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BC KACE by jpotts



LicenseNo License




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Simple retheme for PASCO KACE UI


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name  - 21/12/2022, 15:32:48
@version        1.0.0
@description    A new userstyle
@author         Me
==/UserStyle== */
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       padding: .5rem;
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       padding: .5rem;
       border: 2px solid #d7d4d4;
       color: white;
    [title="Opened"]:hover {
        color: white;
    [title="Waiting on Customer"] {
       background-color: #0bf;
       font-weight: bold;
       border-radius: 10px;
       padding: .5rem;
       border: 2px solid #d7d4d4;
       color: White;
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