Adds more options for Mastodon's advanced view!
Mastodon Advanced View Plus by Freeplay
Imported and mirrored from

LicenseNo License
Code size14 kB
Code checksum475f81bc
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Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* 1.1.0
- added option to change position of last column
- fixed "Set numbered columns to fixed size" option
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Mastodon Advanced View Plus
@version 1.1.0
@description Adds more options for Mastodon's advanced view!
@preprocessor stylus
@namespace Freeplay
@author Freeplay (
@var text hehe "Also Try Out Mastodon Modern!" '""'
@var checkbox drawerCollapse "Drawer: Collapse" 0
@var checkbox drawerStick "Drawer: Stick to left" 1
@var range drawerW "Drawer: Width" [300, 250, 400, 25, 'px']
@var checkbox columnCenter "Columns: Center to screen" 1
@var range columnMinWidth "Columns: Minimum Width" [350, 300, 700, 25, "px"]
@var range columnMaxWidth "Columns: Max Width (700 = full)" [600, 300, 700, 25, "px"]
@var range columnOpacity "Columns: Unfocused Opacity" [1, .5, 1, .1]
@var checkbox lastColumnStick "Columns: Stick last column to right" 1
@var number lastColumnPos "Columns: Last column position from end (columns to the right will not be collapsed)" [0, 0, 20, 1]
@var text collapsedColumns "Columns: Collapse numbered columns: (Ex: 1 3 5. Type 'All' for all columns)" "0"
@var range minColumnsAmountShrink "Columns: Cascade Shrink Amount" [250, 50, 300, 10, "px"]
@var text minColumns "Set numbered columns to fixed size (Ex: 1 3 5)" "0"
@var range minColumnsWidth "Set numbered columns to fixed size: size" [250, 250, 800, 50, "px"]
@var checkbox snapColumns "Scroll Snap Columns" 0
==/UserStyle== */
.layout-multiple-columns > #mastodon {
softGradientRight = linear-gradient(
to right,
hsl(0, 0%, 0%) 0%,
hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.987) 8.1%,
hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.951) 15.5%,
hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.896) 22.5%,
hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.825) 29%,
hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.741) 35.3%,
hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.648) 41.2%,
hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.55) 47.1%,
hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.45) 52.9%,
hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.352) 58.8%,
hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.259) 64.7%,
hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.175) 71%,
hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.104) 77.5%,
hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.049) 84.5%,
hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.013) 91.9%,
hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0) 100%
// Drawer
&#mastodon {
--collapsed-width 80px
.drawer, .columns-area, > div > .ui, & > [tabindex], & {
background-color inherit !important
.drawer.drawer.drawer {
z-index 101
width drawerW
& ~ * {
z-index 102
.ui__header {
display none
if drawerCollapse {
.ui__header {
display unset
width 80px
min-width 80px
max-width 80px !important
margin-top 0px
margin-right -80px
padding-block 30px
z-index 101
background inherit
height 100vh
if drawerStick {
left 0
.account__avatar {
width 45px !important
height 45px !important
.ui__header__logo {
display none
.ui__header__links {
flex-direction column-reverse
.button {
width 45px
height 45px
height 85px
box-sizing border-box
// border-radius 40%
margin-top 10px
font-size 0
&::before, &::after {
font normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome
content ""
font-size 24px
position absolute
inset 0
height 45px
left 4px
display flex
align-items center
justify-content center
white-space pre
&::after {
content ""
top unset
right 8px
left 8px
transform scale(.7)
border-top 1px solid
padding-top 5px
.drawer.drawer.drawer:first-child {
margin-top 0px
margin-top 180px !important
padding-inline 16px !important
width 80px
box-sizing border-box
overflow visible !important
background none !important
// padding-inline 12px !important
// padding-right 6px !important
// padding-inline 0px !important
// align-items center
& + .column {
padding-left 0
.drawer__header {
flex-direction column
background none
> a.drawer__tab {
padding-inline-end 0 !important
