@var color bg0s "Background 0s" #32302f
@var color bg0 "Background 0" #282828
@var color bg1 "Background 1" #3c3836
@var color bg2 "Background 2" #504945
@var color bg3 "Background 3" #665c54
@var color bg4 "Background 4" #7c6f64
@var color fg0 "Foreground 0" #fbf1c7
@var color fg1 "Foreground 1" #ebdbb2
@var color fg2 "Foreground 2" #d5c4a1
@var color fg3 "Foreground 3" #bdae93
@var color fg4 "Foreground 4" #a899a4
@var color gray "Gray" #928374
@var color red0 "Red 0" #cc241d
@var color red1 "Red 1" #fb4934
@var color green0 "Green 0" #98971a
@var color green1 "Green 1" #b8bb26
@var color yellow0 "Yellow 0" #d79921
@var color yellow1 "Yellow 1" #fabd24
@var color blue0 "Blue 0" #458588
@var color blue1 "Blue 1" #83a598
@var color purple0 "Purple 0" #b16286
@var color purple1 "Purple 1" #d3869b
@var color aqua0 "Aqua 0" #689d6a
@var color aqua1 "Aqua 1" #8ec07c
@var color orange0 "Orange 0" #d65d0e
@var color orange1 "Orange 1" #fe8019
==/UserStyle== */
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