Tweaks for Wikipedia - Pin the left menu, Move your language to the top of the Language list and more!
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Tweaks for Wikipedia - Pin the left menu, Move your language to the top of the Language list and more!
Wiktionary wikiquote wikibooks wikimedia wikisource
Pin the left menu, Move your language to the top of the Language list, Hide unwanted sections from the left menu, or change order. Change the width of the articles.
Supported wikis:
The style only works in the old Wikipedia layout (Vector legacy). Install this script to restore it: Wikipedia Vector Legacy Layout
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Wiki Tweaks
@description Pin left menu, Move your language to the top of the Language list, Hide unwanted sections from the left menu or change order. Change width of the articles. The style only works in the old Wikipedia layout (Vector legacy). Install this script to restore it:
@version 1.0.4
@author Pabli (
@license MIT
@preprocessor stylus
@var checkbox sticky "Sticky Menu" 1
@var checkbox sBar "Dark ScrollBar in Chrome based browsers" 0
@var checkbox wdth "▼ Change Articles Width (px) ▼" 0
@var number wdthpx "" [960, 0, null, 1, 'px']
@var checkbox pLang "▼ Pinned Languages ▼" 1
@var text lang "- Languages" "'en, es, pl'"
@var text pLangIco "- Icon" "'📌'"
@var checkbox pLangOnly "- Only Show Pinned Languages" 0
@var checkbox oH "▼ Change Menu Order (0 to Hide) ▼" 0
@var number oLogo "- Logo" [1,0,99]
@var number oNav "- Navigation" [2,0,99]
@var number oContr "- Contribute/Get involved" [3,0,99]
@var number oLinks "- Wikiquote links (" [4,0,99]
@var number oCommu "- Community (," [5,0,99]
@var number oBTWeb "- Beyond the Web (" [6,0,99]
@var number oProj "- Projects (" [7,0,99]
@var number oInfo "- Information (" [8,0,99]
@var number oCont "- Contact (" [9,0,99]
@var number oTools "- Tools" [10,0,99]
@var number oSProj "- Sister projects (" [11,0,99]
@var number oPrint "- Print/export" [12,0,99]
@var number oInOpr "- In other projects" [13,0,99]
@var number oVisib "- Visibility (" [14,0,99]
@var number oLang "- Languages" [15,0,99]
@var number oFdbck "- Feedback (" [16,0,99]
@var number oAll "- Other" [99,1,99]
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain("") {
The style only works in the old Wikipedia layout (Vector legacy).
Install this script to restore it:
if sBar {
:root {
color-scheme: dark
} {
if wdth {
#bodyContent {
max-width: wdthpx
margin: 0 auto
#mw-panel {
display: flex
flex-direction: column
if sticky {
@supports (-webkit-appearance:none) {
/:root:has(^[0]), #mw-panel {
scrollbar-width: unset !important
scrollbar-color: unset !important
@property --bgsb {syntax: "<color>";inherits: true;initial-value: #fff;}
@keyframes bgsbIn {0% {--bgsb: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)}100% {--bgsb: rgba(100, 100, 100, .5)}}
@keyframes bgsbOut {0% {--bgsb: rgba(100, 100, 100, .5)}100% {--bgsb: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)}}
#mw-panel {
position: fixed
height: 100dvh !important
overflow-x: hidden
overflow-y: scroll
overflow-y: overlay
scrollbar-width: none
animation: bgsbOut .5s ease-in-out forwards
&:hover {
animation: bgsbIn .5s ease-in-out forwards
scrollbar-width: thin
&::-webkit-scrollbar {
width: 5px !important
min-width: 5px !important
height: 5px !important
min-height: 5px !important
&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb {
background-color: var(--bgsb) !important
border: none !important
border-radius: 10px !important
&::after {
content: ""
margin-top: 100px
order: 99
#p-AnonymousI18N {
overflow: visible
if oH {
#mw-panel > {
// Logo
#p-logo {
if !oLogo { display: none }
else { order: oLogo }
// Navigation
#p-navigation, #p-Navigation {
if !oNav { display: none }
else { order: oNav }
// Contribute/Get involved
#p-interaction, #p-participate, #p-Mitmachen, #p-Get_involved, #p-wikibase-lexeme-lexicographical-data, #p-edytorzy {
if !oContr { display: none }
else { order: oContr }
//Wikiquote links (
#p-Wikiquote_links {
if !oLinks { display: none }
else { order: oLinks }
// Community (,
#p-community, #p-Community {
if !oCommu { display: none }
else { order: oCommu }
// Beyond the Web (
#p-beyond_the_web {
if !oBTWeb { display: none }
else { order: oBTWeb }
// Projects (
#p-bw-sidebar-projects {
if !oProj { display: none }
else { order: oProj }
// Information (
#p-mw-ui-feature-info {
if !oInfo { display: none }
else { order: oInfo }
// Contact (
#p-contactpage-title, #p-zmiany {
if !oCont { display: none }
else { order: oCont }
// Tools
#p-tb {
if !oTools { display: none }
else { order: oTools }
// Sister projects (
#p-Sister_projects {
if !oSProj { display: none }
else { order: oSProj }
// Print/export
#p-coll-print_export {
if !oPrint { display: none }
else { order: oPrint }
// In other projects
#p-wikibase-otherprojects, #p-Wikibase-otherprojects {
if !oInOpr { display: none }
else { order: oInOpr }
// Visibility (
#p-visibility {
if !oVisib { display: none }
else { order: oVisib }
// Languages
#p-lang, #p-AnonymousI18N {
if !oLang { display: none }
else { order: oLang }
// Feedback (
#p-feedback {
if !oFdbck { display: none }
else { order: oFdbck }
* {
order: oAll
if pLang {
#p-lang .vector-menu-content-list {
display: flex !important
flex-direction: column
> * {
order: 99
if lang {
lang = split(',', replace(' ', '', lang))
ls = ' #p-lang .vector-menu-content-list > .interwiki-'
c = ''
for la, n in lang {
c += ls + la +' {order: '+ n +'; display: list-item !important}\n'
c += ls + la +':not(.badge-goodarticle):not(.badge-featuredarticle)::marker {content: "'+ pLangIco +'"}\n'
c += ls + la +' a {font-weight: bold}\n'
if pLangOnly {
#p-lang .interlanguage-link {
display: none !important
#p-lang .mw-interlanguage-selector {
display: list-item !important