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MTV8_Angelic_GoldNav by angelic



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0 0 1-15 2.11l-2.25.14c-12.49.75-19.37 1.78-32.72 5.74-4.5 1.33-9.27 2.49-14.3 3.48a246.27 246.27 0 0 1-32.6 3.97c-7.56.45-13.21.57-20.24.57-5.4 0-11.9 1.61-18 5.18-8.3 4.87-15.06 12.87-19.53 24.5a68.57 68.57 0 0 1-4.56 9.8c-3.6 6.2-6.92 8.99-13.38 12.18l-4.03 1.96a64.48 64.48 0 0 0-15.16 10.25c-8.2 7.33-13.72 16.63-22.54 35.6l-2.08 4.49c-7.3 15.7-11.5 23.3-17.35 29.87-7.7 8.66-20.25 14.42-40.31 20.08-4.37 1.23-19.04 5.08-19.24 5.13-6.92 1.87-11.68 3.34-15.63 4.92-10.55 4.22-18.71 10.52-36.38 26.52l-1.7 1.54c-8.58 7.76-13.41 11.9-18.81 15.88-3.95 2.9-8 5.67-12.97 8.91-2.06 1.34-10.3 6.6-12.33 7.94-11.52 7.5-18.53 13.04-24.62 20.08a62.01 62.01 0 0 0-6.44 8.85c-4.13 6.91-6.27 13.15-9.2 25.11l-1.54 6.26c-.6 2.45-1.15 4.54-1.72 6.58-2.97 10.7-6.9 17.36-14.78 26.91L69.6 491a148.51 148.51 0 0 0-4.19 5.3 23.9 23.9 0 0 0-3.44 6.28c-1.16 3.23-1.52 5.9-1.87 11.94-.58 10.05-1.42 15.04-4.63 22.67-1.57 3.72-5.66 14.02-6.41 15.8a73.46 73.46 0 0 1-3.57 7.4c-2.88 5.14-6.71 10.12-13.12 16.95-5.96 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0 0 32.47-3.96c5-.98 9.75-2.13 14.22-3.45 13.43-3.98 20.38-5.02 32.94-5.78l2.24-.14c5.76-.37 9.8-.9 14.85-2.09 5.31-1.25 10.79-1.35 22.6-.7 9.04.5 12.84.58 17.21.1 5.71-.62 9.94-2.26 12.95-5.26 6.44-6.45 15.3-20.37 24.35-36.72zm0 450.21c-1.28-4.6-2.2-10.55-3.33-20.25l-.24-2.04-.23-2.03c-1.82-15.7-3.07-21.98-5.55-24.47-2.46-2.46-3.04-5.03-2.52-8.64.1-.6.18-1.1....


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