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9gag dark deluxe by sltw



LicenseNo License



Size18 kB


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9gag in dark and actually usable.
Removed all uncecessary trash.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           9gag dark deluxe
@namespace      USO Archive
@author         SLTW
@description    `A Theme for 9gag to make it dark and overall a very nice experience.Added a few little Details and improvements.This is still a work in progress - so if you find any issues or have troubles with the theme please let me know.`
@version        20210508.8.19
@license        CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
@preprocessor   uso
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
/*9gag dark deluxe*/

/* top navigation */
#top-nav {background: #1b1b1bf2; 
border-bottom: solid 3px #000;   
.nav-wrap a.logo,.nav-wrap{ filter: invert(0) !important;}

.sticky-navbar[data-v-28b16781] {background: transparent;}
.sticky-navbar a[data-v-28b16781] {color: white; border: 1px solid #646464;}
.sticky-navbar a.selected[data-v-28b16781], .sticky-navbar a.selected[data-v-28b16781]:hover {background-color: #000; color: #0f0;}
.sticky-navbar a[data-v-28b16781]:hover {background-color: #006200;}

[data-v-19da590c] .button .icon {opacity: 0.3}
[data-v-19da590c] .button .icon:hover {opacity: 1} a {display: none;}

[class="post-view featured-video"] {height: 15px}
[class="post-view featured-video"]:before {content:"Here would be a featured video but my theme saved you."; color: #ff7600}

/* default background color */
.background-white, body {background-color: #1b1b1b;}

section#list-view-2 .post-container .post-view {background-color: transparent;}

/* Coloring Post Titles */
.listview h1 a,section#list-view-2 h1 {color: #fff;}
.listview h1 a:hover {color: #00ff31}

/* icons inverted coloer */
.post-action span.icon {filter: invert(100%);}

/* left side labels */
.section-sidebar .nav .label {color: #d0d0d0;}
.section-sidebar .nav .label:hover  {background-color: #747474!important;color: white;}
.section-sidebar {filter: invert(100%)}

/* .drawer, .drawer[data-v-756727ca], .drawer[data-v-19da590c], .drawer[data-v-3b27b023] */

[class^=".drawer"], [class="drawer"] {background: transparent !important;}
a.label {color: white !important;}

/* hot, trending and fresh icon */
.section-sidebar, {background-image: url(; background-size: 24px 24px;}
.section-sidebar .icon.trending, .section-sidebar .icon.fresh {filter: invert(100%)}

/* Selected label left */
.section-sidebar .nav .label.selected {background-color: #454545;color: white;}
.section-sidebar .nav .label.selected:hover {background-color: #454545;color: white;}

/* right side stuff */
section.block-feature-cover a {color: #a6a6a6;}
section.block-feature-cover a:hover {color: white!important;}

/* remove featured stuff */
.featured-tag {display: none;}

/*remove stupid ad stiuff*/
[id="jsid-ad-container-banner_top"] {display: none !important;}

/* post border stuff */ 
.listview article {border: solid 1px #58585800; margin-right: -2px; margin-bottom: 2px}

/* my profile stuff */
.profile-header header h2 {color: #b7b6b6;}
.profile .tab-bar a.selected {color: white; border-bottom: 2px solid #0F0;}
.profile .tab-bar a:hover {color: white;}
.profile-header .img-container img {border: solid 1px green;}
.profile-about, .profile .tab-bar {color: #32ff33;}

.popup-menu.user {background-color: #333;}

/* header search */
.headbar-search {background-color: Black; box-shadow: 3px 3px 10px 5px #000} {background: none;}
input {background-color: #f000; color: white;}

/* notification-menu and popmenu*/
.notification-menu .title h3 {color: white;}
.notification-menu {background-color: #000; border: 1px solid #00ff223b; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 2px #00ff078c;}
.notification-list li {background-color: black;color: white}
.notification-list li {background-color: #535353;color: white}
.notification-menu .bumper {background-color: #000;}
.notification-menu .bumper a.see-all {color: #fff;}
.notification-menu .bumper a.see-all:hover {color: #0F0;}
.notification-menu .tab-bar a {color: #7b7b7b;}
.notification-menu .tab-bar {color: #0F0;border-bottom: 2px solid #0f0}
.notification-menu .tab-bar {color: #0f0;}
.notification-menu .tab-bar a:hover {color: #50fd43;} 

.noti-item.unread {background: black; color: #72fb68;}
.noti-item.unread a {color: #72fb68;}
.noti-item.unread:hover {background: #242424; color: #0f0;}
.noti-item {background: #000; color: gray; }
.noti-item:hover {background: #242424; color: #fff; }

.popup-menu ul {background-color: #4b4b4b; border: 1px solid #00ff2278; box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 2px #00ff078c;}
.popup-menu a {background: transparent;color: white;}
.popup-menu a:hover  {background: rgb(100, 100, 100);color: white;}

.notification-list li a.item {background-color: #ffffff57;}
.notification-list li a.item:hover {background-color: #386e6aa6; }

