A complete overhaul for Paradox Wikis, designed especially for Stellaris.
Paradox Wikis | Sceptrum 2024 by sceptrum

LicenseNo License
Size70 kB
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It works with every game on the wikis but it's optimized for Stellaris, and can have minor/major flaws with the rest.
Europa Universalis IV has its own colors, which are somewhat closer to the game's initial design. It also needs a serious rework, hopefully I will find some time to deliver it.
Otherwise, it's really close to what I'd like it to be. A lot of work went into this. I hope, you are gonna enjoy it!
Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name Paradox Wikis | Sceptrum 2023
@namespace sceptrum
@version 1.5.0
description An aesthetic, dark design for Paradox Wikis.
@author Sceptrum
@preprocessor uso
==/UserStyle== */
1.5.0 - remove title lines, improve margins in articles, update metadata img, fix login position, small fixes in edit source, fix issues when logged in, update image viewer, update recent changes page, reduce space above main banner
1.4.4 - fix mainpage, fix tables
1.4.3 - update header tabs, fix tables
1.4.2 - fix header in subpages
1.4.1 - update games dropwdown button, update tables, fix exp content
1.4.0 - add source edit page, fix footer
1.3.6 - fix mainpage
1.3.5 - EU4: update header, update sidebar fonts color, remove after lines
Stellaris: update header, fix table italics, fix Empire math img, fix images, update main page
1.3.3 - fix exp content, add toccolours
1.3.2 - fix exp content, set dropwdown columns to 3, fix visited links
1.3.1 - update nav & sidebar fonts, fix banner, update cookies, fix exp content
1.3.0 - update Stellaris & EU4, countless fixes
1.2.9 - Edit bar styling in process for Stellaris. Unfinished!
fixed contents box, update eu4 header and news lines
1.2.8 - fix EU4 main page eu4box-inline & media query, edit buttons recolored
1.2.7 - reference wrap fixed, add tabbernav, fix main pages of other games
1.2.6 - few hotfixes
1.2.5 - ton of fixes & updates
1.2.2 - several fixes & refactoring
1.2.0 - EU4 initial, complete mainpages, fixes
1.1.6 - update mainpage, image & add login & fixes
1.1.3 - add scroll & update logo, sidebar, mainpage
1.1.0 - update tables & fixes & some refactoring
1.0.7 - update mainpage & header
1.0.5 - add searchpage & fixes
1.0.3 - hotfix
1.0.2 - several fixes
1.0.0 - initial release
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