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Cohost - Theme Customizer by warpkaiba

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Lets you customize background, text, and accent colors for Cohost. Comes with 20 preset themes.


11/25/23 - 3.1.0 - Fixed to work with cohost's new dark/light post option

11/13/23 - 3.0.0 - Restructured the code to not use mixins since that might have been making it break for some people. Also added a new theme and changed the default custom colors.

04/04/23 - 2.1.5 - New notifications header is now correctly styled

12/16/22 - 2.1.2 - Themes apply to posts faded out by Cohost deduplication script

12/14/22 - 2.1.1 - Added adwaita blue light and dark

12/13/22 - 2.0.1 - Fixed the fullscreen image-preview from being slightly transparent

12/13/22 - 2.0.0 - You can now use a custom background image, added some more preset themes

12/10/22 - First Release 1.0.0

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Cohost - Theme Customizer
@description  Customizable theme for cohost
@author       kiophen
@version      3.1.7
@license      MIT
@preprocessor less

@var select   ch_theme     'Preset theme picker' {
    'Use custom colors      *': '0',
    'Eggbug Dark             ': '1',
    'Gelmew                  ': '12',
    'Chitter                 ': '5',
    'Denden                  ': '22',
    'Monosodium              ': '6',
    'Terminal                ': '3',
    'Leaf                    ': '7',
    'Greyscale               ': '13',
    'Adwaita Dark            ': '15',
    'Lucario                 ': '4',
    'Space                   ': '17',
    'Core                    ': '19',
    'Cave                    ': '20',
    'Water                   ': '21',
    'Entei                   ': '9',
    'Raikou                  ': '8',
    'Suicune                 ': '10',
    'Mew                     ': '11',
    'Eggbug Light            ': '2',
    'Adwaita Light           ': '14',

@var range    ch_ct_custom        'Custom Dark-Light contrast'   [-0.4, -1, 1, 0.01]
@var color    ch_bg_custom        'Custom base color'      #292929
@var color    ch_pr_custom        'Custom text color'            #ffff8f
@var color    ch_fg_custom        'Custom secondary-text color'  #70ffdd
@var color    ch_ac_custom        'Custom accent color'          #fb86d0

@var checkbox ch_bi        'Use custom background image'  0
@var text     ch_bimg      'Custom background url - has to be surrounded by quotes'        '""'
@var checkbox ch_nocrimes  'Force custom css chosts to conform to theme (might make some posts look weird)' 0

@var checkbox ch_noshadows 'Toggle element shadows'    0
@var checkbox ch_noborders 'Toggle element borders'    1

==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {

    @themes_list: @ch_ct_custom,@ch_bg_custom,@ch_pr_custom,@ch_fg_custom,@ch_ac_custom,@ch_bimg,

    :root {

        @ch_ct: extract(@themes_list, (@ch_theme*6) + 1);
        @ch_bg: extract(@themes_list, (@ch_theme*6) + 2);
        @ch_pr: extract(@themes_list, (@ch_theme*6) + 3);
        @ch_fg: extract(@themes_list, (@ch_theme*6) + 4);
        @ch_ac: extract(@themes_list, (@ch_theme*6) + 5);
        @ch_bimg2: extract(@themes_list, (@ch_theme*6) + 6);

        @ch_pr_h: hue(@ch_pr);
        @ch_pr_s: saturation(@ch_pr);
        @ch_pr_l: lightness(@ch_pr);

        @ch_fg_h: hue(@ch_fg);
        @ch_fg_s: saturation(@ch_fg);
        @ch_fg_l: lightness(@ch_fg);

        @ch_bg_h: hue(@ch_bg);
        @ch_bg_s: saturation(@ch_bg);
        @ch_bg_l: lightness(@ch_bg);

        @ch_bg_0: hsl(@ch_bg_h, @ch_bg_s, (@ch_bg_l+ ((@ch_ct*-2)*10)));
        @ch_bg_1: @ch_bg;
        @ch_bg_2: hsl(@ch_bg_h, @ch_bg_s, (@ch_bg_l+ ((@ch_ct)*10)));
        @ch_bg_3: hsl(@ch_bg_h, @ch_bg_s, (@ch_bg_l+ ((@ch_ct*2)*10)));
        @ch_bg_4: hsl(@ch_bg_h, @ch_bg_s, (@ch_bg_l+ ((@ch_ct*3)*10)));
        --ch-noborders: unit(@ch_noborders, px);
        --color-notWhite: @ch_fg;

        --color-prose-100: @ch_pr;
        --color-prose-200: hsl(@ch_pr_h, @ch_pr_s, (@ch_pr_l+ ((@ch_ct*3)*10)));
        --color-prose-300: hsl(@ch_pr_h, @ch_pr_s, (@ch_pr_l+ ((@ch_ct*6)*10)));

        --color-prose-alt-100: @ch_fg;
        --color-prose-alt-200: hsl(@ch_fg_h, @ch_fg_s - 20, (@ch_fg_l+ ((@ch_ct*3)*10)));
        --color-prose-alt-300: hsl(@ch_fg_h, @ch_fg_s - 40, (@ch_fg_l+ ((@ch_ct*6)*10)));