/* comment section */
.CS3 {background: transparent;}
.CS3 .tab-bar h3,.CS3 .comment-entry .payload .username {color: white;}
.CS3 .comment-entry .payload .content {color: #aeaeae;}
.CS3 .collapsed-comment {color: #86ff8a;}
.CS3 .tab-bar a {color: white; border-bottom: solid 5px #0F0}
.CS3 .tab-bar a:hover {color: white;}

.CS3 input[type=url], .CS3 textarea {background-color: Black;color: white; border-color: #0F0; resize: vertical; min-height: 100px;  }
.CS3 .comment-box .action {border-color: #0f0}

.CS3 .comment-section-title h3 {color: #00fffb;}
.CS3 .notice-message {background-color: transparent;}

.comment-input-area-content__input-area_textarea {background: black !important;}
[class="comment-list-item"]:hover,[class="comment-list-item comment-list-item_reply"]:hover, [class="comment-list-item comment-list-item_reply comment-list-item_highlighted"], .comment-list-item[data-v-8df947e6]:hover, .comment-list-item_highlighted[data-v-d3b46cbe],.comment-list-item[data-v-207b3136]:hover  {background: rgba(13, 12, 12, .72) !important; border-radius: 10px}
.comment-list-item__text {color: white;}

.comment-item-header__deleted[data-v-3457baac], .comment-item-header__username[data-v-3457baac],.comment-item-header__deleted[data-v-ff5844e8], .comment-item-header__username[data-v-ff5844e8] {color: #e32685 ;}

.comment_system_module a {color: #22ec2f ;}

.comment-tab-bar__label[data-v-786d06f2] {color: white;}[data-v-786d06f2] {color:  #1ea827; border-color: #1ea827;}

.comment-list-item__replies[data-v-8df947e6] {color: #0f0}

.comment-list-item__replies .arrow-down-reverse[data-v-8df947e6] {    border-top: 0 !important;    border-bottom: 5px solid #0f0;}
.comment-list-item__replies .arrow-down[data-v-8df947e6] {width: 0;height: 0;border-left: 5px solid transparent;border-right: 5px solid transparent;border-top: 5px solid #0f0;display: inline-block;margin: 0 11px 2px 0;}

.comment-input-area-content_attachments-list[data-v-178c8010] {background-color: #1a1a1a; border-top: 2px solid #fff}

.vote-button_voted[data-v-33327dc2], .vote-button_voted[data-v-33327dc2]:hover {color: #e32685 !important;}

.comment-list-item_highlighted[data-v-2314e918]:hover {background-color: #000000;}
.comment-list-item_highlighted[data-v-2314e918] {animation-name: highlight; animation-duration: 4s; border-radius: 15px}

@keyframes highlight {
  0% { background: #000;}
  90% { background: #000;}
  100% {background: transparent}

/*locked message*/

.comment-notice-message[data-v-180fcaf2] {background: #a40000; box-shadow: 0 0 10px 10px #a40000; border-radius: 10px}
[class="comment-notice-message__title"]:after {content:" <- does it say 'locked'? Then you are looking at an ad or something else that was paid for by someone. You did upvote this? You fool go back to TikTok."}

/* pro badge */
.CS3, .CS3 {display:none;}

.post-afterbar-meta a:hover {color: #f00; font-weight:bold;}
.post-afterbar-meta a:hover::before {color: #f00; font-weight:bold;content:"Dude you ain't no snitch are you?"}

/* button stuff */
.CS3 a.cmnt-btn {background-color: #000; border: 1px solid #bcbcbc;}
.CS3 a.cmnt-btn:hover {background-color: #000; border: 1px solid #00ff1c;color: #0F0}[data-v-cfe73014], .uni-modal__footer .button-primary {background: black; border: 1px solid #0f0}[data-v-cfe73014]:hover, .uni-modal__footer .button-primary:hover {background: black; border: 2px solid #0f0}

/*inside a post*/
section#individual-post header h1 {color: white;} {background: transparent}

.btn-vote a.up:hover {border: solid 1px #0F0;}
.btn-vote {border: solid 1px #0F0;}

.btn-vote a.down:hover {border: solid 1px #f00;}
.btn-vote {border: solid 1px #F00;}

.post-afterbar-a .post-nav {opacity: 0.7}
/* fuck stupid sharing options - Fuck whatsapp - Fuck Facbook messenger*/
[class="badge-evt badge-track whatsapp"], [class="badge-evt badge-track messenger"] {display: none !important;}


/*video stuff*/
.video-length {opacity: 0.5!important}

/*notifications list*/
.notification-text-list .label h3, .notification-detail .section-title h3,.notification-text-list a {color: white;}
.notification-text-list p {color: #c1c1c1}

section#settings h2,.field label {color: #fff;}
.setting-social-connect label {color: #fff;}
.setting-social-connect label:after {content:' - What is happening?'}

/* upload button*/
.user-function .btn-primary, .visitor-function .btn-primary,section.modal.upload .source.file span.btn,.CS3 .notice-message .btn-container a.btn {color: #0F0; background-color: Black; border: solid 1px #6d6d6d;}
.user-function .btn-primary:hover, .visitor-function .btn-primary:hover,.CS3 .notice-message .btn-container a.btn:hover {color: #0F0; background-color: Black; border: solid 1px #0F0;}

/*upload window*/
section.modal {background-color: #000...


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