If you pay for Squaredle, you get access to a diagonal board, but it kind of sucks on mobile. This stylesheet makes it a little bigger so that you don't sacrifice the ability to read the letters when rotating into a diamond. Also: hide the volume button and some other small quality-of-life tweaks.
Squaredle with larger diagonal board by hashable
LicenseNo License
Size1.4 kB
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If you pay for Squaredle, you get access to a diagonal board, but it kind of sucks on mobile. This stylesheet makes it a little bigger so that you don't sacrifice the ability to read the letters when rotating into a diamond. Also: hide the volume button and some other small quality-of-life tweaks.
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Bigger diagonal squaredle
@namespace github.com/openstyles/stylus
@version 1.0.0
@description Bigger diagonal squaredle
@author Ted Morin
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("squaredle.app") {
/* Hide sound toggle */
a.leftButton {
display: none;
/* Move date of archived puzzles out of the way */
#wordCountArea #betaWatermark {
top: -0.5rem;
#wordCountArea {
margin-bottom: -1rem;
margin-top: -1rem;
/* Make rotated board bigger */
.octRotate-7 {
height: 125%;
width: 125%;
margin-left: -12.5%;
margin-top: -12.5%;
overflow: visible;
/* Increase rotated board font size */
.octRotate-1 .letter .unnecessaryWrapper,
.octRotate-3 .letter .unnecessaryWrapper,
.octRotate-5 .letter .unnecessaryWrapper,
.octRotate-7 .letter .unnecessaryWrapper {
font-size: calc(min(1em, 10vw) * 1.3);
/* Give room for word after rotating board */
#messageArea {
margin-bottom: 3rem;
/* Fix rotate button */
a.rightButton {
margin-top: -1rem;
margin-right: 1.5rem;
#board {
position: relative;
.letters {
position: initial;
#game {
overflow: visible;