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Google Classroom Dark Mode by colebot

Screenshot of Google Classroom Dark Mode



LicenseCC BY-SA - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike



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Dark Theme for Google Classroom - Supports both student and teacher views!

Literally the best gc dark theme
Updated August 2024


Improve the look of items and sections in the classwork page

Fix critical bugs introduced by Google

Very minor improvements

Improve text color declaration

Improve links, rubrics, text input labels, and picker dialogs

Improve visual coherence across pages and elements

Minor improvements

Style join class card from link
Fix loading bar
Add slight border to most card items

v.1.4.11 - Back to School Fall 2024
Fix a few changes made by Google

v.1.4.10 -
Fix some big changes made by Google
Improve the consistency of certain colors and effects across the platform
Known Issue: Teacher view is still slightly affected by Google's changes in some minor areas. This will be addressed soon in the next update.

v.1.4.9 -
Fix a couple of minor details that broke due to changes made by Google
Lighten up some of the borders for a more clean design

v.1.4.8 -
Bug fixes

v.1.4.7 -
Fix a couple of minor details that broke due to changes made by Google

v.1.4.6 -
Miscellaneous improvements for both student and teacher views

v.1.4.5 -
Improve behavior of assignments on classwork page
Improve behavior of link cards within assignments

v.1.4.4 -
Unify sidebar elements on hover and focus
Minor fix for hover color of non-clickable section titles

v.1.4.3 -
Improve the work section of the student assignment page
Improve the 'announce something to your class' area

v.1.4.2 -
Improve the to-do page

v.1.4.1 -
Improve the upcoming assignments panel within classes
Improve schemes of several border and text colors throughout the interface

v.1.4.0 -
Darken the assignment review page
Fix a few minor details to keep up with changes from Google

v.1.3.2 -
Improve visibility of several elements on hover

v.1.3.1 -
Fix text color within apps popout

v.1.3.0 -
Add support for the new sidebar design, as well as a few tweaks to keep everything looking great.

v.1.2.4 -
Fix position and color of context menus on class list page

v.1.2.3 -
Fix white background behind dragged class on class list page

v.1.2.2 -
Fix color scheme of 'your work' page

v.1.2.1 -
Add support for Google Apps menu
Add support for YouTube video popup

v.1.2.0 - The Teacher Update
Fixes many bugs, big and small, on the teacher side of the platform, as well as a couple student-side tweaks. With this update, there are now almost no broken or unsupported areas of the site. If you encounter an issue, please report it on GitHub so it can be resolved.
Known Issue: Some context menus do not appear where expected.
Workaround: Use each context menu in its new location.

v.1.1.3 -
Fix color of Google Apps icon
Improve consistency of to-do list items

v.1.1.2 -
Fixed teacher appreciation week banner. This change would theoretically affect any future banners that Google puts up.

v.1.1.1 -
Updated the internal ids of the drop-down setting to be clearer. This means that if you previously selected the "Follow System Theme" mode, you will need to re-select it before updating the style.
Darkened the loading bar at the top - thanks Eduardo Werner!

v.1.1.0 -
Assignments in the classroom page look better on hover and focus
By default, the page is now dark no matter what, but there is a new option to have the page follow the browser-wide theme setting. Previously it would always follow the browser.
Minor improvements

v.1.0.5 -
Classes with the black color are displayed as white so they don't blend into the background
Assignments in "your work" look better on hover and focus

v.1.0.4 -
Minor upkeep due to a few changes on Google's end

v.1.0.3 -
Small bug fixes

v.1.0.2 -
Removed the white border around posts in the stream on hover.
(Update: only for classes with the blue accent color... this is being fixed)

v.1.0.1 -
A couple of minor bug fixes.

