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PitchBlack - Apple Music Edition by sprince0031

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Inspired by the legendary PitchBlack Substratum theme for Android, this is a PitchBlack theme for Apple Music. In true PitchBlack fashion, you get to pick the accent color of your choice! A list of all PitchBlack accents and background variants is available below along with their hexcodes. Do note that you can pick any color you want from the color picker but these are the official colors. Enjoy!
BONUS: Apple TV+ has been themed in the latest update! (v0.6)

Checkout my original PitchBlack theme for YouTube here:

Buy Me a Coffee at


                                            Accent colors:            |            Background colors:                 
                        DarkRed - #D3002A                             |            PitchBlack - #000000
                        NetflixRed - #DE1400                          |            DarkGrey - #151515
                        CandyRed - #FF1744                            |            MatteBlack - #131318
                        PaleRed - #BA2A3D                             |            Andromeda - #18191C
                        Ocean - #38AEED                               |            MaterialDark - #29262B
                        PixelBlue - #5E97F6                           |            Neptune - #181F3D
                        DarkGrey - #878787                            |            Neptune-Dark - #0C071D
                        Lime - #B2CC22                                |            Neptune-Purple - #28243A
                        Spotify - #23CF5F                             |            Hybrid - #424242
                        Yellow - #EF9F00                              |            Night - #20212A
                        Fuchsia - #C2184F                             |
                        Sky - #22B2CC                                 |            Special Chocolate Theme:
                        Aurora - #9A478D                              |  
                        PaleBlue - #A1B6ED                            |            DarkChocolate (accent color) - # 6D4C41,       
                        Emerald - #009688                             |            BitterSweet (background color) - #110B09
                        Indigo - #3F51B5                              |
                        Orange - #EF6C00                              | 
                        Watermelon - #F05361                          |
                        LightGreen - #A0D600                          |
                        Mint - #36E2B2                                |            NOTE:
                        Green - #8BC34A                               |                 Choose one accent color from
                        DarkOrange - #FF3A25                          |                 the left and one background
                        GlueBlue - #31E8F8                            |                 color from the right to get a theme.
                        DreamPink - #ED9EC4                           |
                        UltraViolet - #7960B2                         |
                        Cyan - #0097A7                                |
                        DarkBlue - #008DF5                            |
                        Purple - #6A4DFF                              |
                        Gold - #DAA520                                |
                        Amber - #FF8F00                               |
                        NeonPink - #E20074                            |
                        Sunrise - #AD2C3D                             |
                        NightBlue - #48659B                           |


You can find the changelogs for this theme here


For issues in the theme, kindly let me know by creating a new issue in GitHub or email me at I'll do my best to fix them as soon as I can.

Source code

Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link.
/* ==UserStyle==
@name           PitchBlack - Apple Music Edition
@namespace      USO Archive
@author         sprince0031
@description    `Inspired by the legendary PitchBlack Substratum theme for Android, this is a PitchBlack theme for Apple Music. In true PitchBlack fashion, you get to pick the accent color of your choice! A list of all PitchBlack accents and background variants are available below along with their hexcodes. Do note that you can pick any color you want from the color picker but these are the official colors. Enjoy!If you liked this theme, checkout my PitchBlack theme for YouTube here:`
@version        20240420.0.6.2
@license        NO-REDISTRIBUTION
@preprocessor   uso
@advanced color accent "Accent" #23cf5f
@advanced color bg "Background" #000000
@advanced color tpac "Transparency Effects (Accent)" #23cf5f66
@advanced color tpbg "Transparency Effects (Background)" #00000099

==/UserStyle== */
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        /* Need to find a way to replace the image with a css icon.
        background-color: var(--keyColor); */
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    /* Playlist Thumbnails */
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        color: var(--keyColor);
    /* Explicit badge*/ 
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        fill: var(--explicitFillOverride,var(--keyColor)) !important;
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    /* Artists library page */
    .virtual-row .is-selected {
        color: var(--pageBG) !important;
    /* Songs library page */
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        color: var(--pageBG) !important;
    .library-track.selected .action-menu .more-button--non-platter {
        --iconEllipsisFill: var(--pageBG) !important;
    /* Common library page rules*/
    .virtual-row {
        border-radius: 10px;
    /* Profile Page */


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