Letterboxd Tweak'd
by jordy3d
LicenseNo License
Size1.9 kB
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Small tweaks to Letterboxd to improve or modify the site. Some are personal taste, some are genuine improvements, some are niceties.
Features include:
- Replaced avatar circle shape with a 13% square
- Themed scrollbar
- Hidden away upsells
- Improved Dropdown legibility
- Shrunk footer
- Replaced avatar circle shape with a 13% square
- Themed scrollbar
- Hidden away upsells
- Improved Dropdown legibility
- Shrunk footer
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Letterboxd Tweak'd
@version 20221109.11.43
@namespace userstyles.world/user/jordy3d
@description Small tweaks to Letterboxd to improve or modify the site. Some are personal taste, some are genuine improvements, some are niceties.
Features include:
- Replaced avatar circle shape with a 13% square
- Themed scrollbar
- Hidden away upsells
- Improved Dropdown legibility
- Shrunk footer
@author jordy3d
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("letterboxd.com") {
/*Tweaks and Changes*/
/*Stop horizontal overdlow*/
body { overflow-x: hidden; }
/*Resizeable Window Support
html, body { width: 100%; }
.content-wrap { width: 90%; }
.gutter-right-1, .gutter-right-1 { width: 30% !important; }
.film .col-17 { width: 60%; }
.col-10 { width: 50%; }
.sidebar { width: 40%; }*/
/*Minify Footer*/
.page-footer.-bottomrail { padding-bottom: 0; }
/*Better Profile Picture Shape*/
.avatar.-a24, .avatar.-a24 a, .avatar.-a24 img, .avatar.-a24:after,
.no-mobile .profile-summary .profile-avatar .avatar.-a110 a, .no-mobile .profile-summary .profile-avatar .avatar.-a110 img, .no-mobile .profile-summary .profile-avatar .avatar.-a110:after,
.avatar-list .avatar img, .avatar-list .avatar::after
border-radius: 13% !important;
/*Fix dropdown colours*/
.main-nav>.navitems>.nav-account .subnav li a,
.smenu-menu li a.item,
.smenu-menu .option-label.-toggle .label,.smenu-menu li .smenu-sublabel,
.popup-menu>ul li a
color: white !important;
.main-nav>.navitems>.nav-account .subnav, .smenu-menu,
background: #445566;
/*Hide upsell*/
.banner.js-hide-in-app { display: none; }
/*Dark Scrollbar*/
::-webkit-scrollbar { width: 10px; }
::-webkit-scrollbar-track { background: #fff0; }
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background: #00c030; }
::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { background: #40bcf4; }
::-webkit-scrollbar-corner { background: #0000; }