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Duolingo Dark Consistent by treebit



LicensePublic Domain




Size124 kB


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Dark mode for Duolingo website completely consistent with the mobile app dark version. With highlight color customization and other settings.


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name         Duolingo Dark Consistent
@version      20230324.12.08
@namespace    treebit
@author       treebit (Discord: Ilia#0333)
@description  Dark mode for Duolingo website completely consistent with the mobile app dark version. With highlight color customization and other settings.
@license      Public Domain
@preprocessor less
@var color highlight-color "Highlight color" #49c0f8
@var checkbox ads "Ads" 0
@var checkbox scrollbars "Scrollbars" 0
@var checkbox leaderboards "Leaderboards" 1
@var checkbox characters "Characters" 1
@var number font-size "Font size" [19, 7, 72, 'px']
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain(""), domain(""), domain("") {

/* Github folder with additional images */
@github: "";

/* Duolingo folder that has some dark theme assets */
@kudos: "";

._2bIJV {
  background-color: var(--bg-dark);
  border-color: var(--border);
._2R0Ah:hover {
  filter: brightness(1.2)
.oiAw- {
  color: var(--text-dim)
._22J27 {
  color: var(--text-gray);
._2VU44 {
  background-color: var(--color-combo-10-orange);
  color: var(--bg-dark);

/* Speech bubble text */
.FQpeZ {
  font-size: @font-size;
/* Speech bubble tips */
._2Gskp {
  font-size: @font-size - 2;
/* Word bank word text */
._6Nozy {
  --web-ui_button-font-size: @font-size;
/* Overflown word bank */
[data-test="word-bank"] ._2XgEJ {
  font-size: @font-size - 2;
/* Word card text */
._3pn9e {
  font-size: @font-size;
/* Pronunciation text */
._47IB1 {
  font-size: @font-size - 5;
/* Broken words */
._2CJgg {
  font-size: @font-size !important;
/* Options */
._2-OmZ {
  font-size: @font-size;
/* Diacritic letters */
._1OCDB button {
  font-size: @font-size - 4;
/* Stories */
._6Gll5 {
  font-size: @font-size;
._27o_2 { /* Select missing options */
  font-size: @font-size;
._31R5G { /* Tips */
  font-size: @font-size;
._1Q3F0 { /* Is it true? */
  font-size: @font-size;

/* Custom variables */
:root {
  /* Basic colors */
  --color-text-blue: @highlight-color; /* --color-macaw-always-dark */
  --color-border-blue: rgb(red(@highlight-color)-10, green(@highlight-color)-59, blue(@highlight-color)-81); /* #3f85a7 */
  --color-shadow-blue: rgb(red(@highlight-color)-49, green(@highlight-color)-39, blue(@highlight-color)-34); /* #1899d6 */
  --color-background-dark: #131f22;
  --color-background-hover: #172529;
  --color-background-light: #202f36; /* --color-polar-always-dark */
  --color-text-white: #f1f7fb; /* --color-eel-always-dark */
  --color-text-white-info: #dce6ec;
  --color-text-gray: #52656d;
  --color-shadow-gray: #37464f; /* --color-swan-always-dark */
  --color-correct-green: #79b933;
  --color-button-green: #93d333; /* --color-owl-always-dark */
  --color-border-green: #5f8428;
  --color-background-green: #203224;
  --color-wrong-red: #d84848;
  --color-button-red: #ee5555;
  --color-border-pink: #f5a4a4;
  /* Additional colors */
  --color-junior-blue: #49c0f8;
  --color-text-white-unit: #fffffd;
  --color-text-gray-hint: #a8a8a8;
  --color-text-gray-placeholder: #90979b;
  --color-stat-box-blue: #1cb0f6;
  --color-stat-box-green: #58cc02;
  --color-unanswered-yellow: #e7a601;
  --color-button-yellow: #ffc800;
  --color-shine-yellow: #ffe700;
  --color-combo-5-glare-yellow: #ffd333;
  --color-combo-10-orange: #ffab33;
  --color-combo-10-glare-orange: #ffbc5c;
  --color-background-orange: #2a2d24;
  --color-perfect-week-orange: #655a16;
  --color-perfect-week-shine: #89652a;
  --color-shadow-legendary: #5f57b4;
  --color-progress-bar-text-gray: #9ba3a7;
  --color-progress-bar-text-orange: #d89634;
  --color-underline-hover-gray: #5b7482;
  --color-character-orange: #cd7900;
  /* Background */
  --bg-dark: var(--color-background-dark);
  --bg-hover: var(--color-background-hover);
  --bg-light: var(--color-background-light);
  /* Borders and separators */
  --border: var(--color-shadow-gray);
  /* Text */
  --text: var(--color-text-white);
  --text-dim: var(--color-text-white-info);
  --text-gray: var(--color-text-gray);
  /* Highlights */
  --highlight: var(--color-text-blue);
  --hl-border: var(--color-border-blue);
  --hl-shadow: var(--color-shadow-blue);
  /* Green */
  --green: var(--color-correct-green);
  --light-green: var(--color-button-green);
  --border-green: var(--color-border-green);
  --bg-green: var(--color-background-green);
  /* Red */
  --red: var(--color-wrong-red);
  --light-red: var(--color-button-red);
  --border-red: var(--color-border-pink);

