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TorrentDay(.eu .com .me .ru .af) very lite grey by aser007

Screenshot of TorrentDay(.eu .com .me .ru .af) very lite grey



LicenseNo License



Size5.2 kB


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Failed to fetch stats.


Removed a lot of crap ^^


Only use it with TDAY Theme: Dark
preferably used in conjuntion with uBlock, uMatrix, Ghostery Browser Addons

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           TorrentDay(.eu .com .me .ru .af) very lite grey
@author         aser007
@description    `Only use it with TDAY Theme: Dark`
@version        20210211.13.30
==/UserStyle== */
@namespace url(;
/* i really want this to be global */
@-moz-document domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""),  domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain(""), domain("") {

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