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Colored Cards in the Gallery view - by pabli

Screenshot of Colored Cards in the Gallery view -







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Change the background color of your notes by changing the color of your tags (type Multi-select) in

Works in Chrome/Edge 105+, Opera 91+ or your browser has to support ':has()' selector.

You can set your own colors in the config or select Google Keep color scheme.

notion so

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Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Colored Cards in the Gallery view
@version        1.0.1
@description    Change background color of your notes by changing the color of your tags (type Multi-select) in
@author         Pabli
@preprocessor   stylus

@var            number   a0         "Works in Chrome/Edge 105+, Opera 91+ or your browser has to support ':has()' selector." [0,0,0,1]

@var            checkbox tot        "Move gallery card titles on top"          0

@var            checkbox ifbg       "Change background color (Dark Mode only)" 0
@var            color    bgc        ""                                         #202124

@var            select   ccs        "Cards Color Sheme"                        ["Default", "Google-Keep", "Custom", "Disabled"]
@var            number   a1         "▼ Custom Card Colors (Dark Mode) ▼"       [1,1,1]
@var            color    dLightGray "Light gray"                               rgb(47, 47, 47)
@var            color    dGray      "Gray"                                     rgb(47, 47, 47)
@var            color    dBrown     "Brown"                                    rgb(54, 40, 34)
@var            color    dOrange    "Orange"                                   rgb(66, 47, 34)
@var            color    dYellow    "Yellow"                                   rgb(64, 51, 36)
@var            color    dGreen     "Green"                                    rgb(35, 49, 42)
@var            color    dBlue      "Blue"                                     rgb(27, 45, 56)
@var            color    dPurple    "Purple"                                   rgb(48, 39, 57)
@var            color    dPink      "Pink"                                     rgb(59, 39, 48)
@var            color    dRed       "Red"                                      rgb(62, 40, 37)

@var            number   a11        "▼ Custom Card Colors (Light Mode) ▼"      [1.1,1.1,1.1]
@var            color    lLightGray "Light gray"                               rgba(249, 249, 245, 0.5)
@var            color    lGray      "Gray"                                     rgba(247, 247, 245, 0.7)
@var            color    lBrown     "Brown"                                    rgba(250, 246, 245, 0.7)
@var            color    lOrange    "Orange"                                   rgba(252, 245, 242, 0.7)
@var            color    lYellow    "Yellow"                                   rgba(250, 247, 237, 0.7)
@var            color    lGreen     "Green"                                    rgba(244, 248, 243, 0.7)
@var            color    lBlue      "Blue"                                     rgba(241, 248, 251, 0.7)
@var            color    lPurple    "Purple"                                   rgba(249, 246, 252, 0.7)
@var            color    lPink      "Pink"                                     rgba(251, 245, 251, 0.7)
@var            color    lRed       "Red"                                      rgba(253, 245, 243, 0.7)
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
/* title on top */
if tot {
	.notion-gallery-view div > div > a > div:has([placeholder="Untitled"]) {
		order: -1;
/* background color */
if ifbg {
	body.dark, .notion-cursor-listener,
	[style*="background: rgb(25\, 25\, 25)"] {
		background: bgc !important;
/* Color Sheme for cards */
if ccs == "Default" {
	dLightGray = rgb(47, 47, 47)
	dGray      = rgb(47, 47, 47)
	dBrown     = rgb(54, 40, 34)
	dOrange    = rgb(66, 47, 34)
	dYellow    = rgb(64, 51, 36)
	dGreen     = rgb(35, 49, 42)
	dBlue      = rgb(27, 45, 56)
	dPurple    = rgb(48, 39, 57)
	dPink      = rgb(59, 39, 48)
	dRed       = rgb(62, 40, 37)
	lLightGray = rgba(249, 249, 245, 0.5)
	lGray      = rgba(247, 247, 245, 0.7)
	lBrown     = rgba(250, 246, 245, 0.7)
	lOrange    = rgba(252, 245, 242, 0.7)
	lYellow    = rgba(250, 247, 237, 0.7)
	lGreen     = rgba(244, 248, 243, 0.7)
	lBlue      = rgba(241, 248, 251, 0.7)
	lPurple    = rgba(249, 246, 252, 0.7)
	lPink      = rgba(251, 245, 251, 0.7)
	lRed       = rgba(253, 245, 243, 0.7)
if ccs == "Google-Keep" {
	dLightGray = #3c3f43
	dGray      = #313235
	dBrown     = #442f19
	dOrange    = #614a19
	dYellow    = #635d19
	dGreen     = #345920
	dBlue      = #1e3a5f
	dPurple    = #42275e
	dPink      = #5b2245
	dRed       = #5c2b29
	lLightGray = #fff
	lGray      = #e8eaed
	lBrown     = #e6c9a8
	lOrange    = #fbbc04
	lYellow    = #fff475
	lGreen     = #ccff90
	lBlue      = #aecbfa
	lPurple    = #d7aefb
	lPink      = #fdcfe8
	lRed       = #f28b82
if ccs != "Disabled" {
	.notion-selectable.notion-page-block.notion-collection-item > a { &:has(div > div > div > div:first-child {
		&[style*="background: rgb(55\, 55\, 55)"           ]) { background: dLightGray !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(90\, 90\, 90)"           ]) { background: dGray      !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(96\, 59\, 44)"           ]) { background: dBrown     !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(133\, 76\, 29)"          ]) { background: dOrange    !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(137\, 99\, 42)"          ]) { background: dYellow    !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(43\, 89\, 63)"           ]) { background: dGreen     !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(40\, 69\, 108)"          ]) { background: dBlue      !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(73\, 47\, 100)"          ]) { background: dPurple    !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(105\, 49\, 76)"          ]) { background: dPink      !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(110\, 54\, 48)"          ]) { background: dRed       !important }
		&[style*="background: rgba(227\, 226\, 224\, 0.5)" ]) { background: lLightGray !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(227\, 226\, 224)"        ]) { background: lGray      !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(238\, 224\, 218)"        ]) { background: lBrown     !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(250\, 222\, 201)"        ]) { background: lOrange    !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(253\, 236\, 200)"        ]) { background: lYellow    !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(219\, 237\, 219)"        ]) { background: lGreen     !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(211\, 229\, 239)"        ]) { background: lBlue      !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(232\, 222\, 238)"        ]) { background: lPurple    !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(245\, 224\, 233)"        ]) { background: lPink      !important }
		&[style*="background: rgb(255\, 226\, 221)"        ]) { background: lRed       !important }



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