  /* Filters for changing SVG icons */
  /* Generated using this tool: */
  --filter-background-dark: brightness(0) saturate(1) invert(.08) sepia(.39) saturate(4.84) hue-rotate(144deg) brightness(1.01) contrast(.94);
  --filter-text-gray: brightness(0) saturate(1) invert(.38) sepia(.08) saturate(10.41) hue-rotate(153deg) brightness(.94) contrast(.87);
  --filter-background-light: brightness(0) saturate(1) invert(.13) sepia(.43) saturate(4.21) hue-rotate(154deg) brightness(.92) contrast(.89);
  --filter-correct-green: brightness(0) saturate(1) invert(.72) sepia(.18) saturate(15.17) hue-rotate(45deg) brightness(.88) contrast(.86);
  --filter-unanswered-yellow: brightness(0) saturate(1) invert(.63) sepia(.34) saturate(17.48) hue-rotate(7deg) brightness(.99) contrast(.99);
  --filter-wrong-red: brightness(0) saturate(1) invert(.45) sepia(.66) saturate(6.63) hue-rotate(314deg) brightness(.82) contrast(1.08); /* IMPROVE */
  --filter-blue: brightness(0) saturate(1) invert(.53) sepia(.84) saturate(15.62) hue-rotate(168deg) brightness(1) contrast(.93);
  --filter-text-blue: brightness(0) saturate(1) invert(.6) sepia(.97) saturate(4.9) hue-rotate(169deg) brightness(.99) contrast(.97);
  --filter-text-white-unit: brightness(0) saturate(1) invert(.89) sepia(.03) saturate(12.26) hue-rotate(334deg) brightness(1.11) contrast(1.08);
  --filter-shadow-gray: brightness(0) saturate(1) invert(.25) sepia(.12) saturate(8.06) hue-rotate(159deg) brightness(.95) contrast(.94);
  --filter-text: brightness(0) saturate(1) invert(1) sepia(.82) saturate(5.92) hue-rotate(176deg) brightness(1.02) contrast(.97);


   |  GENERAL ELEMENTS                                                                                                                                                  |
    These are elements that are used everywhere throughout the website.

/* == Page ===== */
body {
  background-color: var(--bg-dark);
  color: var(--text);

/* == Tags ===== */
h2, h4 {
  color: var(--text);

hr {
  border-color: var(--border);

a {
  color: var(--highlight);

/* == Hiding scrollbars ===== */
/* | This affects the whole page, language dropdown and more. */
* when (@scrollbars = 0) {
  /* Edge, IE, Firefox */
  -ms-overflow-style: none;
  scrollbar-width: none;
  /* Chrome, Safari, Opera */
  &::-webkit-scrollbar {
    display: none;

/* == Links ===== */
._34v50 {
  color: var(--web-ui_button-color, var(--highlight));

/* == Buttons ===== */
._1O290 {
  --web-ui_button-color: var(--text);
._2NolF {
  color: var(--web-ui_button-color, var(--bg-dark));
._2NolF:before {
  background-color: var(--web-ui_button-background-color, var(--highlight));
  box-shadow: 0 var(--__internal__lip-width) 0 var(--web-ui_button-border-color, var(--hl-shadow));
.WOZnx {
  --__internal__border-color: var(--web-ui_button-border-color, var(--border));
  color: var(--web-ui_button-color, var(--text-gray));
.WOZnx:before {
  background-color: var(--web-ui_button-background-color, var(--bg-dark));
@media (hover: hover) {
  .WOZnx:hover:not(:disabled):not(.LhRk3):not(._1V-dy):not(.iew1c) {
    filter: brightness(1.2);

/* == Text box ===== */
._1QDX9 {
  background-color: var(--bg-light);
  border-color: var(--border);
._2ti2i {
  background-color: var(--bg-light);
  border-color: var(--border);
  color: var(--text);
  caret-color: var(--highlight);
::placeholder {
  color: var(--color-text-gray-placeholder);

/* == Popups ===== */
/* Body, connector */
._1KUxv, ._3p5e9 {
  background-color: var(--bg-dark);
  border-color: var(--border);
/* Separator in main page sidebar */
._3LIgy {
  border-color: var(--border);

/* == Progress bars ===== */
/* Lesson progress, achievements, daily goals */
._2YmyD {
  background-color: var(--web-ui_progress-bar-background, var(--border));
/* Progress bar colors */
/* Second selector only applies to the stories */
/* Third selector only applies to the new user survey */
._2nDUm, ._3pjII, ._1PPqZ {
  /* Changing the local values of the variables. */
  --color-owl: 121, 185, 51; /* 0-5 in a row */
  --color-bee: 255, 200, 0; /* 6-10 in a row */
  --color-fox: 255, 171, 51; /* 11 or more in a row */
.KAjTN {
  background: var(--web-ui_progress-bar-color);
  opacity: 1;
  filter: hue-rotate(-3deg) saturate(1.04) brightness(1.14);

/* Loading dots animation (main domain, forums) */
._1uYPT ._2Amjo,
._1GNtl ._3FISW {
  background-color: var(--border);

/* Show more arrow */
._2jNpf {
  filter: var(--filter-text-gray)

/* Disabled buttons */
._2HRY_ {
  --web-ui_button-background-color-disabled: var(--bg-dark);
  --web-ui_button-border-color-disabled: var(--border);
  --web-ui_button-color-disabled: var(--border);

   |  M...


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