Brings a fresh and smooth new look to Discord using Midnight Blurple's colours
[ABANDONED] Unified Discord by murderaxo
LicenseGNU GPLv3
Size14 kB
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After Discord's complete CSS rewrite, this theme no longer works, and I no longer have the energy to maintain it. I sincerely apologise for this, but what's done is done.
Currently, you can modify these settings:
- Forcefully unloading embedded images
- Improved dark mode
- Hiding "BETA" chips
- Hiding Nitro-only features in settings
- De-saturated closed folders
- Unread channel highlight color
- Active channel highlight color
- Mention background color
- Disabling Markdown headers
You can modify all settings using the Stylus Settings UI
Known issues:
- Some newer UI elements are unthemed
- Some devices have weird scrollbars and don't display correctly
- Some embedded UI elements are funky and unstyled
- There are flashes of gray when loading new elements (especially when in settings)
Latest changes:
- Fixed various unthemed screens and elements
- Fixed unthemed settings pages
- Fixed unthemed inbox
- Fixed unthemed Family Center
- Fixed broken sidebar
- Fixed incorrectly-coloured elements
- Fixed broken server banners
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Unified Discord
@version 4.1.4
@description Uses one of the nitro themes as a base to create the ultimate dark mode experience
@author MurderAxo
@preprocessor stylus
@var checkbox hideImages "Force Unload Images" 0
@var checkbox bdm "Better Dark Mode" 1
@var checkbox hideBetaChip "Hide Beta Chips" 1
@var checkbox hideNitroFeatures "Hide Nitro Promos" 0
@var checkbox desaturateFolders "Desaturate Closed Folders" 1
@var select markdownRenderMode "MD Header Render Mode" {"Default":"default","Normal Font":"min","Normal Font + Highlight":"highlight",}
@var select null "" {"null":"null",}
@var color unreadChannel "Unread Channel" rgb(255,127,255)
@var color activeChannel "Active Channel" rgb(174, 174, 255)
@var color mentionedMessageBackground "Mentioned Color" rgba(133, 60, 154, 0.38)
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") {
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scrollbar-width: none!important
.modeUnread-3Cxepe .channelName-3KPsGw,
.modeUnread-3Cxepe .icon-2W8DHg,
.modeUnread-3Cxepe .name-28HaxV {
color: unreadChannel!important;
font-weight: bold!important
.unreadRelevant-2f-VSK {
background: unreadChannel!important;
.modeSelected-3DmyhH .channelName-3KPsGw,
.modeSelected-3DmyhH .icon-2W8DHg {
color: activeChannel;
.badge-3UWq-U path {
color: #ff0026
#message-username-1066772533535326238 rect {
color: skyblue;
.userPanelInnerThemed-2xZFjl .scrollerBase-1Pkza4,
.scrollerBase-1Pkza4 {
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z-index: 9999!important;
.buttons-uaqb-5 > .grow-2sR_-F {
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.members-3WRCEx {
transition: all!important;
transition-duration: 500ms!important;
.layout-1qmrhw {
transition-duration: 300ms!important;
.mentioned-Tre-dv {
background-color: mentionedMessageBackground;
if hideImages {
.originalLink-Azwuo9 {
display: none!important
.clickableWrapper-2WTAkL img {
display: none!important;
.clickableWrapper-2WTAkL {
display: none;
if bdm {
.theme-dark .themed-Hp1KC_,
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background: #242833!important
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background: #242833!important
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background: #242833;
color: white!important;
.buttons-uaqb-5 > .grow-2T4nbg {
display: none
.fieldList-in8WkP {
background: #242833!important;
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/* Foreground element box */
background: hsl(224, 17%, 19%)!important;
.container-2RRFHK, .container-JhuCwn, .matchingPostsRow-2IiEQ1 {
background-image: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(29, 33, 42, 1) 100%, rgba(20, 16, 21, 1) 0%)!important;
background-size: 1920px 1080px
.spoilerText-2G40u0 {
background: black!important
.userPanelInnerThemed-2xZFjl .scrollerBase-1Pkza4,
.container-1Lk8p7 > div > div,
.padded-2NSY6O .gemIndicatorContainer-PqApbX,
.gatedContent-31-gID, .eyebrow-1Shfyi, .contentPanel-2uDEUG, .pageBody-23bo4p, .channelHeader-DFRX8q, .container-iA3Qrz, .thin-RnSY0a > div, .scroller-145h9c, .messages-23can0, .forumPost-3i1mpe, .labelContainer-35-WEd, .scroller-nxCRu_, .colorStandard-1Xxp1s, .eyebrow-2wJAoF.marginBottom8-emkd0_, .chatHeaderBar-2fUORh, .iconWrapper-3plkqh {
/* Background colour */
background: linear-gradient(0deg, rgba(29, 33, 42, 1) 100%, rgba(20, 16, 21, 1) 0%)!important;
scrollbar-width: none!important
.gemWithoutLabel-1od40y path {
fill: white
.accountProfileCard-lbN7n- {
filter: drop-shadow(0px 0px 10px #000000);
.profileCustomizationPreview-3zZw6E {
filter: drop-shadow(0px 5px 35px #000000);
.inputWrapper-2K8ds1 .input-3O04eu,
.sizeMin-3Yqxk5 .contents-3NembX,
.active-1j5w_A .platformName-2q088w,
.footer-2TRYcZ {
color: white!important
.layout-1qmrhw:hover {
background: hsl(222, 18%, 20%)!important;
transition: all 1s
.layout-1qmrhw {
border: none!important
.chatContent-3KubbW {
background: rgba(29, 33, 42, 1)
.top-Ktfr_T .brand-2EKq3J.selected-1sf9UK.item-2GWPIy {
background: none!important
.scroller-1ox3I2 .content-yjf30S > div .scroller-1ox3I2,
.fade-27X6bG .content-yjf30S,
.form-3gdLxP {
background: none!important;
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color: rgb(234, 198, 255);
.typingDots-1Y8dki {
padding-left: 26px!important
.expandedFolderBackground-1kSAf6 .theme-dark.custom-theme-background .expandedFolderBackground-1kSAf6,
.expandedFolderBackground-1kSAf6 {
background: #2a2a33!important;
.modeSelected-3DmyhH .content-1gYQeQ {
background: #2b313e
.expandedFolderIconWrapper-3RwQpD {
background: none!important;
.enable-forced-colors .expandedFolderIconWrapper-3RwQpD,
.expandedFolderBackground-1kSAf6.collapsed-uGXEbi.hover-3m7-WT {
background: none!important
.actionButton-3-B2x- {
background: none!important;