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deMuskify Twitter 𝕏 → [DISCONTINUED] by mostlyharmless

Screenshot of deMuskify Twitter 𝕏 → [DISCONTINUED]







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disinfect elon musk from twitter: Hide shits you don't need, have control over what you see, bring back the Twitter bird for


[DISCONTINUED] This style will no longer be updated.
⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺ ⸺

07/23/23: Elon Fucking Musk struck again. Restore the Twitter logo in the top-left corner to the familiar bird and hide the new stupid X logo. 𝕏 → 🐦

  • Fix small Tweet text
  • tidy the left sidebar
  • Restore the Twitter bird logo (+ ability to change the color/ check the code)
  • Hide Explore
  • Hide Twitter Blue
  • Hide New Verified
  • Hide Verified Organization
  • Hide Username
  • Hide Twitter Pro junk
  • Hide What’s happening
  • Hide DM Drawer
  • Hide View Count
  • Hide Likes Count
  • Hide Retweet Count
  • Hide Replies Count
  • Hide Tweet Borders
  • Hide Timeline Borders
  • Hide Followers/Following Count

    only tested on Twitter (, but it should work on (tweetdeck) too.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           deMuskify Twitter
@version        4.0
@description    Best Minimal Theme for Twitter
@author         MostlyHarmless
@preprocessor stylus
@license      MIT
@var range sidebarSpacing "↕️ Tighten Labels" [4, 0, 20, 1, "px"]
@advanced checkbox FixTwtTxt             "🚫 Fix small Tweet text" 0
@advanced checkbox Hidexplore            "🚫 Hide Explore" 1
@advanced checkbox HideTwitterBlue       "🚫 Hide Twitter Blue" 1
@advanced checkbox HideVerified          "🚫 Hide Verified" 1
@advanced checkbox HideVeriOrg           "🚫 Hide Verified Orgs" 1
@advanced checkbox HideUserID            "🚫 Hide Account" 1
@advanced checkbox HideLeftJunks         "🚫 Hide Twitter Pro junks" 1
@advanced checkbox HideTrending          "🚫 Hide What’s happening" 1
@advanced checkbox WhoToFollow           "🚫 Hide Who to follow" 1
@advanced checkbox HidePVDraw            "🚫 Hide DM Drawer" 1
@advanced checkbox HideViewcnt           "🚫 Hide View Count" 1
@advanced checkbox HideLikescnt          "🚫 Hide Likes Count" 0
@advanced checkbox HideReetcnt           "🚫 Hide Retweet Count" 0
@advanced checkbox HideReplycnt          "🚫 Hide Replies Count" 0
@advanced checkbox TimelineBorders       "🚫 Hide Timeline Borders" 1
@advanced checkbox TweetBorders          "🚫 Hide Tweets Borders" 0
@advanced checkbox HideFollowcnt         "🚫 Hide Followers/Following Count" 0
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {

/* tighten sidebar */
    header.css-1dbjc4n a.css-1dbjc4n,
    header.css-1dbjc4n div.css-1dbjc4n {
    /* Link around sidebar entries */
    padding-top: sidebarSpacing;
    padding-bottom: sidebarSpacing;

/* Left Sidebar */
    if (Hidexplore) {
    /* hide #Explorer */
    a[href$="/explore"] {display:none!important;}
    if (HideTwitterBlue) {
    /* hide twitter blue */
    a[href*='twitter_blue_sign_up'] {display:none!important;}

    if (HideVerified) {
    /* Hide verified */
    [aria-label="Verified"] {display: none;}

    if (HideVeriOrg) {
    /* Hide Verified Organization button */
    [aria-label="Verified Organizations"] {display: none;}

    if (HideUserID) {
    /* hide user profile name & ID */
    div.r-usiww2 {display:none!important;}

    if (HideLeftJunks) {
    /* rest of the left menu junks */
    a[href$="/SNKPLAYMOAR/topics"], /* topics */
    a[href$="/newsletters"], /* newsletters */
    a[href="/settings/monetization"], /* monitization */
    a[href="/i/flow/convert_to_professional"], /* professional */
    a[href^=""], /* analytics */
    a[href^=""], /* ads */
    a[href=""] /* support */

