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[OBSOLETE] Tumblr : Center Dashboard by lensdeer

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Screenshot of [OBSOLETE] Tumblr : Center Dashboard



LicenseOQL (



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[OBSOLETE] Center Tumblr's Dashboard, remove sidebar bloat and move chat to the left


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         [OBSOLETE] Tumblr : Center Dashboard
@version      1.8
@description  [OBSOLETE] Center Tumblr's Dashboard, remove sidebar bloat and move chat to the left
@author       lensdeer
@license      OQL (

@preprocessor stylus

@var checkbox hide-recs 'Remove blog recommendations' 1
@var checkbox hide-radar 'Remove Radar' 1
@var checkbox hide-ads 'Remove Sidebar Ads' 1
@var checkbox hide-nav 'Remove About/Apps/Legal/Privacy links' 1
@var checkbox center-dash 'Center dashboard' 1
@var checkbox left-chat 'Move chat to the left (REQUIRES CENTERED DASH / ONLY ON WIDE SCREENS)' 1
@var checkbox unbubble-notes 'Remove note count bubble' 1
@var checkbox unround-editor 'Unround post editor buttons' 1
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
	/* Hide Blog Recommendations */
		if hide-recs {
			.FZkjV:nth-child(1) {
				display:	none;

	/* Hide Radar */
		if hide-radar {
			.FZkjV:nth-child(2) {
				display:	none;

	/* Hide Sidebar Ads */
		if hide-ads {
			.ohi9S {
				display:	none;

	/* Hide Navigation Links */
		if hide-nav {
			aside footer {
				display:	none !important;

	/* Center Dashboard */
		if center-dash {
			.T5uZR {
				margin:		auto;
			.gPQR5 {
				width:		max-content;
			.e1knl {
				position:	fixed; /* There might be a better option for this. TODO: find a more elegant solution */
				right:		2.5vw;
			.lSyOz {
				width:		500px; /* Hopefully fixes a small bug. TODO: find a more cleaner solution */
	/* Move chat to the left */
		if center-dash {
			if chat-left {
				.cwvO0 { /* chat container */
					left: 2vw;
					right: unset;
					display: grid;
					grid-row-gap: 2%;

				.j17Mp { /* open chat */
					position: unset;

				.Gdf0h { /* bubbles container */
					display: grid;
					grid-template-columns: max-content max-content max-content max-content max-content;
					grid-column-gap: 50%;
					grid-row-gap: 25%;

				.aiKUG { /* individual bubbles */
					position: unset;
		/* TODO:
		 *  - Animation when switching between chat
		 *  - Make it not break for >10 bubbles (+ 1 open chat)

	/* Unbubble note count */
		if unbubble-notes {
			.vE6sH {
				border:		none;
				padding:	0;
			.rlv6m .ePsyd {
				border-radius:	5px;

	/* Unround post editor buttons */
		if unround-editor {
			.dzJuF .xXvvU .Zemfu {
				border-radius:	5px;


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