Makes the sidebar stick to the top of the page so you don't have to scroll back to the top when you want to access it.
Works in both portrait and landscape orientation.
Looks a bit janky but it's fully functional.
Should work in every browser.
LicenseCC Zero
Size666 B
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Makes the sidebar stick to the top of the page so you don't have to scroll back to the top when you want to access it.
Works in both portrait and landscape orientation.
Looks a bit janky but it's fully functional.
Should work in every browser.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Reddit sticky sidebar
@version 1.0.0
@description Makes the sidebar stick to the top of the page so you don't have to scroll back to the top when you want to access it.
Works in both portrait and landscape orientation.
Looks a bit janky but it's fully functional.
Should work in every browser.
@author ttothh
@license CC Zero
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
div._3Kd8DQpBIbsr5E1JcrMFTY._1tvThPWQpORoc2taKebHxs {
height: 50vh;
overflow: scroll;
position: sticky;
top: 75px;
border-radius: 3px;