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npm dark mode by pruge

Screenshot of npm dark mode



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dark mode


Userstyle doesn't have notes.

Source code

/* ==UserStyle==
@name         npm dark mode
@version      20241016.02.36
@description  dark mode
@author       pruge
@license      No License
==/UserStyle== */

@-moz-document domain("") {
html, body, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .markdown p, .markdown li, .markdown h1, .markdown h2, .markdown h3, .markdown h4, .markdown h5, .markdown h6, div {
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    color: #ccc;
i, italic, strong, em, table {
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.markdown blockquote {
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    color: #ccc;
    border-left-color: #666;
.markdown blockquote p, code {
    background-color: #222;
    color: #ccc;
article blockquote {
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    color: transparent;
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header {
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header .bg-white, header .bg-white span, header .bg-white nav ul li a, header div.b--black-10 {
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header form#search * {
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header form#search svg {
    filter: invert(0)!important;
header form#search button {
    background-color: #222!important;

main, footer, table th, table td {
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.pl-smi, .pl-s .pl-s1 {
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main a.button.button-reset {
    background-color: #111!important;

.bg-black-05 {
    background-color: #222!important;

.black, .b--black-10, .black-80, .black-90 {
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.black-50, .black-60 {
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    color: #777!important;
section a {
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section a h3 {
    color: #ccc!important;

code[title="Copy Command to Clipboard"] span {
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    color: #eee!important;

svg {
    filter: invert(1);

div.b--black-10 {
    border-color: #151515!important;

h2 +, h2 + + span +, .black-70 { /* Skip the middle one */
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h2 svg {
    filter: invert(0);

[data-promotion-id] div, [data-promotion-id] a {
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/* START: code */

code, pre, pre div {
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pre {
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pre.editor .type.class {
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pre.editor .comment.js {
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pre.editor .string.js {
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pre.editor .keyword.operator {
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pre.editor .type.js {
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pre.editor .keyword.control {
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pre.editor .type.function {
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pre.editor .source.json span.string.quoted.double.json span {
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.pl-s, .pl-pds, .pl-s .pl-pse .pl-s1, .pl-sr, .pl-sr .pl-cce, .pl-sr .pl-sre, .pl-sr .pl-sra {
    color: #aaa;
.pl-c1 {
  color: #3B82F6;
/* END code */

/* START: Unreliable styles */
._39bb688c {
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    color: #ccc;
._26391339 a {
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    color: #ccc;
    border-color: #333
} {
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._622b8f03 div {
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._7eb68a55, ._43a531d3  {
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li.efc7b1c8 a, .cd2827bb a, ._1b8c0a9f {
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li.efc7b1c8 a svg {
    filter: invert(0);

form#search .e6f92c42.fixed, body footer #footer {
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form#search ul.list li * {
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form#search ul.list li._7855648d, form#search ul.list li._7855648d * {
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ul.cfb2a888 li a svg {
    filter: invert(0);

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._94b965b0, .cd2827bb {
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/* END: Unreliable styles */

body footer.mt4 {
    margin-top: 0;

body section a {
    color: #BB2E3E !important;

article p, article ul li {
  color: #6a737d !important;


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