Hide "Invite to Server" from the context menu appearing after a right-click on any user in Discord
This script is made because I've seen some complaints on Reddit
LicenseCC Zero
Categorydiscord, discord.com
Size431 B
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Hide "Invite to Server" from the context menu appearing after a right-click on any user in Discord
This script is made because I've seen some complaints on Reddit
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Hide "Invite to Server" in DC
@namespace https://openuserjs.org/users/kevin_pan_940506
@version 1.0.0
@description Hide "Invite to Server" from the context menu for user in Discord
@author XiaoPanPanKevinPan
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document regexp("https?://((ptb|canary)\.)?discord\.com/.*") {
#user-context-invite-to-server {
display: none;