padding-inline-start 0 !important
padding-block 0
font-size 20px
border-radius 100px
height 50px
display flex
align-items center
justify-content center
.navigation-bar__profile, a[href^="/@"] {
display none
.compose-form > :first-child:not(.reply-indicator), .reply-indicator {
&, & ~ *:not(.spoiler-input) {
display none
.compose-form {
position static
// Show Replying Indicator
^[-1] .ui:not(.is-composing) .reply-indicator ~ .spoiler-input {
opacity 1 !important
.autosuggest-input {
display none
&::before {
content ""
pointer-events none
position fixed
width 20px
height 20px
background-color white
color #5a5afe
// border 2px solid red
top 117px
left 42px
z-index 9999
border-radius 100px
box-shadow 0 0 12px #5a5afe
font normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome
font-size .8em
display flex
justify-content center
align-items center
outline 0px solid
animation replyIn 1s cubic-bezier(.5,1,0,1.5)
@keyframes replyIn {
from {
transform scale(2)
filter opacity(.5)
outline 900px solid
background transparent
color transparent
// box-shadow 0 0 0 900px rgba(0, 0, 255, 0)
50% {
transform scale(2)
filter opacity(.5)
.drawer__pager {
margin-inline -16px
.navigation-bar {
flex-direction column
.search, .drawer__inner.darker {
display none
.drawer__inner:not(.darker), .drawer__inner__mastodon {
background-color transparent
.drawer:last-child {
.drawer__header {
display none
// if drawerCollapse == "New" {
// .drawer:first-child {
// .compose-form {
// min-width unquote("calc(" + drawerW + " - 48px)")
// }
// .drawer__header {
// .drawer__tab {
// box-sizing border-box
// transition padding .2s, flex-shrink .2s !important
// }
// }
// &:not(:hover):not(:focus-within) {
// width var(--collapsed-width)
// .drawer__header {
// .drawer__tab {
// min-width 100%
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// Cascading Columns
&#mastodon {
// if cascade {
// .column-header__wrapper, .column-header {
// z-index unset !important // Weird behavior w/ headers if this is not set
// }
// }
.column.column.column {
transition-timing-function cubic-bezier(0,0,0,1.1) !important
transition-duration .2s !important
position relative
z-index 1
background inherit !important
minColumnsAmountShrinkMore = minColumnsAmountShrink / 1.5
for num in collapsedColumns {
if num == "All" {
selector = "&"
box-shadow 0px 0 200px rgba(0,0,0,.4)
&:not(:last-child) > * > * {
opacity columnOpacity !important
if columnOpacity == 1 {
opacity .6 !important
transition opacity .2s
} else {
selector = "&:nth-child(" + (num + 1) + "), &:last-child"
{selector} {
&:not(:last-child) {
margin-right - minColumnsAmountShrink !important
overflow clip
&:last-child {
transition background 0s .2s !important
box-shadow none !important
> * {
transition transform .2s, opacity .2s !important
transition-timing-function cubic-bezier(0,0,0,1.1) !important
&::after {
content ""
position absolute
inset 0
box-shadow inset -200px 0 200px -200px rgba(0,0,0,.7)
opacity 0
z-index 99999
pointer-events none
transition .2s opacity
&:hover {
z-index 2
& > * > * {
opacity 1 !important
& ~ .column {
// margin-left - minColumnsAmountShrinkMore !important
// &:not(:last-child) {
transform translateX(minColumnsAmountShrinkMore)
// margin-right - minColumnsAmountShrinkMore
// margin-left minColumnsAmountShrinkMore
for row in (1..20) {
&:nth-child({row}) {
// transform translateX(minColumnsAmountShrinkMore - (minColumnsAmountShrinkMore / (row / 4)))
transform translateX(minColumnsAmountShrinkMore / (row / 4))
&:last-child {
> * {
transform translateX(minColumnsAmountShrinkMore / (row / 4))
// }
box-shadow 0px 0 200px rgba(0,0,0,.4) !important
&:last-child {
transform none !important
// z-index -1
background none !important
box-shadow none !important
transition background 0s !important
pointer-events none
&::after {
opacity 1
> * {
pointer-events all
box-shadow 0px 0 200px rgba(0,0,0,.4) !important
transform translateX(minColumnsAmountShrinkMore)
& > * {
opacity columnOpacity
// if columnOpacity == 1 {
// opacity .6 !important
// }
& + .column {
box-shadow 0px 0 200px rgba(0,0,0,.4)
.scrollable {
&::before {
content unset !important
// Sticking columns to sides
&#mastodon {
> div > .ui {
// Center the columns without squishing the columns to its min-width
flex-direction row
// justify-content stretch !important
// justify-content center !important