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Gmail True Dark Mode by aalvarado

Mirrored from

Screenshot of Gmail True Dark Mode



LicenseMIT / BSD



Size4.7 kB


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True dark mode builds on top of Gmails dark mode but for the rest of the elements


  • Moved the style to github for improving collaboration
  • Initial release

Known bugs

  • Dropdown on user emails is still white

Leave a review and bugs can be raised in Github for better tracking

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Gmail True Dark Mode
@version        1.0.2
@description    True dark mode builds on top of Gmails dark mode but for the rest of the elements
@author         @aalvarado
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
    .HM .ahe::before {
        border: 0px !important;
    /* compose button */
    [role="navigation"] [role="button"] 
        background-color: #333 !important;
        box-shadow: none !important;
        border: 1px solid #222 !important;
        color: #ddd !important;
    /* dropdowns */
    .bAp.b8.UC .vh,
    .nH .Hy .m,
    form[role="search"] table,
    form[role="search"] div,
    form[role="search"] td
        background-color: #1c1c1c !important;
    .aoU, .az4,
    .nH .Hy .m,
    form[role="search"] table,
    form[role="search"] div,
    form[role="search"] td
        color: #ddd !important;
    .ZF-z6, .ZF-zT, .ZF-Av .lJ, .ZF-Av .lN,

    .la-k .la-m,
    .HM .ahe::after,
    .aDg > .aDj,
    .aoP .Ar,
    .aDg > .aDj,
    .aDg > .aDj,
    .HM .ahe::before,
    .agh, .bbV,
        background-color: #222 !important;
    .HM .I5 {
        border: 1px solid #444 !important;
    [aria-label="Search mail"],
    .amn > .ams,
    .az9 .aDp,
    .IG .Iy .az9 {
        color: #999 !important;
        color: #666 !important;
    /* text */
    .bs1 + .bs3, .btj + .aD,
    .ado b,
    .hx .gD,
    .hx .hb,
    .ha > .hP,
    .gt div,
    .gt p,
    .gt h1,
    .gt h2,
    .gt h3,
    .gt h4,
    .gt h5,
    .gt h6,
    .gt figcaption,
    .gt td,
    .gt span,
    .gt font,
    .agd .J-M-JJ input /* input for dropdown */
        color: #ddd !important;

    .agd .J-M-JJ input, /* input for dropdown */
    .la-i div,
    [role="navigation"] [role="button"],
    .gt figcaption
        background-color: #1c1c1c !important;
        border-radius: 4px;
    form[role="search"] tr:hover td,
    form[role="search"] tr:hover td div,
    .gt div:not(.aYy):not([role="button"]):not([role="menu"]):not([role="menuitemcheckbox"]):not([role="menuitem"]),
    .gt td,
    .gt span,
    .gt table,
    .gt h1,
    .gt h2,
    .gt h3,
    .gt h4,
    .gt h5,
    .gt h6,
    .gt table tbody tr td,
    .gt a,
    .gt p,
    .gt ul,
    .gt li,
    .gt center,
    [bgcolor] *,
    .gstt tbody tr td table tbody tr:hover,
    form[role="search"] div .gstt tbody tr:hover
        background-color: transparent !important;
    .adp, .h9, .adI, .aHn
        background-color: #1c1c1c !important;
    .afC {
        box-shadow: 0 1px 3px 0 rgba(0, 0, 0, .3),0 4px 8px 3px rgba(0, 0, 0, .15);
    .hG.T-I-atl:focus {
        border-color: #000 !important;
    /* message links */
    .msgb input,
    .adI .B9, .h8,
    .gt a {
        color: #8bc4ff !important;
    /* toolbar */
    [role="menuitemcheckbox"] > div > div,
    [role="listbox"] .J-Z-M-I-J6-H > .J-Z-M-I-JG,
    div.ajR .ajT,
    .btC .dv,
    .btC .aaA.a1, .btC .J-N-JX.a1,
    .btC .aaA.e5, .aaZ .J-N-JX.e5,
    .btC .aaA.QT, .btC .J-N-JX.QT,
    .btC .aaA.aA7, .aaZ .J-N-JX.aA7,
    .btC .aaA.buc, .btC .J-N-JX.buc,
    .btC .aaA.BP, .aaZ .J-N-JX.BP,
    .btC .aaA.a5, .btC .aaA.a2X, .aaZ .J-N-JX.a5, .aaZ .J-N-JX.a2X,
    [role="toolbar"] [role="button"]:not(.H2):not(.Ol)
        filter: invert(1) !important;
    tr.aRp:hover {
        background-color: #333 !important;

    form[role="search"] .gssb_m tr:hover,
    .agJ:hover {
        background-color: #141313 !important;
    .J-J5-Ji.btA [role="button"] {
        background-color: #111 !important;
    /* spam button and notice */
    .bzx, .bzr:hover {
        background-color: #222;
        color: #cccccd;


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