v.1.0.0 -
I created this by myself. There are still a few bugs with the teacher view, but it is nearly perfect for students.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Google Classroom Dark Mode
@version      1.5.6
@description  Dark Theme for Google Classroom - Supports both student and teacher views!
@author       colebot
@license      CC BY-SA - Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
    :root {
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        --text-ultra-bright: #ffffff;
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        --icon-button-active: var(--text-med-med-dark);
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        --mdc-ripple-color: #666;
    body {
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        color: var(--text-bright);
    .B7SYid {
        /* assignment detail page heading */
        color: var(--text-bright);
    .VfPpkd-I9GLp-yrriRe {
        /* certain type of text label */
        color: Var(--text-med-bright);
    /* nav bar */
    .joJglb {
        /* bottom border */
        border-color: var(--border-normal);
    .joJglb .QRiHXd {
        background-color: inherit;
    :is(.Ag4wUb, .WFUiUb, .zvzLKc, .g2MItd, .S3aLQd, .Mupove, .ee1HBc, .UvHKof) .P3W0Dd-Ysl7Fe:focus,
    :is(.Ag4wUb, .WFUiUb, .zvzLKc, .g2MItd, .S3aLQd, .Mupove, .ee1HBc, .UvHKof).maXJsd:focus .P3W0Dd-Ysl7Fe,
    :is(.Ag4wUb, .WFUiUb, .zvzLKc, .g2MItd, .S3aLQd, .Mupove, .ee1HBc, .UvHKof) .maXJsd:focus .P3W0Dd-Ysl7Fe,
    :is(.Ag4wUb, .WFUiUb, .zvzLKc, .g2MItd, .S3aLQd, .Mupove, .ee1HBc, .UvHKof) .UISY8d-Ysl7Fe:hover,
    :is(.Ag4wUb, .WFUiUb, .zvzLKc, .g2MItd, .S3aLQd, .Mupove, .ee1HBc, .UvHKof).MymH0d:hover .UISY8d-Ysl7Fe,
    :is(.Ag4wUb, .WFUiUb, .zvzLKc, .g2MItd, .S3aLQd, .Mupove, .ee1HBc, .UvHKof) .MymH0d:hover .UISY8d-Ysl7Fe,
    .wZTANe .J1raN:hover, .hN1OOc.eumXzf:hover, .hN1OOc.eumXzf:focus {
        /* nav buttons, focus/hover */
        background-color: #272727;
    .wZTANe .J1raN:hover {
        /* non-current tab text color */
        color: var(--text-bright);
    .joJglb .bFjUmb-Ysl7Fe, .kYtXye .bFjUmb-Ysl7Fe.kRqvHe, .bFjUmb-Ysl7Fe.aP3ZPb, .Po14Kd {
        /* loading bar (for loading the entire page, loading subpages, and loading posts in stream) */
        background-color: #272727;
    .Xi8cpb:hover .LlcfK, .qr5cDe:hover .LlcfK {
        /* sidebar items on hover */
        background-color: #ffffff12!important;
    .bFjUmb-Ysl7Fe.Fh209b {
        /* sidebar items when active/selected */
        background-color: #ffffff20!important;
    .VfPpkd-rymPhb-clz4Ic {
        background-color: var(--border-normal);
    .A6dC2c-J3yWx {
        /* class title */
        color: var(--text-bright);
    /* classroom title text */
    .rpo4wf-J3yWx {
        color: var(--text-bright)!important;

    /* icons */
    .xSP5ic:not([disabled]), .xSP5ic:not([disabled]).yHy1rc {
        /* side bar icons */
        color: var(--text-med-dark);
        fill: var(--text-med-dark);
    .gb_Na svg, .gb_Rc svg, .gb_dd .gb_ld, .gb_3c .gb_ld, .gb_d[aria-expanded=true] .gb_i {
        /* google apps icon */
        color: var(--text-med-bright);
        fill: var(--text-med-bright);
    /* icon button hover */
    .VfPpkd-Bz112c-LgbsSe:hover, .gb_Fc .gb_Qd.gb_me button:hover svg, .gb_Qd button:hover svg, .gb_d:hover {
        background-color: #ffffff20;
        border-radius: 500px;
        transition: background-color 0.1s;

    /* logo text */
    .IqJTee {
        color: var(--text-med-bright);

    .QNajvd {
        color: var(--text-med-bright);

    /* classes grid */
    .JwPp0e li {
        /* class options menu items */
        background-color: #202020;
        border-color: #202020;
        box-shadow: none;

    .JwPp0e li:hover {
        /* class options menu items hover */
        box-shadow: none;

    .JwPp0e li .QRiHXd {
        /* class options menu items text */
        background-color: inherit;
    .rZXyy.YwNp1, .rZXyy:not(.u0dx8e):not(.ILo0B):not(.xp2dJ):hover, .rZXyy:not(.u0dx8e):not(.ILo0B):not(.xp2dJ):focus {
        /* remove extra box shadow for class cards */
        box-shadow: none;
    /* underneath dragged class */
    .TisIWb .kKn9Nc::before {
        background-color: transparent;
    /* move class pop-up */
    .dDKhVc-Wvd9Cc {
        /* 'after' text label */
        color: var(--text-dark);

