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Comfy for discord web[Working] by shantanuxd

Screenshot of Comfy for discord web[Working]



LicenseNo License



Size5.5 kB


Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.

Failed to fetch stats.


Original code by {}
i just made some tweaks to make it work in web version


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Comfy
@version        2.1
@description    A new userstyle
@author         ShantanuXD
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("") 
@import "";

/* ═══════『 ⚠️・Important tips 』═══════
*   ➥ To comment or uncomment a line you need to put those "/" and "*" characters as you can see at the beginning and ending of my comments.
*      (You don't need to put a * at each line like I do, it's just for readability). See more here :
*   ➥ You can play with the values and see how it goes, don't delete "px" after the value if you don't have knowledge of CSS.
*   ➥ To change the colors, replace the HEX code with the one you picked here :

/* ═══════『 🚫 ・ No scrollbars 』- Comment the line below if you want the scrollbar back */
@import "";

/* ═══════『 🎵 ・ Better SpotifyControls seek bar 』- Comment the line below if you want the scrollbar back */
@import "";

:root {
  /* ═══════『 💨 ・ Animations 』- If you don't want a high CPU usage, comment the line below */
  --disable-animations: 0s channel-unread infinite;

  /* ═══════『 ⚙️ / 🎤 / 🎧 ・ User button 』═══════
*   ➥ A higher value means more space between the icons and a lower ...
*    ℹ️ : If you want to revert those to the old area, join the support server and check #css-snippets

  /* Spacing - Default value : 8px */
  --user-buttons-spacing: 8px;

  /* Color - Default value : #096DC0 */
  --user-buttons-color: #096dc0;

  /* ═══════『 ⭕ Roundness settings 』═══════
*    ➥ A higher value means more rounded corners and a lower ...
*       0 ➜ Square
*       25 ➜ Circle

  /* Avatars - Default value : 5px */
  --avatar-radius: 5px;

  /* Status - Default value : 3px */
  --status-radius: 3px;

  /* Servers - Default value : 8px */
  --server-radius: 8px;

  /* ═══════『 😃 Colored emoji picker 』═══════
*   Change the value to "100%" if you want the default one */

  --colored-emoji: grayscale(0%);

  /* ═══════『 📜 Server/channel list 』═══════ */

  /* Mention - Default value : #F04747 */
  --mention-color: #f04747;

  /* Unread - Default value : #7289DA */
  --unread-color: #7289da;

  /*  『 🔴 Mention colors in chat 』 */

  /* Bar on the right - Default value : #C66262 */
  --mention-color-bar: #c66262;

  /* Background - Default value : #C662621F */
  --mention-color-background: #c662621f;

  /* On hover - Default value : #C6626226 */
  --mention-color-hover: #c6626226;

  /* ═══════『 💬 Chat buttons 』═══════ */

  /* Default value : #7289DA */
  --chat-buttons: #7289da;

  /* ═══════『 💬 SpotifyControls seek bar 』═══════
*   ℹ️ : If you don't have the plugin : */

  /* Default value : #1EDC62 */
  --spotify-color: #1edc62;

  /* ═══════『 🟢 Status 』═══════ */

  /* Online - Default value : #43B581 */
  --online: #43b581;

  /* Idle - Default value : #FAA61A */
  --iddle: #faa61a;

  /* Do Not Disturb - Default value : #F04747 */
  --dnd: #f04747;

  /* Offline - Default value : #747F8D */
  --offline: #747f8d;

  /* Streaming - Default value : #593695 */
  --streaming: #593695;

  /* ═══════『 🔰 User popout 』═══════ */

  /* Playing wave color */
  --playing: #7289da;

  /* Listening wave color */
  --listening: #1db653;

  /* Role circle - Default value : 5px */
  --role-circle: 5px;

  /* ═══════『 🗑️ Discord logo 』═══════
*   Set it to "block" if you still want it */

  --discord-logo: block;

.theme-dark {
  --background-primary: #23283d;
  --background-secondary: #1e2233;
  --background-secondary-alt: #191f2e;
  --background-tertiary: #101320;
  --background-mobile-primary: #23283d;
  --background-mobile-secondary: #1e2233;
  --channeltextarea-background: #191f2e;
  --background-accent: #7289da;
  --background-message-hover: transparent;
  --background-modifier-hover: #00000010;
  --background-modifier-active: #0000001a;
  --background-modifier-selected: #0000001f;
  --deprecated-card-bg: #12141f63;
  --background-floating: #101320;
  --deprecated-quickswitcher-input-background: #101320;
  --elevation-low: none;
  --scrollbar-auto-thumb: #121722;
  --scrollbar-auto-track: #191f2e;
  --scrollbar-thin-thumb: #141925;
  --activity-card-background: #101320;
  --input-background: #1e2233;

.theme-light {
  --background-primary: #23283d;
  --background-secondary: #1e2233;
  --background-secondary-alt: #191f2e;
  --background-tertiary: #101320;
  --background-accent: #7289da;
  --background-modifier-hover: #262b41;
  --background-modifier-active: #262b41;
  --header-primary: #fff;
  --header-secondary: #b1b5b9;
  --text-normal: #8e9297;


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