        --color-base0: @ch_bg_0;
        --color-base1: @ch_bg_1;
        --color-base2: @ch_bg_2;
        --color-base3: @ch_bg_3;
        --color-notBlack: @ch_bg_4;
        --color-darkerThanNotBlack: darken(@ch_bg_4, 12%); 

        --color-accent: @ch_ac;

        @color-accent-contrast: contrast(@ch_bg, @ch_ac, @ch_pr);
        --color-accent-contrast-dark: mix(@color-accent-contrast, @ch_bg_0, 50%);
        --color-accent-contrast-lite: contrast(@ch_ac, @ch_bg, @ch_pr);
        --color-bg-faded: fadeout(@ch_bg_1, 60%);

        --color-cherry: var(--color-accent);
        --color-cherry-bg: var(--color-base1);
        --color-strawberry: var(--color-notWhite);
        --color-strawberry-bg: var(--color-base1);
        --color-mango: var(--color-notWhite);
        --color-mango-bg: var(--color-base1);
        --color-longan: var(--color-notWhite);
        --color-longan-bg: var(--color-base2);

        /* haphazard cohost97 compatibility for fun */
        --win9x-black: @ch_fg;
        --win9x-black-shadow: rgba(var(--win9x-black-raw), var(--shadowOpacity));
        --win9x-darkgray: @ch_bg_4;
        --win9x-gray: @ch_bg;
        --win9x-lightgray: @ch_bg_2;
        --win9x-darkwhite: @ch_bg_2;
        --win9x-offwhite: @ch_bg_3;
        --win9x-white: @ch_bg_0;
        --win9x-blue: #0000ff;
        --win9x-darkblue: #000080;
        --win9x-teal: #007b7b;
        --win9x-vivid-cerulean: #02A5FF;
        --win9x-electric-orange: rgb(var(--win9x-electric-orange-raw));
        --win9x-electric-orange-raw: 255, 51, 0;
        --win9x-ryb-green: #66CC33;
        --win9x-tangerine-yellow: #FFCC00;
        --win9x-office-comment: @ch_bg_0;
        --cohost-purple: rgb(var(--color-foreground));

        & when (@ch_bi =1) {
            .container.flex-col {
                background: url("@{ch_bimg2}");
                background-attachment: fixed;

        & when (@ch_bi =0) {
                background: url("@{ch_bimg2}");
                background-attachment: fixed;

    html {
        scrollbar-color: var(--color-accent) var(--color-base1);

    /* element shadows */
    :not(svg):not(.mask).co-post-box:not(.co-post-composer), :not(svg):not(.mask).cohost-shadow-light, :not(svg):not(.mask).dark\:cohost-shadow-dark {
        & when (@ch_noshadows = 0) {
            box-shadow: 3px 3px 5px 0 var(--color-darkerThanNotBlack);
        & when (@ch_noshadows = 1) {box-shadow: none;}
    div[data-post-body] > div.prose * when (@ch_nocrimes =1) {
        color: unset !important;
        background: unset !important;
        background-color: revert !important;

    /* login screen */
    .duotone-wrapper::before {
        background-color: var(--color-base1);
        mix-blend-mode: color;

    .duotone-wrapper {
        background-color: --color-prose-100;

    form {
        color: var(--color-prose-100);

    /* end login screen */
    .bg-background {
        background-color: var(--color-notBlack);

    .bg-white {
        background-color: var(--color-base2);

    [data-theme="both"].co-themed-box .co-comment-box {
        background-color: var(--color-base3);

    /* fixes for the darkmode update */
    /* POSTS!!!11!! CLASS NAMES!!!111!!1!1! */[data-theme],[data-theme], {
        border-width: var(--ch-noborders);
        border-color: var(--color-base0);
        background-color: var(--color-base3);
        .co-project-display-name {
            color: var(--color-accent);
            border-color: var(--color-prose-300);
            color: var(--color-prose-300);
            background-color: var(--color-base3);

        .co-info-box {
            border-color: var(--color-prose-alt-100);
            color: var(--color-prose-alt-100);
            background-color: var(--color-base1);

        .co-embedded-ask {
            border-color: var(--color-base0);
            background-color: var(--color-base3);
            color: var(--color-prose-alt-100);
            .co-attribution {
                color: var(--color-prose-alt-100);

        .co-tags {
            color: var(--color-prose-alt-200);
            background: none;

        > .co-thread-header,
        .co-embed {
            background-color: var(--color-base2);
            color: var(--color-prose-100);

        .co-hairline {
            border-color: var(--color-base0);
        .co-action-button {
            color: var(--color-accent);

    /* Notifications page */
    .co-themed-box[data-theme].co-notification-group {
        background-color: var(--color-base2);
        color: var(--color-prose-100);
        border-color: var(--color-base0);
        border-width: var(--ch-noborders);
        header {


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