A darkened discord theme with rounded chat and sidebars. https://github.com/refact0r/midnight-discord/
Midnight Discord by refact0r by bitfl0wer

LicenseNo License
Size16 kB
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Source code
Source code has over 10K characters, so we truncated it. You can inspect the full source code on install link./* ==UserStyle==
@name 3/28/2023, 8:38:51 PM
@namespace https://github.com/refact0r/midnight-discord/
@version 1.4.0
@description A dark, rounded discord theme.
@author refact0r
==/UserStyle== */
@-moz-document domain("discord.com") {
:root {
/* link color */
--link-color: hsl(190, 70%, 60%);
/* main accent color (mentions, folder icons, unread indicators) */
--accent-color: hsl(190, 60%, 50%);
/* darker accent color (background of any accent items with text) */
--accent-background: hsl(190, 60%, 40%);
/* even darker accent color (background of accent buttons when hover) */
--accent-background-2: hsl(190, 60%, 30%);
/* even darker accent color (background of accent buttons when clicked) */
--accent-background-3: hsl(190, 60%, 20%);
/* background of mention text and messages that mention you */
--mention-modifier: hsla(190, 60%, 50%, 0.1);
/* background of messages that mention you on hover */
--mention-hover-modifier: hsla(190, 60%, 50%, 0.05);
/* bright text for colored buttons */
--bright-text: hsl(220, 40%, 90%);
/* header text for headers and certain text */
--header-text: hsl(220, 30%, 70%);
/* main text color (messages, titles, unread text/indicators) */
--primary-text: hsl(220, 15%, 60%);
/* secondary text color (channels, descriptions, buttons) */
--secondary-text: hsl(220, 15%, 40%);
/* muted text color (input box placeholders, muted channels, message times) */
--muted-text: hsl(220, 15%, 24%);
/* background of muted colored buttons on hover */
--muted-background-hover: hsl(220, 15%, 20%);
/* background of muted colored buttons on click */
--muted-background-active: hsl(220, 15%, 16%);
/* background of pretty much everything not using primary background */
/* lighter variant is used for the side of embeds and borders */
--secondary-background: hsl(220, 15%, 13%);
/* main chat/channel list/member list background */
--primary-background: hsl(220, 15%, 10%);
/* overlay background on stuff when hovered over */
--hover-modifier: hsl(230, 20%, 40%, 0.1);
/* overlay background on stuff when clicked or selected */
--active-modifier: hsl(220, 20%, 40%, 0.2);
/* overlay background on messages when hovered over */
--message-hover-modifier: hsl(220, 0%, 0%, 0.1);
/* radius of round corners */
--roundness: 16px;
.theme-light {
--primary-130: var(--header-text);
--primary-230: var(--primary-text);
--primary-330: var(--secondary-text);
--primary-360: var(--secondary-text);
--primary-400: var(--secondary-text);
--primary-430: var(--muted-text);
--primary-500: var(--muted-text);
--primary-530: var(--muted-text);
--primary-560: var(--secondary-background);
--primary-600: var(--primary-background);
--primary-645: var(--primary-background);
--primary-630: var(--primary-background);
--primary-660: var(--primary-background);
--primary-700: var(--secondary-background);
--primary-730: var(--secondary-background);
--primary-800: var(--secondary-background);
--white-500: var(--bright-text);
--blue-345: var(--link-color);
--brand-260: var(--accent-color);
--brand-360: var(--accent-color);
--brand-500: var(--accent-background);
--brand-560: var(--accent-background-2);
--brand-600: var(--accent-background-3);
--brand-experiment-15a: var(--mention-modifier);
--background-modifier-hover: var(--hover-modifier);
--background-modifier-active: var(--active-modifier);
--background-modifier-selected: var(--active-modifier);
--background-modifier-accent: var(--active-modifier);
--background-message-hover: var(--message-hover-modifier);
--background-mentioned: var(--mention-modifier);
--background-mentioned-hover: var(--mention-hover-modifier);
--mention-background: var(--mention-modifier);
--button-secondary-background-hover: var(--muted-background-hover);
--button-secondary-background-active: var(--muted-background-active);