    /* add attachment popup item icons */
    .xSP5ic, .xSP5ic.yHy1rc {
        color: var(--text-bright);
        fill: var(--text-bright);
    /* upcoming assignments panel */
    /* box */
    .d4Fe0d {
        background-color: #202020;
        border-color: var(--border-light);
    /* multiple upcoming assignment divider */
    .WMQb5e .oBSRLe {
        border-color: #363636;
    /* upcoming assignment due date headers */
    .oBSRLe {
        color: var(--text-med-dark);
    /* view all assignments button */
    .n42Gr:not(:disabled) {
        color: var(--general-text-button)!important;
        transition: color .2s;
    /* view all assignments button on hover */
    .n42Gr:not(:disabled):is(:hover, :active, :focus) {
        color: var(--general-text-button-hover)!important;
    .J9GwTe img, .J9GwTe .DPvwYc {
        /* link attachment icon */
        color: var(--text-bright);
    .UvHKof .HyS0Qd:not(.RDPZE).u3bW4e .snByac, .UvHKof .HyS0Qd input:not([disabled]):focus~.snByac, .UvHKof .fWf7qe:not(.RDPZE).u3bW4e .snByac, .UvHKof .D3oBEe:not(.RDPZE).u3bW4e .snByac, .UvHKof .D3oBEe input:not([disabled]):focus~.snByac, .UvHKof .AkVYk:not(.RDPZE).u3bW4e .snByac, .UvHKof .vnnr5e:not(.RDPZE).u3bW4e .snByac {
        /* accent text on black-themed classes */
        color: var(--text-med-dark);
    /* help button in corner */
    .N6nSod {
        background-color: #272727d9;
    /* class card middle border */
    .SZ0kZe {
        border-top: none;

    .apFsO.onkcGd:visited {
        color: var(--text-med-bright);

    .JPdR6b.hVNH5c.qjTEB {
        background-color: transparent;

    .JAPqpe {
        background-color: #272727;
        border-color: #272727;
        border-radius: 5px;

    .z80M1 {
        color: var(--text-bright);

    .z80M1:hover {
        background-color: #313131;

    .I7OXgf {
        background-color: #202020;

    .joJglb {
        background-color: #202020;

    .QRiHXd {
        background-color: inherit;

    .thP79c:hover {
        background-color: #181818;

    .Shk6y {
        color: var(--text-bright);

    .asQXV {
        color: var(--text-med-bright);

    .EZrbnd {
        color: var(--text-bright);

    .nforOe, .onkcGd:not(.Vx8Sxd), .onkcGd:not(.Vx8Sxd):hover * {
        /* links on hover */
        color: var(--text-bright)!important;

    .OX4Vcb {
        background-color: #202020;

    .FLgDTb {
        background-color: #191919;
        border-color: #191919;

    .E5f6Vd {
        border-color: #666;

    .ipmZkd {
        color: var(--text-bright);

    /* secondary description text in several places */
    .tLDEHd {
        color: var(--text-med-dark);

    .EfLcNb {
        color: var(--text-bright);

    .X65jac {
        color: var(--text-bright);

    /* setting labels */
    .ViCi4 {
        color: var(--text-med);

    .rpo4wf {
        color: var(--text-bright);

    .n4xnA {
        filter: none;

    /* class comments */
    .ar1wE .eqqrO,
    .ySjuvd .eqqrO,
    .PeGHgb.Q8U8uc .Ono85c + .oh9CFb,
    .PeGHgb.Q8U8uc .ruTJle + .fETHd,
    .ZNE4y {
        border-color: var(--border-normal);
        border-width: 1px;

    .pco8Kc {
        color: var(--text-med-bright);

    .zOtZye {
        background-color: #202020;
        color: var(--text-med-bright);
    /* 'announce something to your class' bar */
    .qk0lee .K6Ovqd {
        /* label text */
        color: var(--text-med);
    .qk0lee:hover .K6Ovqd {
        /* label text on hover */
        color: var(--text-bright);

    .hgjBDc {
        background-color: #202020;

    .WOPwXe {
        color: var(--text-bright);

    .I2pI {
        color: var(--text-bright);

    .oJeWuf {
        color: var(--text-bright);
    .arstne {
        border-left-color: #e0e0e1;

    .OA0qNb {
        background-color: #202020;
    .ybOdnf .OA0qNb {
        /* shadow behind dropdown menus */
        box-shadow: 0 0 10px #121212;

    .jgvuAb {
        border-color: #313131;

    .mbHMhf {
        background-color: #313131;

    .ncFHed .MocG8c.KKjvXb {
        background-color: #191919;

    .DShyMc-AaTFfe .UISY8d-Ysl7Fe:hover,
    .DShyMc-AaTFfe.MymH0d:hover .UISY8d-Ysl7Fe,
    .DShyMc-AaTFfe .MymH0d:hover .UISY8d-Ysl7Fe {
        background-color: #...


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