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Wallpapers Tanki Online by maketankibetter

Screenshot of Wallpapers Tanki Online



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Size1.8 MB


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Set custom wallpapers for Tanki Online battle loader!


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Source code

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/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Wallpapers
@description  This is additional extension for Tanki Online new interface. It changes wallpaper of battle joining screen and login screen.
@version      1.9
@author       #MakeTankiBetter (sn0wman)
@preprocessor stylus
@var          checkbox newInterstitialLoader 'New in-between loader'  0
@var          select   wallpaper             'Select your wallpaper:'          {
                                             'Custom':                         'custom',
                                             'Classic':                        'classic',
                                             'Classic new':                    'classicNew',
                                             'Halloween 2021':                 'hw21',
                                             "Steampunk - part 1":             'SP1',
                                             "New Year 2022":                  'NY22',
                                             "Lunar New Year 2022":            'CNNY22',
                                             "Valentine's days 2022":          'vd22',
                                             "Iron days 2022":                 'lpj22',
                                             "Women's day 2022":               'wd22',
                                             "New supplies on Fool Day 2022":  'newsupplies',
                                             "Same as ↑ but with Gold Boxes":  'gbe3',
                                             'Cosmonautics day 2022':          'cosmonauticsD2022',
                                             'Dark Matter':                    'darkmatter',
                                             'Easter 2022':                    'e22',
                                             'May holidays 2022':              'mh22',
                                             'Summer Sport Games 2022':        'SSG22',
                                             'UFO day 2022':                   'ufoDay22',
                                             'Birthday! 13 years!':            '13years',
                                             'Hocus Pocus':                    'hp22',
                                             'Summer festival 2022, 2023':     'sf22',
                                             'Legacy Tanki Screenshot':        'LTS22',
                                             'Tankers day 2022':               'td22',
                                             'Circus day 2022':                'circus22',
                                             'An event with Gold Boxes':       'gbe1',
                                             'Wasp-Hammer at Forest HD':       'whfhd',
                                             'Juggernauts event 21.10.22':     'jgruw211022',
                                             'Halloween 2022':                 'hw22',
                                             'Zombie event 2022':              'hwz22',
                                             'Pyromaniac event 2022':          'prmnyk22',
                                             'Day of the Dead 2022':           'dotd22',
                                             'Arcade':                         'arcade',
                                             'Black Friday 2022':              'bf22',
                                             'Hornet-Railgun winter 2022':     'hr22',
                                             'New Year 2023':                  'ny23',
                                             'Winter event with Gold Boxes':   'gbe2',
                                             'Saint Patrick Day 2023':         'stp23',
                                             'Fool Day 2023':                  'XDD23',
                                             'Birthday! 14 years!':            '14years',
                                             'Summer Major':                   'sm23',
                                             'Summer Major (alt)':             'sm23alt',
                                             'Gold boxes with some spark':     'gbe4',
                                             'UFO day 2023':                   'ufo23',
                                             'Summer Sport Games 2023':        'ssg23',
                                             'Arms Race battle mode image':    'acwp',
                                             'Tankers day 2023':               'td23',
                                             'Wild West':                      'wildwest',
                                             'Halloween 2023':                 'hw23',
                                             'Day of the Dead 2023':           'dotd23',
                                             'Ice Age 2023':                   'ia23',
                                             "New Year 2024":                  'NY24',
                                             "Lunar New Year 2024":            'CNNY24',
                                             "Parkour Event":                  'PE24',
                                             "Valentine's days 2024":          'vd24',
                                             "Spring Fever 2024":              'sf24',
                                             "Challenge offer background":     'COB',
                                             "Sakura blossom":                 'SB24',
                                             'Fool Day 2024':                  'XDD24',
                                             'Cosmonautics day 2024':          'cosmonauticsD2024',
                                             'May holidays 2024':              'mh24',
                                             'Birthday! 15 years!':            '15years',
                                             'UFO day 2024':                   'ufoDay24',
                                             'Cybertank 2024':                 'cybert24',
@var          checkbox positioning           'Center image?'                   1
@var          checkbox imageSize             'Is the image for fullscreen?'    1
@var          text     customImage           'Code of the custom image\n (' 'Paste here'
@var          text     customImageFilter     'Custom image filter for in-between loader'                  'brightness(0.5)'
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document regexp("https:\\/\\/.*\\.?tankionline\\.com\\/play\\/"), regexp("https:\\/\\/public-deploy\\d\\.test-eu\\.tankionline\\.com\\/browser-public\\/index\\.html\\?config-template=https:\\/\\/c{server}\\.public-deploy\\d\\.test-eu\\.tankionline\\.com\\/config\\.xml&resources=\\.\\.\\/resources&balancer=https:\\/\\/balancer\\.public-deploy\\d\\.test-eu\\.tankionline\\.com\\/balancer"), regexp("https:\\/\\/client-review-\\d\\-public.test-ru\\.tankionline\\.com\\/\\?config-template=https:\\/\\/c{server}\\.review-\\d\\-public.test-ru\\.tankionline\\.com\\/config\\.xml\\&resources=https:\\/\\/resources-review-\\d\\\\&balancer=https:\\/\\/\\\\/balancer") {
        content: '';
        position: fixed;
        inset: 0;
        background: var(--image);
        background-position: var(--position);
        background-size: var(--size);
        pointer-events: none;
    if (newInterstitialLoader == 1) {
            --image: radial-gradient(50% 100% at 50% 100%, rgb(57, 86, 115) 0%, rgb(0, 25, 38) 100%);
        .LobbyLoaderComponentStyle-container {
            background: var(--image);
            background-position: var(--position);
            background-size: var(--size);
            background: var(--image);
            background-position: var(--position);
            background-size: var(--size);
        .LobbyLoaderComponentStyle-container::after {
            content: '';
            position: fixed;
            inset: 0;
            pointer-events: none;
            backdrop-filter: var(--effects) blur(6px);
            z-index: -1;
    if (positioning != 1) {
            body {
                --position: left top;
    if positioning {
            body {
                --position: center;
    if (imageSize != 1) {
            body {
                --size: unset;
    if imageSize {
            body {
                --size: cover;
    if (wallpaper == 'none'){
        body {
            --image: unset;
    if (wallpaper == 'classic'){
        body {
            --image: url('///'), url('/browser-public/static/images/background/background.282d8580.webp') !important;
            --effects: brightness(0.75);
    if (wallpaper == 'dotd23'){
            --image: url('');
            --effects: brightness(0.5);
    if (wallpaper == 'classicNew'){
        body {
            --image: url('/play/static/images/background/background.4a9fffd6.webp'), url('/browser-public/static/images/background/background.4a9fffd6.webp') !important;
            --effects: brightness(0.5);
    if (wallpaper == 'hw21'){
        body {
            --image: url('/play/static/images/background/background_hw2021.5e63cb74.webp'), url('/browser-public/static/images/background/background_hw2021.5e63cb74.webp') !important;
            --effects: brightness(0.5);
    if (wallpaper =...


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