The «Outlook Lady» reminds me of Megan's "Interesting".
So I made this to remind me – but with less steps.
... And I suppose it could be tweaked to be more sensible.
Interesting Outlook by ninto
Imported and mirrored from

Size2.9 kB
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1.1.0 + Added customisation # This didn't need to happen. 1.0.1 + Fixed scope # Encountered Megan in the wild. 1.0.0 + Initial release # I had my reasons.
Source code
/* ==UserStyle==
@name Interesting Outlook
@namespace USO Archive
@author ninto
@description `The <a href=""><mark>«Outlook Lady»</mark></a> reminds me of <a href=""><mark><em>Megan's "Interesting"</em></mark></a>.<br><br>So I made this to remind me – but with less steps.<br><br><br><br><br><sub>... And I suppose it could be tweaked to be more sensible.</sub>`
@version 1.1.1
@license GPL
@preprocessor uso
@advanced text 1-tagline-n1 "Tagline #1:" "Nice."
@advanced text 2-tagline-n2 "Tagline #2:" "Awesome."
@advanced text 3-tagline-n3 "Tagline #3:" "Interesting."
@advanced dropdown 4-title-options "Enable custom title?" {
1-title-custom "Yes*" <<<EOT h1.product-name span {
text-indent: -9999px;
display: block;
h1.product-name span:before {
content: "/*[[5-title-text]]*\/";
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 9999px;
} EOT;
2-title-default "No" <<<EOT EOT;
@advanced text 5-title-text "Custom title:" ""
@advanced text 6-background-image "Background image:" ""
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document url( {
*** ***
*** Derma Temeculitis: ***
*** ***
*** A rare skin affliction which causes the ***
*** hands and feet to turn a sickly ***
*** greenish color. ***
*** ***
*** The only known cure requires an usually painful ***
*** series of injections by needle into the affected ***
*** areas. There are some rumored home remedies, ***
*** but they are highly unpleasant and may not be ***
*** effective in curing Derma Temeculitis. ***
*** ***
header.masthead {
background-image: url("/*[[6-background-image]]*/") !important;
p.tagline span {
text-indent: -9999px;
display: block;
p.tagline span:nth-child(1):before {
content: "/*[[1-tagline-n1]]*/";
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 9999px;
p.tagline span:nth-child(2):before {
content: "/*[[2-tagline-n2]]*/";
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 9999px;
p.tagline span:nth-child(3):before {
content: "/*[[3-tagline-n3]]*/";
position: absolute;
top: 0;
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