A kind-of janky little CSS style to force adventuring's map and input buttons next to each other. Requires a screen width of at least 1200pixels. It isn't perfect - some text gets cut off weirdly and whatnot - but it makes adventuring faster IMO.
Compressed Adventuring by spiira
LicenseNo License
Size3.0 kB
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This style increases the size of Pixel Cat's End's content area to 1200 pixels wide to accommodate the extra width placing the adventuring map and buttons side-by-side needs. I don't know how it looks on smaller screens except probably "bad". This only applies to the adventuring page.
There are some other small changes and small bugs I'm not good enough at CSS to alter. The Initiative column stretches the page a bit. You're free to fix this yourself but I make no promises.
You are free to alter this style yourself however you please.
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Compressed Adventuring
@version 20240407.17.27
@namespace https://userstyles.world/user/spiira
@description A kind-of janky little CSS style to force adventuring's map and input buttons next to each other. Requires a screen width of at least 1200pixels. It isn't perfect - some text gets cut off weirdly and whatnot - but it makes adventuring faster IMO.
@author spiira
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.pixelcatsend.com/adventuring") {
#sitecontent {max-width:1200px; background-color:transparent;}
.formlike-content-area {max-width:100%; display:flex; flex-wrap:nowrap;}
.backflips-ur-display {flex:1; flex-direction:initial;}
.horizontalflex {flex:1; flex-direction:initial;}
.battle-toptype {flex:1; max-width:30%;}
#group-one-b, #group-two, #group-one, .toptype-title, #prompt-box {max-width:90%;}
#action-menu {flex-wrap:wrap;}
#action-menu div:nth-child(2) {flex-wrap:wrap;}
.adv-fourth-button {width:120px; min-width:20px; border:none; background-color:#554e4e;}
#prompt-box, #group-two {order:3}
.battle-sidebar {max-width:180px;}
form {display:flex;}
.adv-twothird-button, .adv-third-button {height:auto;}
.adv-centerbar {width:800px;}
.challenge-intro-top {max-height:fit-content;}
#gear-checkbox {height:30px; overflow:hidden;}
#audio-box {margin-bottom:30px;}
#general-transition form {display:block;}
.formlike-content-area:nth-of-type(3) {overflow:auto}
#action-menu > .horizontalflex.justify {flex-wrap:wrap}
.adv-cyoa-button-smallbit {width: 150px;}
.adventure-bottom-bar {border-radius:30px;}
.fiveacross-noflex .horizontal-flex .comment-avatar .catjail {width:0px; height:0px;}
.adventurer-infobar .fiveacross-noflex .horizontal-flex .comment-avatar .catjail {width:100px; height:100px;}
.adventure-bottom-bar {height:300px; overflow-y:auto; overflow-x:hidden;}
#monsterstat-box {float:left; margin-bottom:50px; width:25%;}
#catstat-box {float:right; margin-bottom:50px; margin-top:-20px; margin-left:5%; width:70%;}
#contentarea {min-height:1110px;}
.special-effects-box {background-color: #282828; padding:10px; border-radius:30px;}
.roll-bar-capsule {flex-wrap:wrap;}
.roll-bar-capsule:after {content: '------------------------------------------------';}
.challenge-intro-top > .roll-bar-capsule:after {content: ' '!important;}
#prompt-box ~ div > div, #group-two ~ div > div, .formlike-content-area > form > div, form > div > div {display:flex}
.formlike-content-area > form > div > div {order:3}
.formlike-content-area > form > div > .horizontalflex {order:2}
.battle-toptype {order:3!important; height:450px; margin:20px; overflow:auto; min-width:260px; padding:20px}
.horizontalflex > .battle-sidebar {display:block!important}
#huntprint, #huntprintc, #group-two, #choose-target-box, .hunt-text, .selector-group {display:block}
button:focus {border:2px solid pink}
.battle-icon-img {background-color:#7f77c0}
.adv-centerbar {max-height:550px; overflow:auto}