/* Right Sidebar */

    if (HideTrending) {
    /* hide What’s happening / trending */
    [aria-label="Timeline: Trending now"] {display:none!important;}

    if (WhoToFollow) {
    /* hide who to follow */
    [aria-label="Who to follow"] {display:none!important;}
    if (HidePVDraw) {
    /* hide DM Drawer */
    [data-testid="DMDrawer"] {display:none!important;}
    /* rest of the righ menu junks*/
    .r-1bro5k0.css-1dbjc4n, /* empty box */
    [aria-label="Footer"]   /* footer */
/* Hide Vanity Counts */ 

    if (HideViewcnt) {
    /* Hide Views Count */
    .css-1dbjc4n.r-18u37iz.r-1h0z5md:nth-child(4) .css-1dbjc4n.r-xoduu5.r-1udh08x,
    .css-1dbjc4n.r-1d09ksm.r-1471scf.r-18u37iz.r-1wbh5a2 .css-901oao.css-16my406.r-vlxjld.r-poiln3.r-bcqeeo.r-qvutc0,
    .css-1dbjc4n.r-1d09ksm.r-1471scf.r-18u37iz.r-1wbh5a2 .css-901oao.css-16my406.r-115tad6.r-1q142lx.r-poiln3.r-bcqeeo.r-s1qlax.r-qvutc0 

    if (HideReetcnt) {
    /* Hide Retweeta Count */
    [data-testid="retweet"] span, [data-testid="unretweet"] span, [href$="/retweets"], [href$="retweets/with_comments"] {display:none!important;}

    if (HideLikescnt) {
    /* Hide Likes Count */
    [data-testid="like"] span, [data-testid="unlike"] {display:none!important;}
    if (HideReplycnt) {
    /* Hide Replies Count */
    [data-testid="reply"] span {display:none!important;}

    if (HideFollowcnt) {
    /* Hide Followers/Following Count */
    [href$="/followers"], [href$="/following"] {display:none!important;}

/* Borders */

    .r-rs99b7 { border:0!important; }
    .r-kuekak, .r-gu4em3 { background-color:transparent!important; }

    if (TimelineBorders) {
    /* Hide Timeline Borders */
    .r-1ljd8xs { border:0!important; }

    if (TweetBorders) {
    /* Hide Tweet Borders */
    .r-qklmqi { border:0!important; }
/* Misc */

    /* Fix small Tweet text */
    if (FixTwtTxt) {
    .r-1inkyih.r-rjixqe {
    line-height: 1.4;
    font-size: x-large;

    /* remove read the article notice before retweet */
    DIV.css-1dbjc4n[data-testid="Dropdown"] > A:nth-child(1) {display:none!important;}       

    /* rounded avatars for new twitter's squred avatar for businesses*/
    [data-testid^="UserAvatar-Container-"]:nth-child(1):nth-child(1) {
    overflow: hidden;
    border-radius: 9999px;
    clip-path: unset;

    [data-testid^="UserAvatar-Container-"]:nth-child(1):nth-child(1) a div {
    overflow: hidden;
    border-radius: 9999px;
    clip-path: unset;

    /* Hide the X logo and replace it with the twitter bird logo (you can change the color)*/
    h1[role="heading"] > a[href="/home"][role="link"] path, [aria-label="Loading…"] path {
        d: path("M 23.643 4.937 c -0.835 0.37 -1.732 0.62 -2.675 0.733 c 0.962 -0.576 1.7 -1.49 2.048 -2.578 c -0.9 0.534 -1.897 0.922 -2.958 1.13 c -0.85 -0.904 -2.06 -1.47 -3.4 -1.47 c -2.572 0 -4.658 2.086 -4.658 4.66 c 0 0.364 0.042 0.718 0.12 1.06 c -3.873 -0.195 -7.304 -2.05 -9.602 -4.868 c -0.4 0.69 -0.63 1.49 -0.63 2.342 c 0 1.616 0.823 3.043 2.072 3.878 c -0.764 -0.025 -1.482 -0.234 -2.11 -0.583 v 0.06 c 0 2.257 1.605 4.14 3.737 4.568 c -0.392 0.106 -0.803 0.162 -1.227 0.162 c -0.3 0 -0.593 -0.028 -0.877 -0.082 c 0.593 1.85 2.313 3.198 4.352 3.234 c -1.595 1.25 -3.604 1.995 -5.786 1.995 c -0.376 0 -0.747 -0.022 -1.112 -0.065 c 2.062 1.323 4.51 2.093 7.14 2.093 c 8.57 0 13.255 -7.098 13.255 -13.254 c 0 -0.2 -0.005 -0.402 -0.014 -0.602 c 0.91 -0.658 1.7 -1.477 2.323 -2.41 Z");
        /*If you don't want the blue bird, remove the code below or change the color code to whatever color you want*/
        color: rgb(29, 155, 240);
        fill: rgb(29, 155, 240);


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