Nordic Darker BitChute Theme
Nordic Darker BitChute Theme by plex
LicenseNo License
CategoryNordic Darker BitChute Theme
Size8.6 kB
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Nordic Darker BitChute Theme
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Nordic Darker BitChute Theme // 2023
@namespace plex
@author PLEX
@description `**Built for DARK MODE BitChute (enable in the top right corner using the moon/sun icon)**If you, too, find the harsh reds of BitChute off-putting, here's a potential solution!This theme softens the colors of the streaming website with a Steam-lite treatment. Now you can combat the anti-trust, monopolistic powers of Silicone Valley in style.Features an expanded container pane for your desktop viewing pleasure, and the video page will have more familiarity with Youtube's format.`
@version 20211124.19.27
@license CC-BY-NC-ND-4.0
@preprocessor uso
@advanced dropdown mob_or_desk "Mobile or Desktop" {
desk "Desktop*" <<<EOT div.container {width: 90%} EOT;
mob "Mobile" <<<EOT EOT;
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("") {
/* hotfixes */
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/* video playing page */
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/* hide bitchute fund us block it's ugly */ div.text-center {display: none}
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/* video playing side bar */
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.switch {border: none}
/* membership banner */
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/* channel page */
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/* your subscriptions */
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