Overall dark theme for Tweakers.net
Forked from Tweakers Dark by evoltion
Tweakers Dark v2 (by Jooch) by jooch
LicenseCC BY-SA
Size36 kB
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Designed for desktop use, usability = top priority.
V2.1 - Fixed some more borders
V2.5 - Massive update, mainly tables. Forums now work and overall much more consistent look.
V2.7 - Update to latest site design, many small fixes.
V3.0 - Very big update, first alpha version! Almost the entire site is now restyled and bug free.
V3.05 - A few small bug fixes and changes to improve readability.
V3.2 - Lots of small bug fixes, added a few hacks.
V3.3 - Update for new frontpage
Responsive design currently not tested much
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Tweakers Dark v2 (by Jooch)
@namespace USO Archive
@author Jooch
@description `Overall dark theme for Tweakers.net Forked from Tweakers Dark by evoltion`
@version 3.22
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
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img.error, .bar.warnin...