Brings back classic Google Mail. The HTML version of Google Mail is pretty much the same as 2004, however there were a few things which still bugged me.
Old Logo
No ad header
Old Font Family
LicenseNo License
Code size1.2 kB
Code checksume614356b
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Brings back classic Google Mail. The HTML version of Google Mail is pretty much the same as 2004, however there were a few things which still bugged me.
Old Logo
No ad header
Old Font Family
v 1 - Initial Release
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Google Mail Classic
@version 20230202.08.51
@description Brings back classic Google Mail. The HTML version of Google Mail is pretty much the same as 2004, however there were a few things which still bugged me.
- Old Logo
- No ad header
- Old Font Family
@author vknight20
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Google Mail Classic
@namespace VKNIGHT20
@version 1
@description Google Mail Classic
@author VKNIGHT20
==/UserStyle== */
/*Old Logo*/
img[width="143"][height="59"] {
content: url('');
height: 80px !Important;
width: 180px !Important;
/*Old Header*/
div#gbar {
display: none;
div.gbh {
display: none;
/*Old Fonts*/
body, td, div, .p, a, font, span {
font-family: arial,sans-serif !important;
* {
border-radius: 0
/*no load*/
div#loading {
display: none !Important;