Bring back the Bird logo
- blue check marks near usernames
- Trending Now
- Twitter Blue ads
- Who to follow
- Link list in the footer
LicenseNo License
Size3.9 kB
Learn how we calculate statistics in the FAQ.
Failed to fetch stats.
Bring back the Bird logo
/* ==UserStyle==
@name no blue checks and "for you" things
@version 2024.10.28
@description Removes
- Blue check marks near usernames
- Twitter Blue sidebar item
- For You / Following tab selector
- Trending Now suggestion box
- Who to Follow suggestion box
- Link list in the footer
@author tymofij
@license No License
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain(""), domain("") {
/* blue icons */
svg[aria-label="Verified account"] {
display: none!important;
/* left sidebar */
a[href="/i/grok"] {
display: none!important;
/* right sidebar */
div[aria-label="Timeline: Trending now"],
aside[aria-label="Who to follow"],
aside[aria-label="Subscribe to Premium"],
aside[aria-label="Expiring soon!"],
aside[aria-label="Offer extended!"],
aside[aria-label="Ending today!"],
aside[aria-label="Get Verified"],
aside[aria-label="Boost your replies with Premium"]
display: none!important;
/* no in-feed ads - breaks videos :(
div[data-testid="placementTracking"] {
display: none!important;
/* no Grok icon on each tweet */
button[aria-label="Grok actions"] {display: none;}
/* no footer linklist */
nav[aria-label="Footer"][role="navigation"] {
display: none!important
/* no doge or X logo */
h1[role="heading"] > a[href="/home"][role="link"] > div > svg {
display: none!important;
h1[role="heading"] > a[href="/home"][role="link"] > div {
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3C%3Fxml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'%3F%3E%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 248 204' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath fill='%231d9bf0' d='M 146.987 83.375 C 147.055 84.382 147.055 85.386 147.055 86.401 C 147.055 117.309 123.527 152.954 80.502 152.954 L 80.502 152.936 C 67.793 152.954 55.346 149.313 44.648 142.449 C 46.496 142.672 48.353 142.783 50.216 142.787 C 60.747 142.797 70.979 139.262 79.266 132.755 C 69.257 132.565 60.48 126.039 57.413 116.511 C 60.919 117.189 64.532 117.049 67.974 116.108 C 57.06 113.904 49.21 104.316 49.21 93.181 L 49.21 92.885 C 52.462 94.695 56.102 95.701 59.826 95.813 C 49.548 88.943 46.381 75.271 52.586 64.581 C 64.462 79.194 81.984 88.077 100.794 89.018 C 98.909 80.894 101.485 72.38 107.561 66.669 C 116.983 57.814 131.799 58.267 140.654 67.684 C 145.892 66.651 150.913 64.728 155.508 62.006 C 153.762 67.42 150.108 72.019 145.226 74.942 C 149.862 74.394 154.391 73.155 158.658 71.259 C 155.519 75.965 151.562 80.064 146.987 83.375 Z' style=''/%3E%3C/svg%3E");
background-size: cover;
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
h1[role="heading"] > a[href="/home"][role="link"] > div {
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3C%3Fxml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'%3F%3E%3Csvg viewBox='0 0 248 204' xmlns=''%3E%3Cpath fill='%23e7e9ea' d='M 146.987 83.375 C 147.055 84.382 147.055 85.386 147.055 86.401 C 147.055 117.309 123.527 152.954 80.502 152.954 L 80.502 152.936 C 67.793 152.954 55.346 149.313 44.648 142.449 C 46.496 142.672 48.353 142.783 50.216 142.787 C 60.747 142.797 70.979 139.262 79.266 132.755 C 69.257 132.565 60.48 126.039 57.413 116.511 C 60.919 117.189 64.532 117.049 67.974 116.108 C 57.06 113.904 49.21 104.316 49.21 93.181 L 49.21 92.885 C 52.462 94.695 56.102 95.701 59.826 95.813 C 49.548 88.943 46.381 75.271 52.586 64.581 C 64.462 79.194 81.984 88.077 100.794 89.018 C 98.909 80.894 101.485 72.38 107.561 66.669 C 116.983 57.814 131.799 58.267 140.654 67.684 C 145.892 66.651 150.913 64.728 155.508 62.006 C 153.762 67.42 150.108 72.019 145.226 74.942 C 149.862 74.394 154.391 73.155 158.658 71.259 C 155.519 75.965 151.562 80.064 146.987 83.375 Z' style=''/%3E%3C/svg%3E");