--modal-footer-background: var(--primary-background);
--search-popout-option-fade: none;
--search-popout-option-fade-hover: none;
/* fix colors */
.mentioned-Tre-dv:before/* mention message left edge */
.container-1QtPKm.default-colors:checked/* settings checkbuttons */
background-color: var(--accent-background) !important;
.expandedFolderIconWrapper-3RwQpD svg/* folder icons */
.strikethrough-2Kl6HF/* mute button strikethrough */
color: var(--accent-color) !important;
.divider-2rZFJK/* unread dividers */
--divider-color: var(--accent-color);
.divider-AZrXIA/* forum post dividers */
background: none;
.iconBadge-3Mmg92/* dm button */
background-color: var(--accent-color) !important;
.mainCard-3KBsBI/* forum search bar and posts */
.container-3i3IzO/* threads */
/* regular embeds like GitHub links */
/* file embeds - txts, etc */
/* file embeds - txts, etc */
/* file embed footers - txts, etc */
/* file embeds - txts, etc */
/* download button on embeds */
/* embed card */
.markup-eYLPri code,
/* codeblocks */
/* vencord plugins card */
/* channels and roles role section background */
/* channels and roles channel background */
/* channels and roles profile card */
.reaction-3vwAF2/* reactions */
background-color: var(--secondary-background) !important;
.theme-dark .container-2IKOsH,
/* channels and roles container */
.theme-dark .header-3xB4vB,
/* channels and roles header */
/* search results number box */
/* emoji selector server list */
.optionButtonWrapper-2lbogO.selected-KQBgNS {
/* selected role */
background-color: var(--primary-background);
/* fix create a server modal which is LIGHT THEME FOR SOME REASON */
.root-1CAIjD {
background-color: var(--primary-background);
.defaultColor-1GKx81 {
color: var(--header-text);
.container-x8Y1ix {
background-color: var(--primary-background);
.closeButton-2ygCkj:hover {
color: var(--primary-text);
.header-1c1AhF .subtitle-3m-md1 {
color: var(--secondary-text) !important;
.closeButton-2ygCkj {
color: var(--secondary-text);
/* make emoji selector same color */
.emojiButtonNormal-35P0_i .sprite-2lxwfc {
filter: grayscale(100%) brightness(40%) sepia(0.9) hue-rotate(180deg) !important;
/* remove big chat background and add back smaller */
.chat-2ZfjoI {
background: none !important;
.chatContent-3KubbW {
background-color: var(--primary-background) !important;
/* remove chat header background */
.title-31SJ6t {
background: none !important;
/* add header backgrounds */
.membersWrap-3NUR2t::before/* member list */
.chatContent-3KubbW::before/* main chat */
.searchResultsWrap-5RVOkx::before/* search results */
.profilePanel-2PWEok::before/* dm profile */
.container-3wLKDe::before/* forum channel */
content: '';
position: absolute;
margin-top: -48px;
background-color: var(--primary-background);
width: 100%;
height: 48px;
border-radius: var(--roundness) var(--roundness) 0 0;
.searchResultsWrap-5RVOkx/* show header on search results */
overflow: visible;
/* add rounded corners */
.container-2cd8Mz/* homepage */
.content-1SgpWY .sidebar-1tnWFu/* server list back */
.callContainer-HtHELf/* vc */
.container-3XgAHv/* vc chat */
.chat-2ZfjoI/* channels and roles */
.pageWrapper-2PwDoS/* discover page */
.root-1CAIjD/* create a server */
border-radius: var(--roundness) !important;
overflow: hidden;
.chatContent-3KubbW/* main chat */
.container-2o3qEW/* members list back */
.members-3WRCEx/* members list */
.container-3wLKDe/* forum channel */
.userPanelInnerThemed-2xZFjl/* dm profile */
.searchResultsWrap-5RVOkx/* search results */
border-radius: 0 0 var(--roundness) var(--roundness);
/* rearrange toolbar */
.iconWrapper-2awDjA[aria-label='Help'] {
display: none;
.iconWrapper-2awDjA[aria-label*='Member List'] {
order: 1;
.search-39IXmY {
order: 1;
margin-left: 34px;
.searchBar-jGtisZ {
width: 208px !important;
padding: 0px 2px;
.searchResultsWrap-5RVOkx {
width: 476px;
.iconWrapper-2awDjA[aria-label='Hide User Profile'] {
margin-left: 34px;
.profilePanel-2PWEok {
width: 340px;
/* add margins */
.base-2jDfDU/* outside edges */
padding: 0px 10px 10px 0;
.container-2cd8Mz/* fr...